require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' #Reports any calls to +validates_format_of+ which do not use +\A+ and +\z+ #as anchors in the given regular expression. # #For example: # # #Allows anything after new line # validates_format_of :user_name, :with => /^\w+$/ class Brakeman::CheckValidationRegex < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Report uses of validates_format_of with improper anchors" WITH =, :with) FORMAT =, :format) def run_check active_record_models.each do |name, model| @current_model = name format_validations = model.options[:validates_format_of] if format_validations format_validations.each do |v| process_validates_format_of v end end validates = model.options[:validates] if validates validates.each do |v| process_validates v end end end end #Check validates_format_of def process_validates_format_of validator if value = hash_access(validator.last, WITH) check_regex value, validator end end #Check validates ..., :format => ... def process_validates validator hash_arg = validator.last return unless hash? hash_arg value = hash_access(hash_arg, FORMAT) if hash? value value = hash_access(value, WITH) end if value check_regex value, validator end end #Issue warning if the regular expression does not use #+\A+ and +\z+ def check_regex value, validator return unless regexp? value regex = value.value.inspect unless regex =~ /\A\/\\A.*\\(z|Z)\/(m|i|x|n|e|u|s|o)*\z/ warn :model => @current_model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :warning_code => :validation_regex, :message => "Insufficient validation for '#{get_name validator}' using #{regex}. Use \\A and \\z as anchors", :line => value.line, :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high] end end #Get the name of the attribute being validated. def get_name validator name = validator[1] if sexp? name name.value else name end end end