############################################################## # Phusion Passenger Standalone uses a template file to # generate an Nginx configuration file. The original template # file can be found by running the following command: # # ls $(passenger-config about resourcesdir)/templates/standalone/config.erb # # You can create a copy of this template file and customize it # to your liking. Just make sure you tell Phusion Passenger Standalone # to use your template file by passing the --nginx-config-template # parameter. # # *** NOTE *** # If you customize the template file, make sure you keep an eye # on the original template file and merge any changes. # New Phusion Passenger features may require changes to the template # file. ############################################################## master_process on; worker_processes 1; daemon on; error_log '<%= @options[:log_file] %>' <% if debugging? %>info<% end %>; pid '<%= @options[:pid_file] %>'; <% if Process.euid == 0 %> <% if @options[:user] %> <%# Run workers as the given user. The master process will always run as root and will be able to bind to any port. %> user <%= @options[:user] %> <%= default_group_for(@options[:user]) %>; <% else %> <%# Prevent running Nginx workers as nobody. %> user <%= current_user %> <%= default_group_for(current_user) %>; <% end %> <% end %> events { worker_connections 1024; } http { log_format debug '[$time_local] $msec "$request" $status conn=$connection sent=$bytes_sent body_sent=$body_bytes_sent'; include '<%= PhusionPassenger.resources_dir %>/mime.types'; passenger_ruby <%= PlatformInfo.ruby_command %>; passenger_root '<%= location_config_filename %>'; passenger_abort_on_startup_error on; passenger_ctl cleanup_pidfiles <%= serialize_strset("#{@temp_dir}/temp_dir_toucher.pid") %>; passenger_user_switching off; passenger_max_pool_size <%= @options[:max_pool_size] %>; passenger_min_instances <%= @options[:min_instances] %>; <% if @options[:user] %> passenger_user <%= @options[:user] %>; passenger_default_user <%= @options[:user] %>; passenger_analytics_log_user <%= @options[:user] %>; <% else %> passenger_user <%= current_user %>; passenger_default_user <%= current_user %>; passenger_analytics_log_user <%= current_user %>; <% end %> <% if debugging? %>passenger_log_level 2;<% end %> <% if @options[:temp_dir] %>passenger_temp_dir '<%= @options[:temp_dir] %>';<% end %> <% if @options[:rolling_restarts] %>passenger_rolling_restarts on;<% end %> <% if @options[:resist_deployment_errors] %>passenger_resist_deployment_errors on;<% end %> <% unless @options[:friendly_error_pages] %>passenger_friendly_error_pages off;<% end %> <% if @options[:union_station_gateway_address] %> union_station_gateway_address <%= @options[:union_station_gateway_address] %>; union_station_gateway_port <%= @options[:union_station_gateway_port] %>; union_station_gateway_cert -; <% end %> default_type application/octet-stream; types_hash_max_size 2048; server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; client_max_body_size 1024m; access_log off; keepalive_timeout 60; underscores_in_headers on; gzip on; gzip_comp_level 3; gzip_min_length 150; gzip_proxied any; gzip_types text/plain text/css text/json text/javascript \ application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json; <% if @apps.size > 1 %> # Default server entry. server { <% if @options[:ssl] %> <% if @options[:ssl_port] %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address %>; listen <%= nginx_listen_address_with_ssl_port %> ssl; <% else %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address %> ssl; <% end %> <% else %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address %>; <% end %> root '<%= PhusionPassenger.resources_dir %>/standalone_default_root'; } <% end %> <% if @options[:ping_port] %> server { listen <%= nginx_listen_address(@options, true) %>; root '<%= PhusionPassenger.resources_dir %>/standalone_default_root'; } <% end %> <% for app in @apps %> server { <% if app[:ssl] %> <% if app[:ssl_port] %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address(app) %>; listen <%= nginx_listen_address_with_ssl_port(app) %> ssl; <% else %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address(app) %> ssl; <% end %> <% else %> listen <%= nginx_listen_address(app) %>; <% end %> server_name <%= app[:server_names].join(' ') %>; <% if app[:static_files_dir] %> root '<%= app[:static_files_dir] %>'; <% else %> root '<%= app[:root] %>/public'; <% end %> passenger_app_root '<%= app[:root] %>'; passenger_enabled on; passenger_app_env <%= app[:environment] %>; passenger_spawn_method <%= app[:spawn_method] %>; <% if app[:app_type] %>passenger_app_type <%= app[:app_type] %>;<% end %> <% if app[:startup_file] %>passenger_startup_file <%= app[:startup_file] %>;<% end %> <% if app[:concurrency_model] != DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_MODEL %>passenger_concurrency_model <%= app[:concurrency_model] %>;<% end %> <% if app[:thread_count] != DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT %>passenger_thread_count <%= app[:thread_count] %>;<% end %> <% if app[:min_instances] %>passenger_min_instances <%= app[:min_instances] %>;<% end %> <% if app[:restart_dir] %>passenger_restart_dir '<%= app[:restart_dir] %>';<% end %> <% if app[:union_station_key] %> union_station_support on; union_station_key <%= app[:union_station_key] %>; <% end %> <% if app[:ssl] %> ssl_certificate <%= app[:ssl_certificate] %>; ssl_certificate_key <%= app[:ssl_certificate_key] %>; <% end %> # Rails asset pipeline support. location ~ ^/assets/ { error_page 490 = @static_asset; error_page 491 = @dynamic_request; recursive_error_pages on; if (-f $request_filename) { return 490; } if (!-f $request_filename) { return 491; } } location @static_asset { gzip_static on; expires max; add_header Cache-Control public; add_header ETag ""; } location @dynamic_request { passenger_enabled on; } } passenger_pre_start http://<%= nginx_listen_address(app) %>; <% end %> }