require 'optparse' require 'pathname' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' class Pathname; alias / +; end class Options def initialize(argv) @command = nil @open_browser = false @port = nil @dry_run = false @ruremadir = Pathname("~/.rurema").expand_path @rubyver = RUBY_VERSION @optionparser ={|o| o.on("--init", "initialize rurema"){ @command = :init } o.on("--update", "update documents and database"){ @command = :update } o.on("--server", "start web server"){ @command = :server } o.on("--preview", "render a reference as HTML"){ @command = :preview } o.on("----"){} o.on("--port=N", "port number of the web browser (only meaningful with --server)"){|n| @port = n.to_i } o.on("--browser", "open web browser (only meaningful with --server or --preview)"){ @open_browser = true } o.on("--dry-run", "show commands only"){ @dry_run = true } o.on("--ruremadir=PATH", "specify rurema directory (default: #{@ruremadir})"){|path| @ruremadir = Pathname(path) } o.on("--rubyver=STR", "specify Ruby version (default: #{@rubyver})"){|str| @rubyver = str } o.on("-----"){} o.on("--version", "show version of myrurema"){ puts MyRurema::VERSION exit } o.on("--help", "show this message"){ puts o exit } } @rest_args = @optionparser.parse(argv) end attr_accessor :dry_run, :ruremadir, :rubyver, :open_browser attr_accessor :command, :port, :rest_args def ruremadir=(dir) @ruremadir = Pathname(dir) end def usage puts @optionparser end end class MyRurema VERSION ="../VERSION").expand_path) SVN_URL = "" def initialize( @opt = opt end def run if @opt.command send(@opt.command) else query, num = *@opt.rest_args case when query && num search_num(query, num.to_i, @opt.rubyver) when query search(query, @opt.rubyver) else @opt.usage end end end def init sh "svn co -rHEAD #{SVN_URL}/doctree/trunk #{doctree_path}" sh "svn co -rHEAD #{SVN_URL}/bitclust/trunk #{bitclust_path}" init_db(@opt.rubyver) end def update sh "svn up #{doctree_path}" refresh_db(@opt.rubyver) end def search(query, ver) should_have_db(ver) sh "#{bitclust_path/'bin/refe.rb'}" + " #{Shellwords.escape query} -d #{db_path(ver)}", :silent => true end def search_num(query, num, ver) should_have_db(ver) result = `#{bitclust_path/'bin/refe.rb'} #{query} -d #{db_path(ver)}` word = result.split[num-1] if word word.gsub!(/\.#/, ".") # avoid multi-hit for a module function puts "searching #{word}" search(word, ver) else error "less than #{num} entries found" end end def server port = @opt.port || default_port(@opt.rubyver) th ={ sh "#{bitclust_path/'standalone.rb'}" + " --baseurl=http://localhost:#{port}" + " --port=#{port}" + " --database=#{db_path(@opt.rubyver)}" + " --debug" } if @opt.open_browser sleep 1 # wait for the server to start cmd = (/mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? "start" : "open" sh "#{cmd} http://localhost:#{port}/view/" end th.join end TMP_FILE = Pathname(Dir.tmpdir)/'rurema_preview.html' def preview file, target = *@opt.rest_args if file error "file not found: #{file}" unless File.exist?(file) result = sh "#{bitclust_path/'tools/bc-tohtml.rb'}" + " #{file}" + (target ? " --target=#{target}" : "") + " --ruby=#{@opt.rubyver}" + " > #{TMP_FILE}" if result && @opt.open_browser cmd = (/mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? "start" : "open" sh "#{cmd} #{TMP_FILE}" end else sh "cd #{doctree_path/'refm/api/src'}" end end private def default_port(ver) "10" + ver.scan(/\d/).join end def init_db(ver) sh "#{bitclust_path/'bin/bitclust.rb'}" + " -d #{db_path(ver)} init version=#{ver} encoding=euc-jp" refresh_db(ver) end def refresh_db(ver) puts "Updating Rurema database:" puts "This will take a few minutes. Please be patient." sh "#{bitclust_path/'bin/bitclust.rb'}" + " -d #{db_path(ver)}" + " update --stdlibtree=#{doctree_path/'refm/api/src'}" end def bitclust_path @opt.ruremadir / "bitclust" end def doctree_path @opt.ruremadir / "doctree" end def should_have_db(ver) unless has_db?(ver) puts "You don't have a database for ruby #{ver}." puts "Make it now? [y/n]" if $stdin.gets.chomp.downcase == "y" init_db(ver) else exit end end end def has_db?(ver) db_path(ver).directory? end def db_path(ver) @opt.ruremadir / "db" / ver end def sh(cmd, opt={}) puts cmd unless opt[:silent] system cmd unless @opt.dry_run end def error(msg) $stderr.puts msg exit end end