# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: spree: admin: tab: promotions: Promotions promotion_categories: Promotion Categories legacy_promotions: Legacy Promotions legacy_promotion_categories: Legacy Promotion Categories hints: solidus_friendly_promotions/promotion: expires_at: This determines when the promotion expires.
If no value is specified, the promotion will never expire. promo_code_will_be_disabled: Selecting this option, promo codes will be disabled for this promotion because all its conditions / benefits will be applied automatically to all orders. starts_at: This determines when the promotion can be applied to orders.
If no value is specified, the promotion will be immediately available. solidus_friendly_promotions: hints: solidus_friendly_promotions/benefit: conditions: This is used to determine if the benefit should be applied. type: This is the type of benefit that will be applied. calculator: This is used to determine the promotional discount to be applied to an order, an item, or shipping charges. benefits: Benefits adjustment_labels: line_item: "%{promotion} (%{promotion_customer_label})" shipment: "%{promotion} (%{promotion_customer_label})" shipping_rate: "%{promotion} (%{promotion_customer_label})" adjustment_type: Adjustment type add_benefit: Add Benefit add_condition: Add Condition order_conditions: Order Conditions line_item_conditions: Line Item Conditions shipment_conditions: Shipment Conditions line_item_benefits: Line Item Benefits shipment_benefits: Shipment Benefits order_benefits: Order Benefits invalid_benefit: Invalid promotion benefit. invalid_condition: Invalid promotion condition. create_promotion_code: Create promotion code current_promotion_usage: 'Current Usage: %{count}' discount_conditions: Promotion Conditions download_promotion_codes_list: Download codes list new_promotion: New Promotion new_promotion_category: New Promotion Category new_promotion_code_batch: New Promotion Code Batch number_of_codes: "%{count} codes" legacy_promotions: Legacy Promotions no_conditions_added: No Conditions Added promotion_successfully_created: Promotion has been successfully created! promotion_total_changed_before_complete: One or more of the promotions on your order have become ineligible and were removed. Please check the new order amounts and try again. promotion_code_batches: finished: Finished errored: Errored view_promotion_codes_list: View codes list conditions: line_item_product: match_policies: include: Line item's product is one of the chosen products exclude: Line item's product is not one of the chosen products line_item_taxon: match_policies: include: Line item's product has one of the chosen taxons exclude: Line item's product does not have one of the chosen taxons item_total_condition: operators: gt: greater than gte: greater than or equal to user_condition: choose_users: Choose Users user_role_condition: choose_roles: Choose Roles label: User must contain %{select} of these roles match_all: all match_any: at least one coupon_code: Coupon code eligibility_results: coupon_code_applied: The coupon code was successfully applied to your order. coupon_code_removed: The coupon code was successfully removed from this order. eligibility_errors: coupon_code_already_applied: The coupon code has already been applied to this order coupon_code_expired: The coupon code is expired coupon_code_max_usage: Coupon code usage limit exceeded coupon_code_not_eligible: This coupon code is not eligible for this order coupon_code_not_found: The coupon code you entered doesn't exist. Please try again. coupon_code_not_present: The coupon code you are trying to remove is not present on this order. coupon_code_unknown_error: This coupon code could not be applied to the cart at this time. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_order: not_first_order: This coupon code can only be applied to your first order. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_repeat_purchase_since: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/item_total: item_total_doesnt_match_with_operator: This coupon code can't be applied to orders %{operator} %{amount}. item_total_less_than: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than %{amount}. item_total_less_than_or_equal: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than or equal to %{amount}. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/discounted_item_total: item_total_doesnt_match_with_operator: This coupon code can't be applied to orders %{operator} %{amount}. item_total_less_than: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than %{amount}. item_total_less_than_or_equal: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than or equal to %{amount}. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/landing_page: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/nth_order: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/one_use_per_user: no_user_specified: You need to login before applying this coupon code. limit_once_per_user: This coupon code can only be used once per user. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/option_value: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_option_value: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/product: has_excluded_product: Your cart contains a product that prevents this coupon code from being applied. missing_product: This coupon code can't be applied because you don't have all of the necessary products in your cart. no_applicable_products: You need to add an applicable product before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_product: has_excluded_product: Your cart contains a product that prevents this coupon code from being applied. missing_product: This coupon code can't be applied because you don't have all of the necessary products in your cart. no_applicable_products: You need to add an applicable product before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/taxon: has_excluded_taxon: Your cart contains a product from an excluded category that prevents this coupon code from being applied. missing_taxon: You need to add a product from all applicable categories before applying this coupon code. no_matching_taxons: You need to add a product from an applicable category before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_taxon: has_excluded_taxon: Your cart contains a product from an excluded category that prevents this coupon code from being applied. missing_taxon: You need to add a product from all applicable categories before applying this coupon code. no_matching_taxons: You need to add a product from an applicable category before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user: no_user_specified: You need to login before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_logged_in: no_user_specified: You need to login before applying this coupon code. solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_role: solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/minimum_quantity: quantity_less_than_minimum: one: "You need to add a least 1 applicable item to your order." other: "You need to add a least %{count} applicable items to your order." product_condition: choose_products: Choose products label: Order must contain %{select} these products match_all: all of match_any: at least one of match_none: none of match_only: only product_source: group: From product group manual: Manually choose taxon_condition: choose_taxons: Choose taxons label: Order must contain %{select} of these taxons match_all: all match_any: at least one match_none: none line_item_option_value_condition: add_product: Add product option_value_condition: add_product: Add product crud: add: Add destroy: Delete update: Update admin: promotions: benefits: calculator_label: Calculated by activations_edit: auto: All orders will attempt to use this promotion multiple_codes_html: This promotion uses %{count} promotion codes single_code_html: 'This promotion uses the promotion code: %{code}' activations_new: auto: Apply to all orders multiple_codes: Multiple promotion codes single_code: Single promotion code form: activation: Activation expires_at_placeholder: Never general: General starts_at_placeholder: Immediately codes_present: This promotion has promotion codes defined. You cannot select the apply automatically option. edit: order_conditions: Order Conditions calculator: add_tier: Add tier promotion_status: active: Active expired: Expired inactive: Inactive not_started: Not started promotion_code_batch_mailer: promotion_code_batch_errored: message: 'Promotion code batch errored (%{error}) for promotion: ' subject: Promotion code batch errored promotion_code_batch_finished: message: 'All %{number_of_codes} codes have been created for promotion: ' subject: Promotion code batch finished activerecord: models: solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/adjust_shipment: Discount matching shipments solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/adjust_line_item: Discount matching line items solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/create_discounted_item: Create discounted line item solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/adjust_line_item_quantity_groups: Discount matching line items based on quantity groups solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/distributed_amount: Distributed Amount solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/percent: Percent solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/flat_rate: Flat Rate solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/flexi_rate: Flexible Rate solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_flat_rate: Tiered Flat Rate solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_percent: Tiered Percent solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_percent_on_eligible_item_quantity: Tiered Percent based on eligible item quantity solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_order: First Order solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_repeat_purchase_since: First Repeat Purchase Since solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/item_total: Item Total solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/discounted_item_total: Item Total after previous lanes solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/landing_page: Landing Page solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/minimum_quantity: Minimum Quantity solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/nth_order: Nth Order solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/one_use_per_user: One Use Per User solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/option_value: Option Value(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_option_value: Line Item Option Value(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/product: Order Product(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_product: Line Item Product(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/taxon: Order Taxon(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_taxon: Line Item Taxon(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user: User solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_logged_in: User Logged In solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_role: User Role(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/promotion_code_batch: one: Code batch other: Code batches attributes: solidus_friendly_promotions/promotion: active: Active customer_label: Customer-facing label usage: Usage lanes: pre: Pre default: Default post: Post solidus_friendly_promotions/benefit: type: Benefit Type solidus_friendly_promotions/condition: type: Condition Type solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/adjust_line_item: description: Creates a promotion credit on matching line items solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/adjust_shipment: description: Creates a promotion credit on matching shipments solidus_friendly_promotions/benefits/create_discounted_item: description: Creates a discounted item with the quantity the applicable line items. preferred_quantity: Quantity per applicable line item quantity preferred_necessary_quantity: Number of items needed for a discounted item solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_order: description: Must be the customer's first order solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/first_repeat_purchase_since: description: Available only to users who have not purchased in a while preferred_days_ago: Last purchase was at least this many days ago solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/item_total: description: Order total must be greater than or equal to the specified amount preferred_operator: Operator preferred_amount: Amount solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/landing_page: description: Customer must have visited the specified page solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/nth_order: description: Apply a promotion to the nth order a user has completed. form_text: 'Apply this promotion on the users Nth order: ' solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/one_use_per_user: description: Only one use per user solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/option_value: description: Order includes specified product(s) with matching option value(s) preferred_line_item_applicable: Should also apply to line items solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_option_value: description: Line Item has specified product with matching option value solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/minimum_quantity: description: Order contains minimum quantity of applicable items solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/product: description: Order includes specified product(s) line_item_level_description: 'Line item matches the specified products:' preferred_line_item_applicable: Should also apply to line items solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_product: description: Line item matches specified product(s) preferred_match_policy: Match Policy solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/store: description: Available only to the specified stores solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/taxon: description: Order includes products with specified taxon(s) preferred_line_item_applicable: Should also apply to line items solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/line_item_taxon: description: Line Item has product with specified taxon(s) preferred_match_policy: Match Policy solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user: description: Available only to the specified users solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_logged_in: description: Available only to logged in users solidus_friendly_promotions/conditions/user_role: description: Order includes User with specified Role(s) solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_flat_rate: description: Flat Rate in tiers based on item amount preferred_base_amount: Base Amount tiers: Tiers solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_percent: description: Tiered percentage based on order's item total preferred_base_percent: Base Percent tiers: Tiers order_item_total: Order Item Total percent: Percent solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/tiered_percent_on_eligible_item_quantity: description: Tiered percentage based on eligible item quantity preferred_base_percent: Base Percent tiers: Tiers order_item_total: Order Item Total discount: Discount solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/flat_rate: description: Provides a flat rate discount solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/flexi_rate: description: Calculates a discount for the first item and (separately) any additional items, with a maximum number of items that can be specified. preferred_first_item: Discount for the first item preferred_additional_item: Discount for additional items preferred_max_items: Maximum number of items preferred_currency: Currency solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/percent: description: Provides a discount calculated by percent of the discountable amount of the item being discounted solidus_friendly_promotions/calculators/distributed_amount: description: Distributes the configured amount among all eligible line items of the order. explanation: |

This amount will be distributed to line items weighted relative to their price. More expensive line items will receive a greater share of the adjustment.

For example, with three line items and a preferred amount of $15 we would end up with the following distribution:

Price Weighted Adj.
Socks $5 -$1.5
Shoes $30 -$9
Slippers $15 -$4.5
preferred_amount: Amount errors: models: solidus_friendly_promotions/benefit: attributes: base: cannot_destroy_if_order_completed: Benefit has been applied to complete orders. It cannot be destroyed. solidus_friendly_promotions/condition: attributes: benefit: already_contains_condition_type: already contains this condition type type: invalid_condition_type: is not a valid condition type solidus_friendly_promotions/promotion_code: attributes: base: disallowed_with_apply_automatically: Could not create promotion code on promotion that apply automatically spree/line_item: attributes: quantity: cannot_be_changed_for_automated_items: cannot be changed on a line item managed by a promotion benefit solidus_friendly_promotions/promotion: attributes: apply_automatically: disallowed_with_path: cannot be set to true when path is present disallowed_with_promotion_codes: cannot be set to true when promotion code is present