# encoding: utf-8 require 'rack/webconsole/repl' require 'rack/webconsole/asset_helpers' require 'rack/webconsole/assets' require 'rack/webconsole/railtie' if defined?(Rails::Railtie) # Rack is a modular webserver interface written by Christian Neukirchen. # # Learn more at: https://github.com/rack/rack # module Rack # {Rack::Webconsole} is a Rack middleware that provides an interactive # console à la Rails console, but for any kind of Rack application (Rails, # Sinatra, Padrino...), accessible from your web application's front-end. # # For every request, it normally passes control to the {Assets} middleware, # which injects needed JavaScript, CSS and HTML code for the console to work # properly. # # It also exposes a special route used by the {Repl}, a Ruby evaluator which # is responsible of keeping state between requests, remembering local # variables and giving a true IRB-esque experience. # class Webconsole @@config = {:inject_jquery => false, :key_code => "[96]"} class << self # Returns whether the Asset injecter must inject JQuery or not. # # @return [Boolean] whether to inject JQuery or not. def inject_jquery @@config[:inject_jquery] end # Sets whether the Asset injecter must inject JQuery or not. # # @param [Boolean] value whether to inject JQuery or not. def inject_jquery=(value) @@config[:inject_jquery] = value end # Returns key code used to start web console. # # @return [String] key code used at keypress event to start web console. def key_code @@config[:key_code] end # Sets key code used to start web console. # # @param [String] value key code used at keypress event to start web console. def key_code=(value) value = [value] unless value.kind_of?(Array) value.map! {|v| v.to_i } value = MultiJson::encode(value) @@config[:key_code] = value end end # Honor the Rack contract by saving the passed Rack application in an ivar. # # @param [Rack::Application] app the previous Rack application in the # middleware chain. def initialize(app) @app = app end # Decides where to send the request. In case the path is `/webconsole` # (e.g. when calling the {Repl} endpoint), pass the request onto the # {Repl}. Otherwise, pass it onto the {Assets} middleware, which will # inject the needed assets for the Webconsole to work. # # @param [Hash] env a Rack request environment. def call(env) if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/webconsole' Repl.new(@app).call(env) else Assets.new(@app).call(env) end end end end