/* jquery Selectboxit - v0.9.0 - 2012-05-21
* http://www.gregfranko.com/jQuery.selectBoxIt.js/
* Copyright (c) 2012 Greg Franko; Licensed MIT */
// Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) [Ben Alman Blog Post](http://benalman.com/news/2010/11/immediately-invoked-function-expression/) that calls another IIFE that contains all of the plugin logic. I used this pattern so that anyone viewing this code would not have to scroll to the bottom of the page to view the local parameters that were passed to the main IIFE.
(function (selectBoxIt) {
//ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode: [John Resig Blog Post](http://ejohn.org/blog/ecmascript-5-strict-mode-json-and-more/)
"use strict";
// Calls the second IIFE and locally passes in the global jQuery, window, and document objects
selectBoxIt(jQuery, window, document);
// Locally passes in `jQuery`, the `window` object, the `document` object, and an `undefined` variable. The `jQuery`, `window` and `document` objects are passed in locally, to improve performance, since javascript first searches for a variable match within the local variables set before searching the global variables set. All of the global variables are also passed in locally to be minifier friendly. `undefined` can be passed in locally, because it is not a reserved word in JavaScript.
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
// ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode: [John Resig Blog Post](http://ejohn.org/blog/ecmascript-5-strict-mode-json-and-more/)
"use strict";
// Calling the jQueryUI Widget Factory Method
$.widget("selectBox.selectBoxIt", {
// Plugin version
version: "0.9.0",
// These options will be used as defaults
options: {
// **showEffect**: Accepts String: "none", "fadeIn", "show", "slideDown", or any of the jQueryUI show effects (i.e. "bounce")
showEffect: "none",
// **showEffectOptions**: Accepts an object literal. All of the available properties are based on the jqueryUI effect options
showEffectOptions: {},
// **showEffectSpeed**: Accepts Number (milliseconds) or String: "slow", "medium", or "fast"
showEffectSpeed: "medium",
// **hideEffect**: Accepts String: "none", "fadeOut", "hide", "slideUp", or any of the jQueryUI hide effects (i.e. "explode")
hideEffect: "none",
// **hideEffectOptions**: Accepts an object literal. All of the available properties are based on the jqueryUI effect options
hideEffectOptions: {},
// **hideEffectSpeed**: Accepts Number (milliseconds) or String: "slow", "medium", or "fast"
hideEffectSpeed: "medium",
// **showFirstOption**: Shows the first dropdown list option within the dropdown list options list
showFirstOption: true,
// **defaultText**: Overrides the text used by the dropdown list selected option to allow a user to specify custom text. Accepts a String.
defaultText: "",
// **defaultIcon**: Overrides the icon used by the dropdown list selected option to allow a user to specify a custom icon. Accepts a String (CSS class name(s)).
defaultIcon: "",
// **downArrowIcon**: Overrides the default down arrow used by the dropdown list to allow a user to specify a custom image. Accepts a String (CSS class name(s)).
downArrowIcon: ""
// _Create
// -------
// Sets the Plugin Instance variables and
// constructs the plugin. Only called once.
_create: function() {
// The original select box DOM element
this.originalElem = this.element[0];
// The original select box DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object
this.selectBox = this.element;
// All of the original select box options
this.selectItems = this.element.find("option");
// The first option in the original select box
this.firstSelectItem = this.element.find("option").slice(0, 1);
// The index of the currently selected dropdown list option
this.currentFocus = 0;
// Keeps track of which blur events will hide the dropdown list options
this.blur = true;
// The html document height
this.documentHeight = $(document).height();
// Array holding all of the original select box options text
this.textArray = [];
// Maintains search order in the `search` method
this.currentIndex = 0;
// Whether or not the dropdown list opens up or down (depending on how much room is on the page)
this.flipped = false;
// Creates the div elements that will become the dropdown
// Creates the ul element that will become the dropdown options list
// Hides the original select box and adds the new plugin DOM elements to the page
// Adds event handlers to the new dropdown list
if(this.originalElem.disabled && this.disable) {
// Disables the dropdown list if the original dropdown list had the `disabled` attribute
if(this._ariaAccessibility) {
// Adds ARIA accessibillity tags to the dropdown list
// Adds jQueryUI classes to the dropdown list if the jqueryUI option is set to true
// Focus the selectbox div, if the original select tag has autofocus attribute
if (this.selectBox.attr("autofocus")) {
// Triggers a custom `create` event on the original dropdown list
// _Create Div
// -----------
// Creates new div and span elements to replace
// the original select box with a dropdown list
_createDiv: function() {
// Creates a span element that contains the dropdown list text value
this.divText = $("", {
// Dynamically sets the span `id` attribute
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItText",
"class": "selectboxit-text",
// IE specific attribute to not allow the element to be selected
"unselectable": "on",
// Sets the span `text` to equal the original select box default value
"text": this.firstSelectItem.text()
// Sets the HTML5 data attribute on the divText `span` element
attr("data-val", this.originalElem.value);
// Creates a span element that contains the dropdown list text value
this.divImage = $("", {
// Dynamically sets the span `id` attribute
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItDefaultIcon",
"class": "selectboxit-default-icon",
// IE specific attribute to not allow the element to be selected
"unselectable": "on"
// Creates a div to act as the new dropdown list
this.div = $("
", {
// Dynamically sets the div `id` attribute
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxIt",
"class": "selectboxit" + (this.originalElem.className !== "" ? " " + this.originalElem.className : ""),
// Sets the div `name` attribute to be the same name as the original select box
"name": this.originalElem.name,
// Sets the div `tabindex` attribute to 0 to allow the div to be focusable
"tabindex": 0,
// IE specific attribute to not allow the element to be selected
"unselectable": "on"
// Appends the default text to the inner dropdown list div element
// Create the div container that will hold all of the dropdown list dom elements
this.divContainer = $("", {
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItContainer",
"class": "selectboxit-container"
// Appends the inner dropdown list div element to the dropdown list container div element
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Create Unordered List
// ----------------------
// Creates an unordered list element to hold the
// new dropdown list options that directly match
// the values of the original select box options
_createUnorderedList: function() {
// Storing the context of the widget
var self = this,
optgroupClass = "",
optgroupElement = "",
// Declaring the variable that will hold all of the dropdown list option elements
currentItem = "",
// Creates an unordered list element
createdList = $("", {
// Sets the unordered list `id` attribute
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItOptions",
"class": "selectboxit-options",
//Sets the unordered list `tabindex` attribute to -1 to prevent the unordered list from being focusable
"tabindex": -1
// Checks the `showFirstOption` plugin option to determine if the first dropdown list option should be shown in the options list.
if (!this.options.showFirstOption) {
// Excludes the first dropdown list option from the options list
this.selectItems = this.selectBox.find("option").slice(1);
// Loops through the original select box options list and copies the text of each
// into new list item elements of the new dropdown list
this.selectItems.each(function(index) {
dataDisabled = $(this).prop("disabled");
iconClass = $(this).data("icon") || "";
// If the current option being traversed is within an optgroup
if($(this).parent().is("optgroup")) {
optgroupClass = "selectboxit-optgroup-option";
if($(this).index() === 0) {
optgroupElement = '';
else {
optgroupElement = "";
// If the current option being traversed is not within an optgroup
else {
optgroupClass = "";
// Uses string concatenation instead of append for speed since the number of dropdown list options is unknown.
currentItem += optgroupElement + '' + $(this).text() + '';
// Stores all of the original select box options text inside of an array
// (Used later in the `searchAlgorithm` method)
self.textArray[index] = $(this).text();
// Checks the original select box option for the `selected` attribute
if (this.selected) {
//Replace the default text with the selected option
//Set the currently selected option
self.currentFocus = index;
// If the `defaultText` option is being used
if (self.options.defaultText) {
//Overrides the current dropdown default text with the value the user specifies in the `defaultText` option
// If the `defaultText` HTML5 data attribute is being used
if (self.selectBox.data("text")) {
// Overrides the current dropdown default text with the value from the HTML5 `defaultText` value
self.options.defaultText = self.selectBox.data("text");
// Append the list item to the unordered list
// Stores the dropdown list options list inside of the `list` instance variable
this.list = createdList;
// Append the dropdown list options list to the div container element
// Stores the individual dropdown list options inside of the `listItems` instance variable
this.listItems = this.list.find("li");
// Set the disabled CSS class for select box options
// If the first select box option is disabled, and the user has chosen to not show the first select box option
if (this.currentFocus === 0 && !this.options.showFirstOption && this.listItems.eq(0).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) {
//Sets the default value of the dropdown list to the first option that is not disabled
this.currentFocus = +this.listItems.not(".ui-state-disabled").first().attr("id");
this.divImage.addClass(this.selectBox.data("icon") || this.options.defaultIcon || this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).find("span").attr("class"));
//Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Replace Select Box
// -------------------
// Hides the original dropdown list and inserts
// the new DOM elements
_replaceSelectBox: function() {
// Hides the original select box
this.selectBox.css("display", "none").
// Adds the new dropdown list to the page directly after the hidden original select box element
// The height of the dropdown list
var height = this.div.height();
// The down arrow element of the dropdown list
this.downArrow = $("", {
// Dynamically sets the span `id` attribute of the dropdown list down arrow
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItArrow",
"class": "selectboxit-arrow",
// IE specific attribute to not allow the dropdown list text to be selected
"unselectable": "on"
// The down arrow container element of the dropdown list
this.downArrowContainer = $("", {
// Dynamically sets the span `id` attribute for the down arrow container element
"id": this.originalElem.id + "SelectBoxItArrowContainer",
"class": "selectboxit-arrow-container",
// IE specific attribute to not allow the dropdown list text to be selected
"unselectable": "on",
// The dynamic CSS of the down arrow container element
"style": "height:" + height + "px;"
// Inserts the down arrow element inside of the down arrow container element
// Appends the down arrow element to the dropdown list
"margin-top": height / 4
"margin-top": height / 4
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Scroll-To-View
// ---------------
// Updates the dropdown list scrollTop value
_scrollToView: function(type) {
// The current scroll positioning of the dropdown list options list
var listScrollTop = this.list.scrollTop(),
// The height of the currently selected dropdown list option
currentItemHeight = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).height(),
// The relative distance from the currently selected dropdown list option to the the top of the dropdown list options list
currentTopPosition = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).position().top,
// The height of the dropdown list option list
listHeight = this.list.height();
// Scrolling logic for a text search
if (type === "search") {
// Increases the dropdown list options `scrollTop` if a user is searching for an option
// below the currently selected option that is not visible
if (listHeight - currentTopPosition < currentItemHeight) {
// The selected option will be shown at the very bottom of the visible options list
this.list.scrollTop(listScrollTop + (currentTopPosition - (listHeight - currentItemHeight)));
// Decreases the dropdown list options `scrollTop` if a user is searching for an option above the currently selected option that is not visible
else if (currentTopPosition < -1) {
this.list.scrollTop(currentTopPosition - currentItemHeight);
// Scrolling logic for the `up` keyboard navigation
else if (type === "up") {
// Decreases the dropdown list option list `scrollTop` if a user is navigating to an element that is not visible
if (currentTopPosition < -1) {
this.list.scrollTop(listScrollTop - Math.abs(this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).position().top));
// Scrolling logic for the `down` keyboard navigation
else if (type === "down") {
// Increases the dropdown list options `scrollTop` if a user is navigating to an element that is not fully visible
if (listHeight - currentTopPosition < currentItemHeight) {
// Increases the dropdown list options `scrollTop` by the height of the current option item.
this.list.scrollTop((listScrollTop + (Math.abs(this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).position().top) - listHeight + currentItemHeight)));
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Callback
// ---------
// Call the function passed into the method
_callbackSupport: function(callback) {
// Checks to make sure the parameter passed in is a function
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
// Calls the method passed in as a parameter and sets the current `SelectBoxIt` object that is stored in the jQuery data method as the context(allows for `this` to reference the SelectBoxIt API Methods in the callback function. The `div` DOM element that acts as the new dropdown list is also passed as the only parameter to the callback
callback.call(this.element.data(this.widgetName), this.div);
// Open
// ----
// Opens the dropdown list options list
open: function(callback) {
if(!this.list.is(":visible")) {
var self = this;
// Triggers a custom "open" event on the original select box
if (this._dynamicPositioning) {
// Dynamically positions the dropdown list options list
// Determines what jQuery effect to use when opening the dropdown list options list
switch (this.options.showEffect) {
// Uses `no effect`
case "none":
// Does not require a callback function because this animation will complete before the call to `scrollToView`
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Uses the jQuery `show` special effect
case "show":
// Requires a callback function to determine when the `show` animation is complete
this.list.show(this.options.showEffectSpeed, function() {
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Uses the jQuery `slideDown` special effect
case "slideDown":
// Requires a callback function to determine when the `slideDown` animation is complete
this.list.slideDown(this.options.showEffectSpeed, function() {
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Uses the jQuery `fadeIn` special effect
case "fadeIn":
// Does not require a callback function because this animation will complete before the call to `scrollToView`
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// If none of the above options were passed, then a `jqueryUI show effect` is expected
// Allows for custom show effects via the [jQueryUI core effects](http://http://jqueryui.com/demos/show/)
this.list.show(this.options.showEffect, this.options.showEffectOptions, this.options.showEffectSpeed, function() {
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Provide callback function support
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// Close
// -----
// Closes the dropdown list options list
close: function(callback) {
if(this.list.is(":visible")) {
var self = this;
// Triggers a custom "close" event on the original select box
// Determines what jQuery effect to use when closing the dropdown list options list
switch (this.options.hideEffect) {
// Uses `no effect`
case "none":
// Does not require a callback function because this animation will complete before the call to `scrollToView`
// Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Uses the jQuery `hide` special effect
case "hide":
// Uses the jQuery `slideUp` special effect
case "slideUp":
// Uses the jQuery `fadeOut` special effect
case "fadeOut":
// If none of the above options were passed, then a `jqueryUI hide effect` is expected
// Allows for custom hide effects via the [jQueryUI core effects](http://http://jqueryui.com/demos/hide/)
this.list.hide(this.options.hideEffect, this.options.hideEffectOptions, this.options.hideEffectSpeed, function() {
//Updates the list `scrollTop` attribute
// Provide callback function support
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Event Handlers
// ---------------
// Adds event handlers to the new dropdown list
_eventHandlers: function() {
var self = this,
upKey = 38,
downKey = 40,
enterKey = 13,
backspaceKey = 8,
tabKey = 9,
spaceKey = 32,
escKey = 27;
// Select Box events
// `click` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"click.selectBoxIt": function() {
if(!self.div.is(":focus")) {
// The `click` handler logic will only be applied if the dropdown list is enabled
if (!self.originalElem.disabled) {
// Triggers the `click` event on the original select box
// If the dropdown list options list is visible when a user clicks on the dropdown list
if (self.list.is(":visible")) {
// Closes the dropdown list options list
// If the dropdown list options list is not visible when a user clicks on the dropdown list
else {
// Shows the dropdown list options list
// `mousedown` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"mousedown.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Stores data in the jQuery `data` method to help determine if the dropdown list gains focus from a click or tabstop. The mousedown event fires before the focus event.
$(this).data("mdown", true);
// `blur` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace. Uses special blur logic to make sure the dropdown list closes correctly
"blur.selectBoxIt": function() {
// If `self.blur` property is true
if (self.blur) {
// Triggers both the `blur` and `focusout` events on the original select box.
// The `focusout` event was also triggered because the event bubbles
// This event has to be used when using event delegation (such as the jQuery `delegate` or `on` methods)
// Popular open source projects such as Backbone.js utilize event delegation to bind events, so if you are using Backbone.js, use the `focusout` event instead of the `blur` event
//If the dropdown options list is visible
if (self.list.is(":visible")) {
//Closes the dropdown list options list
"focus.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Stores the data associated with the mousedown event inside of a local variable
var mdown = $(this).data("mdown");
// Removes the jQuery data associated with the mousedown event
// If a mousedown event did not occur and no data was passed to the focus event (this correctly triggers the focus event), then the dropdown list gained focus from a tabstop
if (!mdown) {
// Triggers the `tabFocus` custom event on the original select box
// Only trigger the `focus` event on the original select box if the dropdown list is hidden (this verifies that only the correct `focus` events are used to trigger the event on the original select box
if(!self.list.is(":visible")) {
//Triggers the `focus` default event on the original select box
// `keydown` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace. Catches all user keyboard navigations
"keydown.selectBoxIt": function(e) {
// Stores the `keycode` value in a local variable
var currentKey = e.keyCode;
// Performs keyboard events if the dropdown list is focused
if (self.div.is(":focus")) {
// Supports keyboard navigation
switch (currentKey) {
// If the user presses the `down key`
case downKey:
// Prevents the page from moving down
// If the plugin options allow keyboard navigation
if (self.moveDown) {
//Opens the dropdown list if it's hidden
if (self.list.is(":hidden")) {
// Moves the focus down to the dropdown list option directly beneath the currently selected selectbox option
//If the user presses the `up key`
case upKey:
// Prevents the page from moving up
// If the plugin options allow keyboard navgiation
if (self.moveUp) {
//Opens the dropdown list if it's hidden
if (self.list.is(":hidden")) {
// Moves the focus up to the dropdown list option directly above the currently selected selectbox option
// If the user presses the `enter key`
case enterKey:
// Prevents the default event from being triggered
// Checks to see if the dropdown list options list is open
if (self.list.is(":visible")) {
// Closes the dropdown list options list
// If the first dropdown list option is not shown in the options list, and the dropdown list has not been interacted with, then update the dropdown list value when the enter key is pressed
if (!self.options.showFirstOption && self.div.text() === self.firstSelectItem.text() && self.currentFocus === 0 || (self.options.showFirstOption && self.options.defaultText) || (!self.options.showFirstOption && !self.listItems.eq(0).not("[data-disabled='true']"))) {
// Updates the dropdown list value
// Triggers a `change` event on the original select box
// Triggers the `enter` events on the original select box
// If the user presses the `tab key`
case tabKey:
// Triggers the custom `tabBlur` events on the original select box
// If the user presses the `backspace key`
case backspaceKey:
// Prevents the browser from navigating to the previous page in its history
// Triggers the custom `backspace` event on the original select box
// If the user presses the `escape key`
case escKey:
// Closes the dropdown options list
// Default is to break out of the switch statement
// `keypress` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace. Catches all user keyboard text searches since you can only reliably get character codes using the `keypress` event
"keypress.selectBoxIt": function(e) {
// Performs a text search if the dropdown list is focused
if (self.div.is(":focus")) {
// Sets the current key to the `keyCode` value if `charCode` does not exist. Used for cross
// browser support since IE uses `keyCode` instead of `charCode`.
var currentKey = e.charCode || e.keyCode,
// Converts unicode values to characters
alphaNumericKey = String.fromCharCode(currentKey);
// If the user presses the `space bar`
if (currentKey === spaceKey) {
// Prevents the browser from scrolling to the bottom of the page
// If the plugin options allow text searches
if (self.search) {
// Calls `search` and passes the character value of the user's text search
self.search(alphaNumericKey, true, "");
// `mousenter` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace .The mouseenter JavaScript event is proprietary to Internet Explorer. Because of the event's general utility, jQuery simulates this event so that it can be used regardless of browser.
"mouseenter.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Trigger the `mouseenter` event on the original select box
// `mouseleave` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace. The mouseleave JavaScript event is proprietary to Internet Explorer. Because of the event's general utility, jQuery simulates this event so that it can be used regardless of browser.
"mouseleave.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Trigger the `mouseleave` event on the original select box
// Select box options events that set the dropdown list blur logic (decides when the dropdown list gets
// closed)
// `mouseover` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"mouseover.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Prevents the dropdown list options list from closing
self.blur = false;
// `mouseout` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"mouseout.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Allows the dropdown list options list to close
self.blur = true;
// `focusin` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"focusin.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Prevents the default browser outline border to flicker, which results because of the `blur` event
// Select box individual options events bound with the jQuery `delegate` method. `Delegate` was used because binding individual events to each list item (since we don't know how many there will be) would decrease performance. Instead, we bind each event to the unordered list, provide the list item context, and allow the list item events to bubble up (`event bubbling`). This greatly increases page performance because we only have to bind an event to one element instead of x number of elements. Delegates the `click` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace to the list items
.delegate("li", "click.selectBoxIt", function() {
if (!$(this).data("disabled")) {
// Sets the original dropdown list value and triggers the `change` event on the original select box
self.originalElem.value = $(this).attr("data-val");
// Sets `currentFocus` to the currently focused dropdown list option.
// The unary `+` operator casts the string to a number
// [James Padolsey Blog Post](http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/terse-javascript-101-part-2/)
self.currentFocus = +this.id;
// Closes the list after selecting an option
// Triggers the dropdown list `change` event if a value change occurs
if (self.originalElem.value !== self.divText.attr("data-val")) {
// Delegates the `focus` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace to the list items
.delegate("li", "focus.selectBoxIt", function() {
if (!$(this).data("disabled")) {
// Sets the original select box current value and triggers the change event
self.originalElem.value = $(this).attr("data-val");
// Triggers the dropdown list `change` event if a value change occurs
if (self.originalElem.value !== self.divText.attr("data-val")) {
// Original dropdown list events
// `change` event handler with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"change.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Find list item entry with value of original select
self.currentFocus = self.listItems.index($('li[data-val="' + self.originalElem.value + '"]'));
// Sets the new dropdown list text to the value of the original dropdown list
self.divText.text(self.listItems.eq(self.currentFocus).text()).attr("data-val", self.originalElem.value);
if(self.listItems.eq(self.currentFocus).find("span").attr("class")) {
self.divImage.attr("class", self.listItems.eq(self.currentFocus).find("span").attr("class"));
// `disable` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"disable.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Adds the `disabled` CSS class to the new dropdown list to visually show that it is disabled
// `enable` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"enable.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Removes the `disabled` CSS class from the new dropdown list to visually show that it is enabled
// // Binding the original change event to the new custom one
// .on("change", function(e) {
// console.log(e)
// self.selectBoxIt.trigger("change.selectBoxIt");
// });
// Maintains chainability
return this;
// _addClasses
// ---------
// Adds SelectBoxIt CSS classes
_addClasses: function() {
var self = this,
focusClass = "selectboxit-focus",
hoverClass = "selectboxit-hover";
this.downArrow.addClass(this.selectBox.data("downarrow") || this.options.downArrowIcon || "");
// Adds the default class to the dropdown list
// Adds the default styling for the dropdown list options
this.list.addClass("selectboxit-widget selectboxit-widget-content");
// Select box individual option events
// `focus` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"focus.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Adds the focus CSS class to the currently focused dropdown list option
// `blur` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"blur.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Removes the focus CSS class from the previously focused dropdown list option
// Select box events
// `click` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"open.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Removes the jQueryUI hover class from the dropdown list and adds the jQueryUI focus class for both the dropdown list and the currently selected dropdown list option
"blur.selectBoxIt": function() {
// `mousenter` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"mouseenter.selectBoxIt": function() {
// `mouseleave` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"mouseleave.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Removes the hover CSS class on the previously hovered dropdown list option
"mouseenter.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Sets the dropdown list individual options back to the default state and sets the hover CSS class on the currently hovered option
"mouseleave.selectBoxIt": function() {
// Maintains chainability
return this;
})); // End of core module
$(function() {
//_ARIA Accessibility
// ------------------
// Adds ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
// Accessibility Tags to the Select Box
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype._ariaAccessibility = function() {
var self = this;
//Adds `ARIA attributes` to the dropdown list
//W3C `combobox` description: A presentation of a select; usually similar to a textbox where users can type ahead to select an option.
"role": "combobox",
//W3C `aria-autocomplete` description: Indicates whether user input completion suggestions are provided.
"aria-autocomplete": "list",
//W3C `aria-expanded` description: Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed.
"aria-expanded": "false",
//W3C `aria-owns` description: The value of the aria-owns attribute is a space-separated list of IDREFS that reference one or more elements in the document by ID. The reason for adding aria-owns is to expose a parent/child contextual relationship to assistive technologies that is otherwise impossible to infer from the DOM.
"aria-owns": this.list.attr("id"),
//W3C `aria-activedescendant` description: This is used when a composite widget is responsible for managing its current active child to reduce the overhead of having all children be focusable. Examples include: multi-level lists, trees, and grids.
"aria-activedescendant": this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).attr("id"),
//W3C `aria-label` description: It provides the user with a recognizable name of the object.
"aria-label": $("label[for='" + this.originalElem.id + "']").text() || "",
//W3C `aria-live` description: Indicates that an element will be updated.
//Use the assertive value when the update needs to be communicated to the user more urgently.
"aria-live": "assertive"
//Dynamically adds `ARIA attributes` if the new dropdown list is enabled or disabled
//Select box custom `disable` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"disable.selectBoxIt" : function() {
//W3C `aria-disabled` description: Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
self.div.attr("aria-disabled", "true");
//Select box custom `enable` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"enable.selectBoxIt" : function() {
//W3C `aria-disabled` description: Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
self.div.attr("aria-disabled", "false");
//Adds ARIA attributes to the dropdown list options list
//W3C `listbox` description: A widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list of choices.
"role": "listbox",
//Indicates that the dropdown list options list is currently hidden
"aria-hidden": "true"
//Adds `ARIA attributes` to the dropdown list options
//This must be set for each element when the container element role is set to `listbox`
"role": "option"
//Dynamically updates the new dropdown list `aria-label` attribute after the original dropdown list value changes
//Custom `change` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"change.selectBoxIt": function() {
//Provides the user with a recognizable name of the object.
self.divText.attr("aria-label", self.originalElem.value);
//Custom `open` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"open.selectBoxIt": function() {
//Indicates that the dropdown list options list is currently visible
self.list.attr("aria-hidden", "false");
//Indicates that the dropdown list is currently expanded
self.div.attr("aria-expanded", "true");
//Custom `close` event with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
"close.selectBoxIt": function() {
//Indicates that the dropdown list options list is currently hidden
self.list.attr("aria-hidden", "true");
//Indicates that the dropdown list is currently collapsed
self.div.attr("aria-expanded", "false");
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
// ------
// Delays execution by the amount of time
// specified by the parameter
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.destroy = function(callback) {
//Unbinds all of the dropdown list event handlers with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
//Undelegates all of the dropdown list event handlers with the `selectBoxIt` namespace
//Remove all of the `selectBoxIt` DOM elements from the page
//Triggers the custom `destroy` event on the original select box and then shows the original dropdown list
// Calls the jQueryUI Widget Factory destroy method
//Provides callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
// ------
// Disables the new dropdown list
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.disable = function(callback) {
if(!this.options.disabled) {
//Makes sure the dropdown list is closed
//Triggers a `disable` custom event on the original select box
//Sets the `disabled` attribute on the original select box
.attr("disabled", "disabled");
//Makes the dropdown list not focusable by removing the `tabindex` attribute
this.div.removeAttr("tabindex").css("cursor", "default");
// Calls the jQueryUI Widget Factory disable method to make sure all options are correctly synced
//Provides callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
//_Is Disabled
// -----------
// Checks the original select box for the
// disabled attribute
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype._isDisabled = function(callback) {
//If the original select box is disabled
if (this.originalElem.disabled) {
//Disables the dropdown list
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
//_Dynamic positioning
// ------------------
// Dynamically positions the dropdown list options list
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype._dynamicPositioning = function() {
//Returns the x and y coordinates of the dropdown list options list relative to the document
var listOffsetTop = this.div.offset().top,
//The height of the dropdown list options list
listHeight = this.list.height(),
//The height of the dropdown list DOM element
selectBoxHeight = this.div.height();
//Places the dropdown list options list on top of the dropdown list if the dropdown list options list does not fit on the page when opened
if ((listOffsetTop + selectBoxHeight + listHeight >= $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop()) && (listOffsetTop - listHeight >= 0)) {
//If the dropdown list currently opens downward
if (!this.flipped) {
//Sets custom CSS properties to place the dropdown list options directly above the dropdown list
this.list.css("top", (this.divContainer.position().top - this.list.height()) - 2);
//Sets the `flipped` instance variable to false to reflect that the dropdown list opens upward
this.flipped = true;
//If the dropdown list options have enough room on the page to open downward
else {
//If the dropdown list is currently opening upward
if (this.flipped) {
//Sets custom CSS properties to place the dropdown list options directly below the dropdown list
this.list.css("top", (this.divContainer.position().top + this.div.height()) + 2);
//Sets the `flipped` instance variable to false to reflect that the dropdown list opens downward
this.flipped = false;
$(function() {
// -----
// Enables the new dropdown list
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.enable = function(callback) {
if(this.options.disabled) {
//Triggers a `enable` custom event on the original select box
//Removes the `disabled` attribute from the original dropdown list
//Make the dropdown list focusable
this.div.attr("tabindex", 0).css("cursor", "pointer");
//Provide callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
//Move Down
// --------
// Handles the down keyboard navigation logic
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.moveDown = function(callback) {
//Increments `currentFocus`, which represents the currently focused list item `id` attribute.
this.currentFocus += 1;
//Determines whether the dropdown option the user is trying to go to is currently disabled
var disabled = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).data("disabled"),
hasNextEnabled = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).nextAll("li").not("[data-disabled='true']").first().length;
//If the user has reached the top of the list
if (this.currentFocus === this.listItems.length) {
//Does not allow the user to continue to go up the list
this.currentFocus -= 1;
//If the option the user is trying to go to is disabled, but there is another enabled option
else if (disabled && hasNextEnabled) {
//Blur the previously selected option
this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus - 1).blur();
//Call the `moveDown` method again
//Exit the method
//If the option the user is trying to go to is disabled, but there is not another enabled option
else if (disabled && !hasNextEnabled) {
this.currentFocus -= 1;
//If the user has not reached the bottom of the unordered list
else {
//Blurs the previously focused list item
//The jQuery `end()` method allows you to continue chaining while also using a different selector
this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus - 1).blur().end().
//Focuses the currently focused list item
//Calls `scrollToView` to make sure the `scrollTop` is correctly updated. The `down` user action
//Triggers the custom `moveDown` event on the original select box
//Provide callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
//Move Up
// ------
// Handles the up keyboard navigation logic
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.moveUp = function(callback) {
//Increments `currentFocus`, which represents the currently focused list item `id` attribute.
this.currentFocus -= 1;
//Determines whether the dropdown option the user is trying to go to is currently disabled
var disabled = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).data("disabled"),
hasPreviousEnabled = this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus).prevAll("li").not("[data-disabled='true']").first().length;
//If the user has reached the top of the list
if (this.currentFocus === -1) {
//Does not allow the user to continue to go up the list
this.currentFocus += 1;
//If the option the user is trying to go to is disabled and the user is not trying to go up after the user has reached the top of the list
else if (disabled && hasPreviousEnabled) {
//Blur the previously selected option
this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus + 1).blur();
//Call the `moveUp` method again
//Exit the method
else if (disabled && !hasPreviousEnabled) {
this.currentFocus += 1;
//If the user has not reached the top of the unordered list
else {
//Blurs the previously focused list item
//The jQuery `end()` method allows you to continue chaining while also using a different selector
this.listItems.eq(this.currentFocus + 1).blur().end().
//Focuses the currently focused list item
//Calls `scrollToView` to make sure the `scrollTop` is correctly updated. The `down` user action
//Triggers the custom `moveDown` event on the original select box
//Provide callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
// _Set Current Search Option
// -------------------------
// Sets the currently selected dropdown list search option
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype._setCurrentSearchOption = function(currentOption) {
// Does not change the current option if `showFirstOption` is false and the matched search item is the hidden first option.
// Otherwise, the current option value is updated
if (!(currentOption === 0 && !this.options.showFirstOption) && this.listItems.eq(currentOption).data("disabled") !== true) {
//Updates the default dropdown list text
//Calls the `blur` event of the currently selected dropdown list option
//Sets `currentIndex` to the currently selected dropdown list option
this.currentIndex = currentOption;
//Sets `currentFocus` to the currently selected dropdown list option
this.currentFocus = currentOption;
//Focuses the currently selected dropdown list option
//Updates the scrollTop so that the currently selected dropdown list option is visible to the user
//Triggers the custom `search` event on the original select box
//Maintains chainability
return this;
// _Search Algorithm
// -----------------
// Uses regular expressions to find text matches
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype._searchAlgorithm = function(currentIndex, alphaNumeric) {
// Boolean to determine if a pattern match exists
var matchExists = false,
//Iteration variable used in the outermost for loop
//Iteration variable used in the nested for loop
//Variable used to cache the length of the text array (Small enhancement to speed up traversing)
//Loops through the text array to find a pattern match
for (x = currentIndex, arrayLength = this.textArray.length; x < arrayLength; x += 1) {
//Nested for loop to help search for a pattern match with the currently traversed array item
for (y = 0; y < arrayLength; y += 1) {
//Searches for a match
if (this.textArray[y].search(alphaNumeric) !== -1) {
//`matchExists` is set to true if there is a match
matchExists = true;
//Exits the nested for loop
y = arrayLength;
} //End nested for loop
//If a match does not exist
if (!matchExists) {
//Sets the current text to the last entered character
this.currentText = this.currentText.charAt(this.currentText.length - 1).
//Escapes the regular expression to make sure special characters are seen as literal characters instead of special commands
replace(/[|()\[{.+*?$\\]/g, "\\$0");
//Resets the regular expression with the new value of `self.currentText`
alphaNumeric = new RegExp(this.currentText, "gi");
//Searches based on the first letter of the dropdown list options text if the currentText < 2 characters
if (this.currentText.length < 2) {
//If there is a match based on the first character
if ((this.textArray[x].charAt(0).search(alphaNumeric) !== -1)) {
//Sets properties of that dropdown list option to make it the currently selected option
//Increments the current index by one
this.currentIndex += 1;
//Exits the search
return false;
// If `self.currentText` > 1 character
else {
// If there is a match based on the entire string
if ((this.textArray[x].search(alphaNumeric) !== -1)) {
// Sets properties of that dropdown list option to make it the currently selected option
// Exits the search
return false;
// If the current text search is an exact match
if (this.textArray[x].toLowerCase() === this.currentText.toLowerCase()) {
// Sets properties of that dropdown list option to make it the currently selected option
// Resets the current text search to a blank string to start fresh again
this.currentText = "";
// Exits the search
return false;
//Returns true if there is not a match at all
return true;
// Search
// ------
// Calls searchAlgorithm()
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.search = function(alphaNumericKey, rememberPreviousSearch, callback) {
// If the search method is being called internally by the plugin, and not externally as a method by a user
if (rememberPreviousSearch) {
// Continued search with history from past searches. Properly escapes the regular expression
this.currentText += alphaNumericKey.replace(/[|()\[{.+*?$\\]/g, "\\$0");
else {
// Brand new search. Properly escapes the regular expression
this.currentText = alphaNumericKey.replace(/[|()\[{.+*?$\\]/g, "\\$0");
// Wraps the current user text search in a regular expression that is case insensitive and searches globally
var alphaNumeric = new RegExp(this.currentText, "gi"),
// Calls `searchAlgorithm` which searches an array that contains all of the dropdown list option values.
notFound = this._searchAlgorithm(this.currentIndex, alphaNumeric);
// Searches the list again if a match is not found. This is needed, because the first search started at the array indece of the currently selected dropdown list option, and does not search the options before the current array indece.
// If there are many similar dropdown list options, starting the search at the indece of the currently selected dropdown list option is needed to properly traverse the text array.
if (notFound) {
// Searches the dropdown list values starting from the beginning of the text array
this._searchAlgorithm(0, alphaNumeric);
// Provide callback function support
// Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
//Set Option
// ----------
// Accepts an string key, a value, and a callback function to replace a single
// property of the plugin options object
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.setOption = function(key, value, callback) {
//If a user sets the `showFirstOption` to false
if (key === "showFirstOption" && !value) {
//Hides the first option in the dropdown list
//If a user sets the `showFirstOption` to true
else if (key === "showFirstOption" && value) {
//Shows the first option in the dropdown list
else if(key === "defaultIcon" && value) {
this.divImage.attr("class", value);
else if(key === "downArrowIcon" && value) {
this.downArrow.attr("class", value);
//If a user sets the defaultText option
else if (key === "defaultText") {
//Sets the new dropdown list default text
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
//Provides callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
$(function() {
//Set Options
// ----------
// Accepts an object to replace plugin options
// properties of the plugin options object
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.setOptions = function(newOptions, callback) {
$.Widget.prototype._setOptions.apply(this, arguments);
//If the `showFirstOption` option is true
if (this.options.showFirstOption) {
//Shows the first option in the dropdown list
//If the `showFirstOption` option is false
else {
//Hides the first option in the dropdown list
if(this.options.defaultIcon) {
this.divImage.attr("class", this.options.defaultIcon);
if(this.options.downArrowIcon) {
this.downArrow.attr("class", this.options.downArrowIcon);
//If the defaultText option is set, make sure the dropdown list default text reflects this value
if (this.options.defaultText) {
//Provide callback function support
return this;
$(function() {
// ---
// Delays execution by the amount of time
// specified by the parameter
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.wait = function(time, callback) {
var self = this,
//The timeout variable stores a Deferred Object, which will be resolved after the time specified in the parameter
timeout = this.returnTimeout(time);
//Once the Deferred object is resolved, call the callback function
timeout.then(function() {
//Provide callback function support
//Maintains chainability
return this;
//Return timeout
// -------------
// Returns a Deferred Object after the time
// specified by the parameter
$.selectBox.selectBoxIt.prototype.returnTimeout = function(time) {
//Returns a Deferred Object
return $.Deferred(function(dfd) {
//Call the JavaScript `setTimeout function and resolve the Deferred Object
setTimeout(dfd.resolve, time);