task :default => :spec #---[ Wrappers ]-------------------------------------------------------- # Return an AutomateIt interpreter def automateit return @automateit ||= begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift('lib') require 'automateit' AutomateIt.new end end # Run a hoe +task+. def hoe(task) # XXX Hoe provides many tasks I don't need, don't like the implementation of, # or don't like their names. I'd use Rake's 'import' and 'invoke' but the Hoe # tasks have names that clash with the ones in this Rakefile. The lame # workaround is to invoke Rake via shell, rather than through Ruby. sh "rake -f Hoe.rake #{task}" end #---[ RSpec ]----------------------------------------------------------- # Run rspec on the +files+ def specify(*files) require 'rubygems' require 'spec/rake/spectask' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:spec_internal) do |t| t.rcov = @rcov t.rcov_opts = ['--text-summary', '--include', 'lib', '--exclude', 'spec,.irbrc'] t.spec_files = FileList[*files] end Rake::Task[:spec_internal].invoke # Change the ownership of the newly-created coverage directory back to that # of the user which owns the top-level directory. if @rcov Rake::Task[:chown].invoke end end desc "Run the unit test suite" task "spec" do target = ENV['F'] || ENV['FILE'] || 'spec/unit/**/*_spec.rb' specify(target) end desc "Generate a code coverage report for the unit tests in the 'coverage' directory" task "rcov" do @rcov = true Rake::Task["spec"].invoke end desc "Run all the test suites, including unit and integration" task "spec:all" do puts "=> Running integration test suite. This may take a few minutes and nothing may seem to be happening for a while -- this is normal and expected." specify('spec/unit/**/*_spec.rb', 'spec/functional/**/*_spec.rb', 'spec/integration/**/*_spec.rb') end desc "Generate a code coverage report for the unit and integration tests" task "rcov:all" do @rcov = true Rake::Task["spec:all"].invoke end desc "Print verbose descriptions while running specs" task "verbose" do ENV["SPEC_OPTS"] = "-fs" end desc "Profile the specs" task :prof do sh "ruby-prof -f prof.txt `which spec` spec/unit/*.rb" end #---[ Lines of code ]--------------------------------------------------- class Numeric def commify() (s=self.to_s;x=s.length;s).rjust(x+(3-(x%3))).gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(\.\d*)?$)/,'\1,').strip end end namespace :loc do desc "Display lines of code using loccount" task :count do sh "loccount helpers/* bin/* lib/ spec/ examples/ *.rake" end desc "Display the lines of code changed in the repository" task :diff do if File.directory?(".hg") puts "%s lines added and removed through SCM operations" % `hg log --patch`.scan(/^[+-][^+-].+/).size.commify else raise NotImplementedError.new("Sorry, this only works for a Mercurial checkout") end end desc "Display lines of churn" task :churn do automateit # Load libraries puts "%s lines of Hg churn" % (`hg churn`.scan(/^[^\s]+\s+(\d+)\s/).flatten.map(&:to_i).sum).commify end desc "Display lines of code based on sloccount" task :sloc do sh "sloccount lib spec misc examples bin helpers" end end desc "Display the lines of source code and how many lines were changed in the repository" task :loc => ["loc:count", "loc:diff", "loc:churn", "loc:sloc"] #---[ RubyGems ]-------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE_PATH = "../gem_archive" desc "Regenerate Gem" task :regem do has_archive = File.directory?(ARCHIVE_PATH) puts "WARNING: Archive of previously released gems at '#{ARCHIVE_PATH}' is not available, do not upload without these." unless has_archive rm_r Dir["pkg/*"] mkdir_p "pkg/pub/gems" if has_archive && !Dir["#{ARCHIVE_PATH}/*.gem"].empty? cp FileList["#{ARCHIVE_PATH}/*.gem"].to_a, "pkg/pub/gems", :preserve => true end Rake::Task[:gem].invoke cp Dir["pkg/*.gem"], "pkg/pub/gems", :preserve => true cp Dir["pkg/*.gem"], "#{ARCHIVE_PATH}", :preserve => true if has_archive sh "cd pkg/pub && ruby ../../misc/index_gem_repository.rb" if has_archive end desc "Populate gem_archive" task :download_gem_archive do mkdir_p ARCHIVE_PATH unless File.exist?(ARCHIVE_PATH) sh "rsync -cvaxz igal@pythia.kattare.com:automateit_org/pub/gems/ #{ARCHIVE_PATH}" end desc "Generate manifest" task :manifest do hoe(:manifest) end desc "RFC-822 time for right now, optional D=x where x is delta like '1.day' ago" task :now do automateit # Loads libraries time = Time.now if delta = ENV["D"] time = eval "time - #{delta}" end puts time.to_s(:rfc822) end desc "RFC-822 time for yesterday" task :yesterday do automateit # Loads libraries time = Time.now - 1.day puts time.to_s(:rfc822) end namespace :gem do desc "View Gem metadata" task :metadata do sh "cd pkg/; tar xvf *.gem; gunzip *.gz; less metadata" end end desc "Create a gem" task :gem do hoe(:gem) end desc "Publish to RubyForge" task :publish do automateit # Loads libraries hoe("release VERSION=#{AutomateIt::VERSION}") Rake::Task[:after].invoke end desc "Tag a stable release" task :tag do automateit sh "hg tag #{AutomateIt::VERSION}" sh "hg tag -f stable" end desc "Push a stable release" task :push do sh "hg push -r stable ../app_stable" end #---[ Install and uninstall ]------------------------------------------- =begin # Uninstall is similar to: gem uninstall -a -x automateit rm -rf /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems/automateit-*/ /usr/bin/{automateit,field_lookup} /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/doc/automateit-*/ # Install is similar to: gem install -y pkg/automateit-*.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc =end namespace :install do desc "Install Gem from 'pkg' dir without docs, removing existing Gem first" task :local do Rake::Task[:uninstall].invoke #sh "sudo gem install -y pkg/*.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc" puts automateit.package_manager.install({"automateit" => Dir["pkg/*.gem"].first}, :with => :gem, :docs => false) end desc "Install Gem from RubyForge without docs, removing existing Gem first" task :rf do install_wrapper "http://gems.rubyforge.org" end desc "Install Gem from website without docs, removing existing Gem first" task :site do install_wrapper "http://automateit.org/pub", :source => "http://automateit.org/pub", :reset => true end # Options: # * :url -- URL to clear # * :opts -- Hash to pass to PackageManager#install def install_wrapper(url, opts={}) Rake::Task[:uninstall].invoke sh "gem sources -r #{url}" rescue nil if opts.delete(:reset) opts[:with] ||= :gem opts[:docs] ||= false automateit.package_manager.install("automateit", opts) end end desc "Uninstall automateit gem" task :uninstall do automateit.package_manager.uninstall "automateit", :with => :gem end #---[ RDoc ]------------------------------------------------------------ namespace :rdoc do desc "Generate documentation" task :make do # Uses Jamis Buck's RDoc template from http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2005/4/8/rdoc-template sh "rdoc --op doc --template=jamis --main README.txt --promiscuous --accessor class_inheritable_accessor=R --inline-source --line-numbers --title 'AutomateIt: Open source server automation' README.txt TUTORIAL.txt TESTING.txt lib docs/*.txt" # Create a tutorial index File.open("doc/tutorial.html", "w+") do |writer| writer.write(File.read("doc/index.html").sub(/README_txt.html/, 'TUTORIAL_txt.html')) end end desc "Rewrite RDoc HTML by interpolating custom tags" task :rewrite do require 'cgi' pattern = /(\[{3})\s*(.+?)\s*(\]{3})/m for filename in Dir["doc/**/*.html"] input = File.read(filename) next unless input and input.match(pattern) puts filename output = input.gsub(pattern){|m| CGI.unescapeHTML($2)} if input != output FileUtils.mv(filename, filename+".bak", :verbose => true) File.open(filename, "w+"){|h| h.write(output)} end end end desc "Undo rewrite by restoring backups" task :undo do for filename in Dir["doc/**/*.html.bak"] FileUtils.mv(filename, filename.sub(/\.bak$/, ''), :verbose => true) end end desc "Generate documentation for specific files in an endless loop" task :loop do sources_and_targets = { "doc/files/TUTORIAL_txt.html" => "TUTORIAL.txt" } while true different = false for source, target in sources_and_targets if ! File.exists?(target) or (File.exists?(target) and File.mtime(target) > File.mtime(source)) different = true break end end puts "checking %s" % File.mtime(target) puts "different" if different sh "rdoc --template=jamis --promiscuous --accessor class_inheritable_accessor=R --title 'AutomateIt: Open source server automation' %s" % sources_and_targets.values.join(" ") if different sleep 1 end end end desc "Generate Rdoc" task :rdoc do # TODO Something is broke in rdoc recently. It decides to only generate rdocs for newer files, which is very bad because if you re-run "rdoc" without deleting the "doc" directory, it'll can end up creating a set of documentation that only contains the single file you changed. This sucks. sh "rm -rf doc" if File.exist?("doc") Rake::Task["rdoc:make"].invoke Rake::Task["rdoc:rewrite"].invoke end desc "List aliased_methods for inclusion into rdoc" task :aliased_methods do automateit.instance_eval do methods_and_plugins = [] plugins.values.each{|plugin| plugin.aliased_methods && plugin.aliased_methods.each{|method| methods_and_plugins << [method.to_s, plugin.class.to_s]}} for method, plugin in methods_and_plugins.sort_by{|x| x[0]} puts " # * %s -- %s#%s" % [method, plugin, method] end end end #---[ Misc ]------------------------------------------------------------ desc "Chown files if needed" task :chown do if automateit.superuser? stat = File.stat("..") automateit.chown_R(stat.uid, stat.gid, FileList["*", ".*"], :details => true) end end desc "Link to local rdoc stash" task :rdoclink do automateit.ln_s("/home/lagi/stash/automateit_rdoc", "doc") end task :after => [:rdoclink, :rdoc, :regem] #===[ fin ]=============================================================