opal_filter "Struct" do fails "Struct#== handles recursive structures by returning false if a difference can be found" fails "Struct#== returns true if the other has all the same fields" fails "Struct#eql? handles recursive structures by returning false if a difference can be found" fails "Struct#eql? returns false if any corresponding elements are not #eql?" fails "Struct#hash returns the same fixnum for structs with the same content" fails "Struct#hash returns the same hash for recursive structs" fails "Struct#hash returns the same value if structs are #eql?" fails "Struct#initialize can be overriden" fails "Struct#inspect returns a string representation of some kind" fails "Struct#instance_variables returns an array with one name if an instance variable is added" fails "Struct#instance_variables returns an empty array if only attributes are defined" fails "Struct#members does not override the instance accessor method" fails "Struct.new calls to_str on its first argument (constant name)" fails "Struct.new creates a constant in subclass' namespace" fails "Struct.new creates a new anonymous class with nil first argument" fails "Struct.new does not create a constant with symbol as first argument" fails "Struct.new fails with invalid constant name as first argument" fails "Struct.new fails with too many arguments" fails "Struct.new raises a TypeError if object doesn't respond to to_sym" fails "Struct.new raises a TypeError if object is not a Symbol" end