#-- # Cloud Foundry 2012.02.03 Beta # Copyright (c) [2009-2012] VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'base64' require 'net/http' require 'uaa/util' module CF::UAA # Indicates URL for the target is bad or not accessible. class BadTarget < UAAError; end # Indicates the resource within the target server was not found. class NotFound < UAAError; end # Indicates a syntax error in a response from the UAA, e.g. missing required response field. class BadResponse < UAAError; end # Indicates a token is malformed or expired. class InvalidToken < UAAError; end # Indicates an error from the http client stack. class HTTPException < UAAError; end # An application level error from the UAA which includes error info in the reply. class TargetError < UAAError attr_reader :info def initialize(error_info = {}) @info = error_info end end # Utility accessors and methods for objects that want to access JSON web APIs. module Http # Sets the current logger instance to recieve error messages. # @param [Logger] logr # @return [Logger] def logger=(logr); @logger = logr end # The current logger or {Util.default_logger} if none has been set. # @return [Logger] def logger ; @logger || Util.default_logger end # Indicates if the current logger is set to +:trace+ level. # @return [Boolean] def trace? ; (lgr = logger).respond_to?(:trace?) && lgr.trace? end # Sets a handler for outgoing http requests. If no handler is set, an # internal cache of net/http connections is used. Arguments to the handler # are url, method, body, headers. # @param [Proc] blk handler block # @return [nil] def set_request_handler(&blk) @req_handler = blk; nil end # Constructs an http basic authentication header. # @return [String] def self.basic_auth(name, password) str = "#{name}:#{password}" "Basic " + (Base64.respond_to?(:strict_encode64)? Base64.strict_encode64(str): [str].pack("m").gsub(/\n/, '')) end JSON_UTF8 = "application/json;charset=utf-8" FORM_UTF8 = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8" private def json_get(target, path = nil, style = nil, headers = {}) raise ArgumentError unless style.nil? || style.is_a?(Symbol) json_parse_reply(style, *http_get(target, path, headers.merge("accept" => JSON_UTF8))) end def json_post(target, path, body, headers = {}) http_post(target, path, Util.json(body), headers.merge("content-type" => JSON_UTF8)) end def json_put(target, path, body, headers = {}) http_put(target, path, Util.json(body), headers.merge("content-type" => JSON_UTF8)) end def json_parse_reply(style, status, body, headers) raise ArgumentError unless style.nil? || style.is_a?(Symbol) unless [200, 201, 204, 400, 401, 403].include? status raise (status == 404 ? NotFound : BadResponse), "invalid status response: #{status}" end if body && !body.empty? && (status == 204 || headers.nil? || headers["content-type"] !~ /application\/json/i) raise BadResponse, "received invalid response content or type" end parsed_reply = Util.json_parse(body, style) if status >= 400 raise parsed_reply && parsed_reply["error"] == "invalid_token" ? InvalidToken : TargetError.new(parsed_reply), "error response" end parsed_reply rescue DecodeError raise BadResponse, "invalid JSON response" end def http_get(target, path = nil, headers = {}) request(target, :get, path, nil, headers) end def http_post(target, path, body, headers = {}) request(target, :post, path, body, headers) end def http_put(target, path, body, headers = {}) request(target, :put, path, body, headers) end def http_delete(target, path, authorization) status = request(target, :delete, path, nil, "authorization" => authorization)[0] unless [200, 204].include?(status) raise (status == 404 ? NotFound : BadResponse), "invalid response from #{path}: #{status}" end end def request(target, method, path, body = nil, headers = {}) headers["accept"] = headers["content-type"] if headers["content-type"] && !headers["accept"] url = "#{target}#{path}" logger.debug { "--->\nrequest: #{method} #{url}\n" + "headers: #{headers}\n#{'body: ' + Util.truncate(body.to_s, trace? ? 50000 : 50) if body}" } status, body, headers = @req_handler ? @req_handler.call(url, method, body, headers) : net_http_request(url, method, body, headers) logger.debug { "<---\nresponse: #{status}\nheaders: #{headers}\n" + "#{'body: ' + Util.truncate(body.to_s, trace? ? 50000: 50) if body}" } [status, body, headers] rescue Exception => e e.message.replace "Target #{target}, #{e.message}" logger.debug { "<---- no response due to exception: #{e}" } raise e end def net_http_request(url, method, body, headers) raise ArgumentError unless reqtype = {:delete => Net::HTTP::Delete, :get => Net::HTTP::Get, :post => Net::HTTP::Post, :put => Net::HTTP::Put}[method] headers["content-length"] = body.length if body uri = URI.parse(url) req = reqtype.new(uri.request_uri) headers.each { |k, v| req[k] = v } http_key = "#{uri.scheme}://#{uri.host}:#{uri.port}" @http_cache ||= {} unless http = @http_cache[http_key] @http_cache[http_key] = http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end end reply, outhdrs = http.request(req, body), {} reply.each_header { |k, v| outhdrs[k] = v } [reply.code.to_i, reply.body, outhdrs] rescue URI::Error, SocketError, SystemCallError => e raise BadTarget, "error: #{e.message}" rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e raise HTTPException, "HTTP exception: #{e.class}: #{e}" end end end