require 'nutella_lib' require 'config/runlist' module Nutella # Initializes this component as a framework component # @param [String] broker_hostname # @param [String] component_id def self.init_as_f_component( broker_hostname, component_id ) @app_id = nil @run_id = nil @component_id = component_id @resource_id = nil @mqtt = broker_hostname end # Parse command line arguments for framework level components # # @param [Array] args command line arguments array # @return [String] broker def self.parse_f_component_args(args) if args.length < 1 STDERR.puts 'Couldn\'t read broker address from the command line, impossible to initialize component!' return end return args[0] end module Net # Provides access to the sub-module def Net.f; Nutella::Net::Framework end # This module implements the pub/sub and request/response APIs at the framework-level module Framework # @!group Framework-level communication APIs # Subscribes to a channel or to a set of channels at the framework-level. # # @param [String] channel the framework-level channel or filter we are subscribing to. Can contain wildcard(s) # @param [Proc] callback a lambda expression that is fired whenever a message is received. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] message: the received message. Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [String] channel: the framework-level channel the message was received on (optional, only for wildcard subscriptions) # - [Hash] from: the sender's identifiers (run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) def self.subscribe (channel, callback) Nutella::Net.subscribe_to(channel, callback, nil, nil) end # Un-subscribes from a framework-level channel # # @param [String] channel the framework-level channel we want to unsubscribe from. Can contain wildcard(s). def self.unsubscribe( channel ) Nutella::Net.unsubscribe_to(channel, nil, nil) end # Publishes a message to an framework-level channel # # @param [String] channel the framework-level channel we want to publish the message to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] message the message we are publishing. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. def self.publish(channel, message=nil) Nutella::Net.publish_to(channel, message, nil, nil) end # Performs a synchronous request at the framework-level # # @param [String] channel the framework-level channel we want to make the request to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] message the body of request. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. def self.sync_request ( channel, message=nil ) Nutella::Net.sync_request_to(channel, message, nil, nil) end # Performs an asynchronous request at the framework-level # # @param [String] channel the framework-level channel we want to make the request to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] message the body of request. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. # @param [Proc] callback the callback that is fired whenever a response is received. It takes one parameter (response). def self.async_request ( channel, message=nil, callback ) Nutella::Net.async_request_to(channel, message, callback, nil, nil) end # Handles requests on a certain framework-level channel # # @param [String] channel tha framework-level channel we want to listen for requests on. Can contain wildcard(s). # @param [Proc] callback a lambda expression that is fired whenever a message is received. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] the received message (payload). Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [Hash] the sender's identifiers (run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) # - [*returns* Hash] The response sent back to the client that performed the request. Whatever is returned by the callback is marshaled into a JSON string and sent via MQTT. def self.handle_requests( channel, callback ) Nutella::Net.handle_requests_on(channel, callback, nil, nil) end # @!endgroup # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @!group Framework-level APIs to communicate at the run-level # Allows framework-level APIs to subscribe to a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application we are subscribing to # @param [String] run_id the specific run we are subscribing to # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we are subscribing to. Can be wildcard. # @param [Proc] callback the callback that is fired whenever a message is received on the channel. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] message: the received message. Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [String] channel: the framework-level channel the message was received on (optional, only for wildcard subscriptions) # - [Hash] from: the sender's identifiers (run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) def self.subscribe_to_run( app_id, run_id, channel, callback ) Nutella::Net.subscribe_to(channel, callback, app_id, run_id) end # Allows framework-level APIs to unsubscribe from a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application we are un-subscribing from # @param [String] run_id the specific run we are un-subscribing from # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we want to unsubscribe from. Can contain wildcard(s). def self.unsubscribe_to_run( app_id, run_id, channel ) Nutella::Net.unsubscribe_to(channel, app_id, run_id) end # Allows framework-level APIs to publish to a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application we are publishing to # @param [String] run_id the specific run we are publishing to # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we want to publish the message to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [String] message the message we are publishing. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. def self.publish_to_run( app_id, run_id, channel, message ) Nutella::Net.publish_to(channel, message, app_id, run_id) end # Allows framework-level APIs to make a synchronous request to a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application we are making the request to # @param [String] run_id the specific run we are making the request to # @param [String] channel the channel we want to make the request to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] request the body of request. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. def self.sync_request_to_run( app_id, run_id, channel, request) Nutella::Net.sync_request_to(channel, request, app_id, run_id) end # Allows framework-level APIs to make an asynchronous request to a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application we are making the request to # @param [String] run_id the specific run we are making the request to # @param [String] channel the channel we want to make the request to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] request the body of request. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. # @param [Proc] callback the callback that is fired whenever a response is received. It takes one parameter (response). def self.async_request_to_run( app_id, run_id, channel, request, callback) Nutella::Net.async_request_to(channel, request, callback, app_id, run_id) end # Allows framework-level APIs to handle requests on a run-level channel within a specific run # # @param [String] app_id the specific application requests are coming from # @param [String] run_id the specific run requests are coming from # @param [String] channel we want to listen for requests on. Can contain wildcard(s). # @param [Proc] callback a lambda expression that is fired whenever a message is received. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] the received message (payload). Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [Hash] the sender's identifiers (run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) # - [*returns* Hash] The response sent back to the client that performed the request. Whatever is returned by the callback is marshaled into a JSON string and sent via MQTT. def self.handle_requests_on_run( app_id, run_id, channel, callback ) Nutella::Net.handle_requests_on(channel, callback, app_id, run_id) end # @!endgroup # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @!group Framework-level APIs to communicate at the run-level (broadcast) # Allows framework-level APIs to subscribe to a run-level channel *for ALL runs* # # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we are subscribing to. Can be wildcard. # @param [Proc] callback the callback that is fired whenever a message is received on the channel. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] message: the received message. Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [String] app_id: the app_id of the channel the message was sent on # - [String] run_id: the run_id of the channel the message was sent on # - [Hash] from: the sender's identifiers (run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) def self.subscribe_to_all_runs( channel, callback ) # Check the passed callback has the right number of arguments raise 'You need to pass a callback with 4 parameters (payload, app_id, run_id, from) when subscribing to all runs!' if callback.parameters.length!=4 # Pad channel padded_channel = Nutella::Net.pad_channel(channel, '+', '+') mqtt_cb = lambda do |mqtt_message, mqtt_channel| begin type, from, payload, _ = Nutella::Net.extract_fields_from_message mqtt_message app_id, run_id = self.extract_run_id_and_app_id mqtt_channel, app_id, run_id, from) if type=='publish' rescue JSON::ParserError # Make sure the message is JSON, if not drop the message return rescue # Check the passed callback has the right number of arguments STDERR.puts "The callback you passed to subscribe has the #{$!}: it needs 'payload', 'app_id', 'run_id' and 'from'" end end # Add to subscriptions, save mqtt callback and subscribe Nutella::Net.subscriptions.push padded_channel Nutella::Net.callbacks.push mqtt_cb Nutella.mqtt.subscribe( padded_channel, mqtt_cb ) end # Allows framework-level APIs to unsubscribe from a run-level channel *for ALL runs* # # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we want to unsubscribe from. Can contain wildcard(s). def self.unsubscribe_from_all_runs( channel ) Nutella::Net.unsubscribe_to(channel, '+', '+') end # Allows framework-level APIs to publish a message to a run-level channel *for ALL runs* # # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we want to publish the message to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] message the message we are publishing. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. def self.publish_to_all_runs( channel, message ) Nutella.runlist.all_runs.each do |app_id, _| Nutella.runlist.runs_for_app(app_id).each do |run_id| Nutella::Net.publish_to(channel, message, app_id, run_id) end end end # Allows framework-level APIs to send a request to a run-level channel *for ALL runs* # # @param [String] channel the run-level channel we want to make the request to. *CANNOT* contain wildcard(s)! # @param [Object] request the body of request. This can be, # nil/empty (default), a string, a hash and, in general, anything with a .to_json method. # @param [Proc] callback the callback that is fired whenever a response is received. It takes one parameter (response). def self.async_request_to_all_runs(channel, request, callback) Nutella.runlist.all_runs.each do |app_id, _| Nutella.runlist.runs_for_app(app_id).each do |run_id| Nutella::Net.async_request_to(channel, request, callback, app_id, run_id) end end end # Allows framework-level APIs to handle requests to a run-level channel *for ALL runs* # # @param [String] channel tha run-level channel we want to listen for requests on. Can contain wildcard(s). # @param [Proc] callback a lambda expression that is fired whenever a message is received. # The passed callback takes the following parameters: # - [String] the received message (request). Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - [String] app_id: the app_id of the channel the request was sent on # - [String] run_id: the run_id of the channel the request was sent on # - [Hash] the sender's identifiers (from containing, run_id, app_id, component_id and optionally resource_id) # - [*returns* Hash] The response sent back to the client that performed the request. Whatever is returned by the callback is marshaled into a JSON string and sent via MQTT. def self.handle_requests_on_all_runs(channel, callback) # Check the passed callback has the right number of arguments raise 'You need to pass a callback with 4 parameters (request, run_id, from) when handling requests!' if callback.parameters.length!=4 # Pad channel padded_channel = Nutella::Net.pad_channel(channel, '+', '+') mqtt_cb = lambda do |request, mqtt_channel| begin # Extract nutella fields type, from, payload, id = Nutella::Net.extract_fields_from_message request app_id, run_id = self.extract_run_id_and_app_id mqtt_channel # Only handle requests that have proper id set return if type!='request' || id.nil? # Execute callback and send response m = Net.prepare_message_for_response( payload, app_id, run_id, from), id ) Nutella.mqtt.publish( mqtt_channel, m ) rescue JSON::ParserError # Make sure that request contains JSON, if not drop the message return rescue # Check the passed callback has the right number of arguments STDERR.puts "The callback you passed to subscribe has the #{$!}: it needs 'request', 'app_id', 'run_id' and 'from'" end end # Subscribe to the channel Nutella.mqtt.subscribe( padded_channel, mqtt_cb ) end # @!endgroup # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @!group Framework-level APIs to communicate at the application-level # TODO # @!endgroup # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @!group Framework-level APIs to communicate at the application-level (broadcast) # TODO # @!endgroup private def self.extract_run_id_and_app_id( mqtt_channel ) sp = mqtt_channel.sub('/nutella/apps/', '').split('/') return sp[0], sp[2] end end end end