* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IncompatibleRemoteServiceException;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException;
* RemoteServiceServlet changes to allow extensions required for Jetty Continuatution support.
* Changes:
* readPayloadAsUtf8 now protected non-static
* @author Craig Day (craig@alderaan.com.au)
public class OpenRemoteServiceServlet extends HttpServlet implements SerializationPolicyProvider {
* These members are used to get and set the different HttpServletResponse and
* HttpServletRequest headers.
private static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";
private static final String CHARSET_UTF8 = "UTF-8";
private static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "Content-Encoding";
private static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_GZIP = "gzip";
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8 = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
private static final String GENERIC_FAILURE_MSG = "The call failed on the server; see server log for details";
private static final String EXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/x-gwt-rpc";
private static final String EXPECTED_CHARSET = "charset=utf-8";
* Controls the compression threshold at and below which no compression will
* take place.
private static final int UNCOMPRESSED_BYTE_SIZE_LIMIT = 256;
* Return true if the response object accepts Gzip encoding. This is done by
* checking that the accept-encoding header specifies gzip as a supported
* encoding.
private static boolean acceptsGzipEncoding(HttpServletRequest request) {
assert (request != null);
String acceptEncoding = request.getHeader(ACCEPT_ENCODING);
if (null == acceptEncoding) {
return false;
return (acceptEncoding.indexOf(CONTENT_ENCODING_GZIP) != -1);
* This method attempts to estimate the number of bytes that a string will
* consume when it is sent out as part of an HttpServletResponse. This really
* a hack since we are assuming that every character will consume two bytes
* upon transmission. This is definitely not true since some characters
* actually consume more than two bytes and some consume less. This is even
* less accurate if the string is converted to UTF8. However, it does save us
* from converting every string that we plan on sending back to UTF8 just to
* determine that we should not compress it.
private static int estimateByteSize(final String buffer) {
return (buffer.length() * 2);
* Read the payload as UTF-8 from the request stream.
protected String readPayloadAsUtf8(HttpServletRequest request)
throws IOException, ServletException {
int contentLength = request.getContentLength();
if (contentLength == -1) {
// Content length must be known.
throw new ServletException("Content-Length must be specified");
String contentType = request.getContentType();
boolean contentTypeIsOkay = false;
// Content-Type must be specified.
/*if (contentType != null) {
// The type must be plain text.
if (contentType.startsWith("text/plain")) {
// And it must be UTF-8 encoded (or unspecified, in which case we assume
// that it's either UTF-8 or ASCII).
if (contentType.indexOf("charset=") == -1) {
contentTypeIsOkay = true;
} else if (contentType.indexOf("charset=utf-8") != -1) {
contentTypeIsOkay = true;
if (!contentTypeIsOkay) {
throw new ServletException(
"Content-Type must be 'text/plain' with 'charset=utf-8' (or unspecified charset)");
if (contentType != null) {
contentType = contentType.toLowerCase();
* The Content-Type must be text/x-gwt-rpc.
* NOTE:We use startsWith because some servlet engines, i.e. Tomcat, do
* not remove the charset component but others do.
if (contentType.startsWith(EXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
String characterEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
if (characterEncoding != null) {
* TODO: It would seem that we should be able to use equalsIgnoreCase
* here instead of indexOf. Need to be sure that servlet engines
* return a properly parsed character encoding string if we decide to
* make this change.
if (characterEncoding.toLowerCase().indexOf(CHARSET_UTF8.toLowerCase()) != -1)
contentTypeIsOkay = true;
if (!contentTypeIsOkay) {
throw new ServletException("Content-Type must be '"
InputStream in = request.getInputStream();
try {
byte[] payload = new byte[contentLength];
int offset = 0;
int len = contentLength;
int byteCount;
while (offset < contentLength) {
byteCount = in.read(payload, offset, len);
if (byteCount == -1) {
throw new ServletException("Client did not send " + contentLength
+ " bytes as expected");
offset += byteCount;
len -= byteCount;
return new String(payload, "UTF-8");
} finally {
if (in != null) {
private final ThreadLocal perThreadRequest = new ThreadLocal();
private final ThreadLocal perThreadResponse = new ThreadLocal();
* A cache of moduleBaseURL and serialization policy strong name to
* {@link SerializationPolicy}.
private final Map
object for the current call. It
* is stored thread-locally so that simultaneous invocations can have
* different request objects.
protected final HttpServletRequest getThreadLocalRequest() {
return (HttpServletRequest) perThreadRequest.get();
* Gets the HttpServletResponse
object for the current call. It
* is stored thread-locally so that simultaneous invocations can have
* different response objects.
protected final HttpServletResponse getThreadLocalResponse() {
return (HttpServletResponse) perThreadResponse.get();
* Override this method to examine the serialized response that will be
* returned to the client. The default implementation does nothing and need
* not be called by subclasses.
protected void onAfterResponseSerialized(String serializedResponse) {
* Override this method to examine the serialized version of the request
* payload before it is deserialized into objects. The default implementation
* does nothing and need not be called by subclasses.
protected void onBeforeRequestDeserialized(String serializedRequest) {
* Determines whether the response to a given servlet request should or should
* not be GZIP compressed. This method is only called in cases where the
* requestor accepts GZIP encoding.
* This implementation currently returns true
if the response
* string's estimated byte length is longer than 256 bytes. Subclasses can
* override this logic.
* @param request the request being served
* @param response the response that will be written into
* @param responsePayload the payload that is about to be sent to the client
* @return true
if responsePayload should be GZIP compressed,
* otherwise false
protected boolean shouldCompressResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String responsePayload) {
return estimateByteSize(responsePayload) > UNCOMPRESSED_BYTE_SIZE_LIMIT;
* Called when the machinery of this class itself has a problem, rather than
* the invoked third-party method. It writes a simple 500 message back to the
* client.
private void respondWithFailure(HttpServletResponse response) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"respondWithFailure failed while sending the previous failure to the client",
* Write the response payload to the response stream.
private void writeResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String responsePayload) throws IOException {
byte[] reply = responsePayload.getBytes(CHARSET_UTF8);
String contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8;
if (acceptsGzipEncoding(request)
&& shouldCompressResponse(request, response, responsePayload)) {
// Compress the reply and adjust headers.
ByteArrayOutputStream output = null;
GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = null;
Throwable caught = null;
try {
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(reply.length);
gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(output);
reply = output.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
caught = e;
} finally {
if (null != gzipOutputStream) {
if (null != output) {
if (caught != null) {
getServletContext().log("Unable to compress response", caught);
// Send the reply.
public final SerializationPolicy getSerializationPolicy(String moduleBaseURL, String strongName)
SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = getCachedSerializationPolicy(moduleBaseURL,
if (serializationPolicy != null)
return serializationPolicy;
serializationPolicy = doGetSerializationPolicy(getThreadLocalRequest(),
moduleBaseURL, strongName);
if (serializationPolicy == null)
// Failed to get the requested serialization policy; use the default
"WARNING: Failed to get the SerializationPolicy '"
+ strongName
+ "' for module '"
+ moduleBaseURL
+ "'; a legacy, 1.3.3 compatible, serialization policy will be used. You may experience SerializationExceptions as a result.");
serializationPolicy = RPC.getDefaultSerializationPolicy();
// This could cache null or an actual instance. Either way we will not
// attempt to lookup the policy again.
putCachedSerializationPolicy(moduleBaseURL, strongName, serializationPolicy);
return serializationPolicy;
private SerializationPolicy getCachedSerializationPolicy(String moduleBaseURL,
String strongName)
synchronized (serializationPolicyCache)
return serializationPolicyCache.get(moduleBaseURL + strongName);
private void putCachedSerializationPolicy(String moduleBaseURL, String strongName,
SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy)
synchronized (serializationPolicyCache)
serializationPolicyCache.put(moduleBaseURL + strongName, serializationPolicy);
* Gets the {@link SerializationPolicy} for given module base URL and strong
* name if there is one.
* Override this method to provide a {@link SerializationPolicy} using an
* alternative approach.
* @param request the HTTP request being serviced
* @param moduleBaseURL as specified in the incoming payload
* @param strongName a strong name that uniquely identifies a serialization
* policy file
* @return a {@link SerializationPolicy} for the given module base URL and
* strong name, or null
if there is none
protected SerializationPolicy doGetSerializationPolicy(HttpServletRequest request,
String moduleBaseURL, String strongName)
// The request can tell you the path of the web app relative to the
// container root.
String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
String modulePath = null;
if (moduleBaseURL != null)
modulePath = new URL(moduleBaseURL).getPath();
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
// log the information, we will default
getServletContext().log("Malformed moduleBaseURL: " + moduleBaseURL, ex);
SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = null;
* Check that the module path must be in the same web app as the servlet
* itself. If you need to implement a scheme different than this, override
* this method.
if (modulePath == null || !modulePath.startsWith(contextPath))
String message = "ERROR: The module path requested, "
+ modulePath
+ ", is not in the same web application as this servlet, "
+ contextPath
+ ". Your module may not be properly configured or your client and server code maybe out of date.";
// Strip off the context path from the module base URL. It should be a
// strict prefix.
String contextRelativePath = modulePath.substring(contextPath.length());
String serializationPolicyFilePath = SerializationPolicyLoader.getSerializationPolicyFileName(contextRelativePath
+ strongName);
// Open the RPC resource file read its contents.
InputStream is = getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(
if (is != null)
serializationPolicy = SerializationPolicyLoader.loadFromStream(is, null);
catch (ParseException e)
"ERROR: Failed to parse the policy file '"
+ serializationPolicyFilePath + "'", e);
catch (IOException e)
"ERROR: Could not read the policy file '"
+ serializationPolicyFilePath + "'", e);
String message = "ERROR: The serialization policy file '"
+ serializationPolicyFilePath
+ "' was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?";
if (is != null)
catch (IOException e)
// Ignore this error
return serializationPolicy;