@import '_variable.scss'; /*padding css*/ @for $i from 1 to 39 { .p-#{$i} { padding: #{$i}px !important; } .pb-#{$i} { padding-bottom: #{$i}px !important; } .pt-#{$i} { padding-top: #{$i}px !important; } } @for $i from 1 to 21 { .pr-#{$i*2} { padding-right: #{$i*2}px !important; } .pl-#{$i*2} { padding-left: #{$i*2}px !important; } } /*margin css*/ .m-auto { margin: auto; } /*margin css*/ /*margin top css*/ .mt-10 { margin-top: 10px; } .mt-20 { margin-top: 20px; } .mt-50 { margin-top: 50px; } /*margin css*/ /*margin bottom css*/ .mb-10 { margin-bottom: 20px; } .mb-24 { margin-bottom: 24px; } /*margin css*/ /*margin right css*/ .mr-10 { margin-right: 10px; } .mr-20 { margin-right: 20px; } /*margin css*/ /*margin left css*/ .ml-10 { margin-left: 10px; } .ml-20 { margin-left: 20px; } .ml-35 { margin-left: 35px; } /*alignment css*/ .align-right { text-align: right; } .align-center { text-align: center !important; } .align-left { text-align: left; } /*width css*/ /*width css in pixel*/ .w-120 { width: 120px; } .w-130 { width: 130px; } .w-160 { width: 160px; } .w-400 { width: 400px; } .w-500 { width: 500px; } .w-600 { width: 600px; } /*width css*/ /*width css in %*/ .w100 { width: 100% !important; }