Adminsite ========= This is a basic Circle Admin Backend interface. This support a series of namespaced (``) backend with these features: - Login for admin - Simple cms for pages (handle html xml files) - Simple cms for file assets (handles images and swf files) - Page caching - Protected pages (agnostic, you need to implement your `current_user` methods) - Mosso Cloud Files support - Liquid template language 3 steps install =============== 1. Add this in your Gemfile: gem 'adminsite' 2. Run rails generate adminsite 3. There is no 3 You are ready to go! How does it work. ================ 1. Start your web server (ex: `./script/server`) 2. Log in at `http://localhost:3000/admin` with admin / password 3. Create a new page with: - name: index page - url: index.html - body: "hello world" 4. open `http://localhost:3000/` Adminsite Exporter Generators ============================= You can generate an exporter based on a model. The generator takes care of all the process including adding a new tab in the menu and needed routes. You might want to adjust what the exports should contains, you can define multiple style, look in the generated controllers and classes. 1. Run `./script/generate admisite_exporter Customer` 2. Add the proper menu item in you view/admin/shared/_menu.html.haml file `=menu\_item("Customer Exports", admin\_customer\_exports\_path)` 3. Based on you app setup you might need to add to environments.rb `config.gem 'simple\_xlsx\_writer', :lib => 'simple\_xlsx'` Where Customer is only an example. Mosso Cloud Files ================= If you want to use Mosso Cloud Files support you should add a `config/mosso_cloudfiles.yml` that should look like this: development: username: circlerd api_key: SECRET_API test: username: katherine api_key: test production: username: circlerd api_key: SECRET_API `SECRET_API` is defined into the Mosso control panel and in all the projects we have with Mosso integration (copy it from one of them). Add this into your `config/environments/production.rb`: PAPERCLIP_CONTAINER = "my_project_container" Be sure that `my_project_container` exists for your account. Add this line into your `config/environment.rb`: gem.require 'cloudfiles' Protected pages =============== If you want protected pages you need to add in `ApplicationController` a `authenticate_content_user` method: This method should return `false` if no user is logged in or `true` if there is a user logged in ex. using Authlogic: def authenticate_content_user unless current_user flash[:notice] = "You must be logged in to access this page" redirect_to "/" return false end return true end def current_user # Place you authentication code here end Rake Tasks ========== The gem adds these task: rake db:migrate rake adminsite:create_admin These tasks are all executed for you by `rails g | grep adminsite`