require 'puppetfactory' require 'hocon' require 'hocon/parser/config_document_factory' require 'hocon/config_value_factory' class Puppetfactory::Plugins::CodeManager < Puppetfactory::Plugins def initialize(options) super(options) @puppet = options[:puppet] @gitserver = options[:gitserver] @repomodel = options[:repomodel] @controlrepo = options[:controlrepo] @environments = options[:environments] @sources = '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hieradata/sources.yaml' # we can hardcode these assumptions @meep = '/etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/common.conf' # because CM is PE only. @pattern = "#{@gitserver}/%s/#{@controlrepo}" # the rest of this method is for the big boys only return unless Process.euid == 0 # in case this is the first run and these doesn't exist yet unless File.exist? @sources FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname @sources, 'w') { |f| f.write( { 'puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::sources' => {} }.to_yaml) } end, 'w') { |f| f.write('') } unless File.exist? @meep if options[:codedir] # ensure sane file permissions FileUtils.chown_R('pe-puppet', 'pe-puppet', options[:codedir]) FileUtils.chmod(0755, options[:codedir]) end end def create(username, password) begin environment = "#{@environments}/#{Puppetfactory::Helpers.environment_name(username)}" FileUtils.mkdir_p environment FileUtils.chown(username, 'pe-puppet', environment) FileUtils.chmod(0750, environment) # We don't need to add sources unless we're using a repo per student. if @repomodel == :peruser do |file| # make sure we don't have any concurrency issues file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) # We need to duplicate the sources list in the MEEP config for recovery options # I'd like to add it to code-manager.conf too and avoid the delay of running # puppet, but that's a race condition that we cannot accept. do |anotherfile| anotherfile.flock(File::LOCK_EX) source = { 'remote' => sprintf(@pattern, username), 'prefix' => (@repomodel == :peruser), } sources = YAML.load_file(@sources) meep = Hocon::Parser::ConfigDocumentFactory.parse_file(@meep) sources['puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::sources'][username] = source meep = meep.set_config_value( "\"puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::sources\".#{username}", Hocon::ConfigValueFactory.from_any_ref(source) ) # Ruby 1.8.7, why don't you just go away now, 'w') { |f| f.write(sources.to_yaml) }, 'w') { |f| f.write(meep.render) } $ "Created Code Manager source for #{username}" end end end rescue => e $logger.error "Cannot create Code Manager source for #{username}" $logger.error e.backtrace return false end true end def delete(username) begin environment = "#{@environments}/#{Puppetfactory::Helpers.environment_name(username)}" FileUtils.rm_rf environment # also delete any prefixed environments. Is this even a good idea? FileUtils.rm_rf "#{@environments}/#{username}_*" if @repomodel == :peruser do |file| # make sure we don't have any concurrency issues file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) # We need to duplicate the sources list in the MEEP config for recovery options # I'd like to add it to code-manager.conf too and avoid the delay of running # puppet, but that's a race condition that we cannot accept. do |anotherfile| anotherfile.flock(File::LOCK_EX) source = { 'remote' => sprintf(@pattern, username), 'prefix' => (@repomodel == :peruser), } sources = YAML.load_file(@sources) sources['puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::sources'].delete username rescue nil meep = Hocon::Parser::ConfigDocumentFactory.parse_file(@meep) meep = meep.remove_value("\"puppet_enterprise::master::code_manager::sources\".#{username}") # Ruby 1.8.7, why don't you just go away now, 'w') { |f| f.write(sources.to_yaml) }, 'w') { |f| f.write(meep.render) } $ "Removed Code Manager source for #{username}" end end rescue => e $logger.error "Cannot remove Code Manager source for #{username}" $logger.error e.backtrace return false end true end def deploy(username) environment = Puppetfactory::Helpers.environment_name(username) output, status = Open3.capture2e(@puppet, 'code', 'deploy', environment, '--wait') unless status.success? $logger.error "Failed to deploy environment #{environment} for #{username}" $logger.error output return false end $ "Deployed environment #{environment} for #{username}" true end def redeploy(username) begin if username == 'production' raise "Can't redeploy production environment" end delete(username) deploy(username) rescue => e raise "Error redeploying environment #{username}: #{e.message}" end true end end