module Marty; class UserView < Marty::Grid has_marty_permissions create: [:admin, :user_manager], read: :any, update: [:admin, :user_manager], delete: [:admin, :user_manager] # list of columns to be displayed in the grid view def self.user_columns [ :login, :firstname, :lastname, :active, :roles, ] end def configure(c) super c.attributes ||= self.class.user_columns c.title ||= I18n.t('users', default: 'Users') c.model = 'Marty::User' c.editing = :in_form c.paging = :pagination c.multi_select = false c.store_config.merge!(sorters: [{ property: :login, direction: 'ASC', }]) if c.attributes.include?(:login) c.scope = ->(arel) { arel.includes(:roles) } end def self.set_roles(roles, user) roles ||= [] # Destroy old roles (must call destroy for auditing to work properly) user.user_roles.each do |ur| ur.destroy unless roles.include?(I18n.t("roles.#{}")) end # set new roles user.roles = { |r| roles.include? I18n.t("roles.#{}") } end def self.create_edit_user(data) # Creates initial place-holder user object and validate user = data['id'].nil? ? : User.find(data['id']) user_columns.each do |c| user.send("#{c}=", data[c.to_s]) unless c == :roles end if user.valid? set_roles(data['roles'], user) end user end # override the add_in_form and edit_in_form endpoint. User creation/update # needs to use the create_edit_user method. endpoint :add_window__add_form__submit do |params| data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:data]) data['id'] = nil unless self.class.can_perform_action?(:create) client.netzke_notify 'Permission Denied' return end user = self.class.create_edit_user(data) if user.valid? client.success = true client.netzke_on_submit_success else client.netzke_notify(model_adapter.errors_array(user).join("\n")) end end endpoint :edit_window__edit_form__submit do |params| data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:data]) unless self.class.can_perform_action?(:update) client.netzke_notify 'Permission Denied' return end user = self.class.create_edit_user(data) if user.valid? client.success = true client.netzke_on_submit_success else client.netzke_notify(model_adapter.errors_array(user).join("\n")) end end action :add do |a| super(a) a.text = I18n.t('') a.tooltip = I18n.t('') a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-user-plus glyph' end action :edit do |a| super(a) a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-user-cog glyph' end action :delete do |a| super(a) a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-user-minus glyph' end def default_context_menu [] end attribute :login do |c| c.width = 100 c.label = I18n.t('user_grid.login') end attribute :firstname do |c| c.width = 100 c.label = I18n.t('user_grid.firstname') end attribute :lastname do |c| c.width = 100 c.label = I18n.t('user_grid.lastname') end attribute :active do |c| c.width = 60 c.label = I18n.t('') end attribute :roles do |c| c.width = 100 c.flex = 1 c.label = I18n.t('user_grid.roles') c.type = :string, c.getter = lambda do |r| { |ur| I18n.t("roles.#{}") }.sort end c.editor_config = { multi_select: true, empty_text: I18n.t('user_grid.select_roles'), store: Role.pluck(:name).map { |n| I18n.t("roles.#{n}") }.sort, type: :string, xtype: :combo, } end attribute :created_dt do |c| c.label = I18n.t('user_grid.created_dt') c.format = 'Y-m-d H:i' c.read_only = true end end; end UserView = Marty::UserView