module "AS", -> @All = byId: {} byCid: {} class @Model AS.Event.extends(this) @has_many: (name, config) -> @relation(name) (@has_manys ?= {})[name] = config @field(name) @has_one: (name, config) -> @relation(name) (@has_ones ?= {})[name] = config @::[name] = (value) -> if value is undefined AS.All.byCid[@get_attribute(name)] else if value is null @set_attribute(name, undefined) else if value.cid @set_attribute(name, value.cid) else if _.isString(value) @set_attribute(name, value) else if value._type model = module(value._type) else model = AS.Model @set_attribute name, (new model value).cid @belongs_to: (name, config) -> @relation(name) (@belongs_tos ?= {})[name] = config @::[name] = (value) -> if value is undefined AS.All.byCid[@get_attribute(name)] else if value is null @set_attribute(name, undefined) else if value.cid @set_attribute(name, value.cid) else if _.isString(value) @set_attribute(name, value) else throw new Error(["Cannot set #{name} to unexpected value. Try passing a cid, or an object with a cid. Value was: ", value]) @relation: (name) -> (@relations ?= []).push name @field: (name, options={}) -> # Reflection @fields ?= {} @fields[name] = options # options.type ?= String # options.type = Model.FieldTypes[] @::[name] = (value) -> if value is undefined @get_attribute(name) else @set_attribute(name, value) @initialize_relations: (model) -> constructor: (@attributes = {}) -> @initialize() initialize: () -> @previous_attributes = @attributes @id = @cid = @id or _.uniqueId("c") AS.All.byCid[@cid] = AS.All.byId[@id] = this @initialize_has_many(name, config) for name, config of @constructor.has_manys @initialize_has_one(name, config) for name, config of @constructor.has_ones @initialize_belongs_to(name, config) for name, config of @constructor.belongs_tos last: (attr) -> [@attributes, @previous_attributes] = [@previous_attributes, @attributes] last = @[attr]() [@attributes, @previous_attributes] = [@previous_attributes, @attributes] last initialize_has_many: (name, config) -> data = {} class this["#{name}_collection_klass"] extends AS.Collection this["#{name}_collection_klass"].model = -> config.model() if config.model data[name] = new this["#{name}_collection_klass"](@[name]?()) @set data initialize_has_one: (name, config) -> @[name](@attributes[name]) initialize_belongs_to: (name, config) -> # pass; not sure you have to do anything, this should be properly set already. save: () -> return false unless @changed() @persist() true # Persisted is a callback here. # Actual persistance will be handled by an observer. DEAL WITH IT IF YOU WANT IT. persisted: -> @previous_attributes = @attributes changes: () -> changed = {} for key, value of @attributes changed[key] = value unless @previous_attributes[value] is value changed # Blessed be backbone changed: () -> _(@changes).chain().keys().any().value() get: (attr) -> @[attr]() set: (attrs) -> @[key](value) for key, value of attrs @trigger("change") set_attribute: (name, value) -> @attributes[name] = value @trigger("change:#{name}") value get_attribute: (name) -> @attributes?[name] destroy: () -> @trigger("destroy") trigger: () -> AS.Event.instance_methods.trigger.apply this, _(arguments).splice(1, 0, this)