# -*- ruby -*- require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'bundler/setup' task :default => [:spec, :features] task :gem => :build require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t| # t.ruby_opts = "-w -r./spec/capture_warnings" end require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t| t.cucumber_opts = %w{--tags ~@skip_jruby} if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:wip) do |t| t.cucumber_opts = %w{-p wip -q} end begin require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb'] end rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "\nCould not require() YARD! Install with 'gem install yard' to get the 'yardoc' task\n\n" end task :stats do system 'scripts/cloc-1.64.pl . --exclude-dir=.git,vendor,coverage,doc,scripts,tmp,.bundle,pkg' end task :encodeify do Dir['{bin,features,lib,spec}/**/*.rb'].each do |filename| File.open filename do |file| first_line = file.first if first_line == "# encoding: utf-8\n" puts "#{filename} is utf-8" else puts "Making #{filename} utf-8..." File.unlink filename File.open filename, "w" do |new_file| new_file.write "# encoding: utf-8\n\n" new_file.write first_line new_file.write file.read end end end end end