describe Hubspot::Deal do let(:example_deal_hash) do VCR.use_cassette("deal_example") do HTTParty.get("").parsed_response end end before{ Hubspot.configure(hapikey: "demo") } describe "#initialize" do subject{ } it { should be_an_instance_of Hubspot::Deal } its (:portal_id) { should == 62515 } its (:deal_id) { should == 3 } end describe ".create!" do cassette "deal_create" subject { Hubspot::Deal.create!(62515, [8954037], [27136], {}) } its(:deal_id) { should_not be_nil } its(:portal_id) { should eql 62515 } its(:company_ids) { should eql [8954037]} its(:vids) { should eql [27136]} end describe ".find" do cassette "deal_find" let(:deal) {Hubspot::Deal.create!(62515, [8954037], [27136], { amount: 30})} it 'must find by the deal id' do find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) find_deal.deal_id.should eql deal.deal_id["amount"].should eql "30" end end describe '.recent' do cassette 'find_all_recent_updated_deals' it 'must get the recents updated deals' do deals = Hubspot::Deal.recent first = deals.first last = deals.last expect(first).to be_a Hubspot::Deal expect(['amount']).to eql '0' expect(['dealname']).to eql '' expect(['dealstage']).to eql 'closedwon' expect(last).to be_a Hubspot::Deal expect(['amount']).to eql '250' expect(['dealname']).to eql '' expect(['dealstage']).to eql 'closedwon' end it 'must filter only 2 deals' do deals = Hubspot::Deal.recent(count: 2) expect(deals.size).to eql 2 end it 'it must offset the deals' do deal = Hubspot::Deal.recent(count: 1, offset: 1).first expect(['dealname']).to eql '' # the third deal end end describe '#destroy!' do cassette 'destroy_deal' let(:deal) {Hubspot::Deal.create!(62515, [8954037], [27136], {amount: 30})} it 'should remove from hubspot' do pending expect(Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id)).to_not be_nil expect(deal.destroy!).to be_true expect(deal.destroyed?).to be_true expect(Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id)).to be_nil end end describe '#[]' do subject{ } it 'should get a property' do do |property, value| expect(subject[property]).to eql value end end end end