% Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font -- implement scripts % This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. % % Copyright (C) 1997--2022 Han-Wen Nienhuys % Jan Nieuwenhuizen % % % The LilyPond font is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version, or under the SIL Open Font License. % % LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with LilyPond. If not, see . fet_begingroup ("scripts"); turn_stemwidth# = 0.1 staff_space# + 0.6 stafflinethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (turn_stemwidth); def draw_fermata = save alpha, radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness, dot_size; save pat; path pat; % [Wanske] and some Baerenreiter editions % suggest about 80 degrees instead of a half-circle alpha := 10; radius# = 1.25 staff_space#; crook_thinness# = 1.5 linethickness#; crook_fatness# = 0.25 staff_space# + 1.5 linethickness#; radius# + crook_fatness# / 2 = h#; radius# + crook_thinness# / 2 = w#; set_char_box (w#, w#, crook_thinness# / 2, h#); define_pixels (radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness); dot_size# = 8/6 crook_fatness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); penpos1 (crook_thinness, 0); penpos2 (crook_fatness, -90); z1 = (-radius, 0); z2 = (0, radius); pat := z2l{left} .. z1l{dir (-alpha - 90)} .. {dir (90 - alpha)}z1r .. {right}z2r; pat := pat -- reverse pat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill pat; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x4 = 0; bot y4 = vround (-crook_thinness / 2); drawdot z4; enddef; fet_beginchar ("fermata up", "ufermata"); draw_fermata; penlabels (1, 2, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("fermata down", "dfermata"); draw_fermata; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_henze_short_fermata = save alpha, radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness, dot_size; save pat; path pat; % [Wanske] and some Baerenreiter editions % suggest about 80 degrees instead of a half-circle alpha := 10; radius# = 1.25 staff_space#; crook_thinness# = 1.5 linethickness#; crook_fatness# = 0.25 staff_space# + 1.5 linethickness#; dot_size# = 8/6 crook_fatness#; radius# + crook_fatness# / 2 = h#; radius# + crook_thinness# / 2 = w#; % The width of the character to the right is dot_size# / 2 % but the fermata should be “centered” with the dot above the % note so the box is made wider here. set_char_box (w#, w#, crook_thinness# / 2, h#); define_pixels (radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness); define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); penpos1 (crook_thinness, 0); penpos2 (crook_fatness, -90); z1 = (-radius, 0); z2 = (0, radius); x5 = x6 = x2 + crook_thinness / 2; y5 = y2l - crook_thinness / 2; y6 = y2r + crook_thinness / 2; pat := z2l{left} .. z1l{dir (-alpha - 90)} .. {dir (90 - alpha)}z1r .. {right}z2r .. z6{up} .. {up}z5 .. cycle; fill pat; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x4 = 0; bot y4 = vround (-crook_thinness / 2); drawdot z4; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Henze short fermata up", "uhenzeshortfermata"); draw_henze_short_fermata; penlabels (1, 2, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Henze short fermata down", "dhenzeshortfermata"); draw_henze_short_fermata; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_henze_long_fermata = save alpha, radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness, dot_size; save pat; path pat; % [Wanske] and some Baerenreiter editions % suggest about 80 degrees instead of a half-circle alpha := 10; radius# = 1.25 staff_space#; crook_thinness# = 1.5 linethickness#; crook_fatness# = 0.25 staff_space# + 1.5 linethickness#; radius# + crook_fatness# / 2 = h#; radius# + crook_thinness# / 2 = w#; set_char_box (w#, w#, crook_thinness# / 2, h#); define_pixels (radius, crook_thinness, crook_fatness); dot_size# = 8/6 crook_fatness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); penpos1 (crook_thinness, 0); penpos2 (crook_fatness, -90); z1 = (-radius, 0); z2 = (0, radius); pat := z2l{left} .. z1l{dir (-alpha - 90)} .. {dir (90 - alpha)}z1r .. {right}z2r; pat := pat -- reverse pat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill pat; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x4 = -x5 = 0.8 dot_size; bot y4 = vround (-crook_thinness / 2); y4 = y5; drawdot z4; drawdot z5; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Henze long fermata up", "uhenzelongfermata"); draw_henze_long_fermata; penlabels (1, 2, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Henze long fermata down", "dhenzelongfermata"); draw_henze_long_fermata; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_short_fermata = save fat_factor, thinness, dot_size; save left_dist, right_dist, se, ne; pair left_dist, right_dist, se, ne; set_char_box (staff_space#, staff_space#, 0, 2.2 staff_space#); dot_size# = 0.266 staff_space# + 2.666 linethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); fat_factor = .11; thinness = 1.5 linethickness; pickup pencircle scaled thinness; rt x2 = w; lft x5 = -b; bot y5 = 0; top y3 = h; y1 = y2 = y5; x3 = 0; z1 - z4 = whatever * (charwd, -charht); z4 = fat_factor [z3, z5]; ne = unitvector (z3 - z5); se = unitvector (z2 - z3); left_dist = (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; right_dist = (se rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; fill bot z5{right} .. (z5 - left_dist){ne} -- (((z5 - left_dist) -- (z3 - left_dist)) intersectionpoint ((z1 - right_dist) -- (z4 - right_dist))) -- (z1 - right_dist){se} .. bot z1{right} -- bot z2{right} .. (z2 + right_dist){-se} -- (z3 + right_dist){-se} .. top z3 .. (z3 + left_dist){-ne} -- (z5 + left_dist){-ne} .. cycle; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x1 - 2 x6 = x2; x6 := vround (x6); bot y6 = -d; drawdot z6; enddef; fet_beginchar ("short fermata up", "ushortfermata"); draw_short_fermata; labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("short fermata down", "dshortfermata"); draw_short_fermata; xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_very_short_fermata = save fat_factor, thinness, dot_size; save inner_factor, x_gap, inner_fat_factor; save left_dist, right_dist, se, ne; pair left_dist, right_dist, se, ne; set_char_box (1.25 staff_space#, 1.25 staff_space#, 0, 1.1 * 2.2 staff_space#); % the same as in draw_very_long_fermata dot_size# = 0.48 staff_space#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); fat_factor = .11; thinness = 1.5 linethickness; pickup pencircle scaled thinness; rt x2 = w; lft x5 = -b; bot y5 = 0; top y3 = h; y1 = y2 = y5; x3 = 0; z1 - z4 = whatever * (charwd, -charht); z4 = fat_factor [z3, z5]; x_gap = 0.2 staff_space; % TODO: is this correct? inner_fat_factor = 0.6 fat_factor; x11 - x8 = inner_factor * (x5 - x2); rt x8 = lft x1 - 1.2 x_gap; lft x11 = rt x5 + x_gap; bot y11 = 0; y7 = y8 = y11; z9 - z8 = whatever * (z3 - z2); z9 - z11 = whatever * (z3 - z5); z7 - z10 = whatever * (charwd, -charht); z10 = inner_fat_factor [z9, z11]; ne = unitvector (z3 - z5); se = unitvector (z2 - z3); left_dist = (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; right_dist = (se rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; fill bot z5{right} .. (z5 - left_dist){ne} -- (((z5 - left_dist) -- (z3 - left_dist)) intersectionpoint ((z1 - right_dist) -- (z4 - right_dist))) -- (z1 - right_dist){se} .. bot z1{right} -- bot z2{right} .. (z2 + right_dist){-se} -- (z3 + right_dist){-se} .. top z3 .. (z3 + left_dist){-ne} -- (z5 + left_dist){-ne} .. cycle; fill bot z11{right} .. (z11 - left_dist){ne} -- (((z11 - left_dist) -- (z9 - left_dist)) intersectionpoint ((z7 - right_dist) -- (z10 - right_dist))) -- (z7 - right_dist){se} .. bot z7{right} -- bot z8{right} .. (z8 + right_dist){-se} -- (z9 + right_dist){-se} .. top z9 .. (z9 + left_dist){-ne} -- (z11 + left_dist){-ne} .. cycle; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; %x7 - 2 x6 = x8; x6 = 0.5 [x7, x11]; x6 := vround (x6); bot y6 = -d; drawdot z6; enddef; fet_beginchar ("very short fermata up", "uveryshortfermata"); draw_very_short_fermata; labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("very short fermata down", "dveryshortfermata"); draw_very_short_fermata; xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_long_fermata = save stemthick, beamheight, dot_size, wd; save pat; path pat; wd# = 2.5 staff_space#; stemthick = hround (1.5 linethickness); beamheight = 0.3 staff_space + linethickness; dot_size# = 0.266 staff_space# + 2.666 * linethickness#; define_pixels (wd); define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, 0, 3/2 staff_space#); pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; top y1 = h; lft x1 = -b; pat := top z1{left} .. {down}lft z1; pickup pencircle scaled stemthick; x2 = -b + stemthick; y2 = h - beamheight; lft x3 = -b; bot y3 = -d; pat := pat -- lft z3 .. bot z3 .. rt z3 -- z2; pat := pat -- reverse pat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill pat; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x4 = 0; bot y4 = -d; drawdot z4; enddef; fet_beginchar ("long fermata up", "ulongfermata"); draw_long_fermata; labels (1, 2, 3, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("long fermata down", "dlongfermata"); draw_long_fermata; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_very_long_fermata = save ibeamheight, obeamheight; save ihwd, ohwd, iht, oht; % inner/outer half_width/height save stemthick, dot_size; save opat, ipat; path opat, ipat; ihwd# = 1.0 staff_space#; ohwd# = 1.5 staff_space#; iht# = 0.9 staff_space#; oht# = 1.6 staff_space#; define_pixels (ihwd, ohwd, iht, oht) stemthick = hround (1.5 linethickness); ibeamheight# = 0.3 staff_space#; obeamheight# = 0.5 staff_space#; define_pixels (ibeamheight, obeamheight); dot_size# = (iht# - ibeamheight#) * 8/10; define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_size); set_char_box (ohwd#, ohwd#, 0, oht#); pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; top y1 = oht; lft x1 = -ohwd; top y11 = iht; lft x11 = -ihwd; opat := top z1{left} .. {down}lft z1; ipat := top z11{left} .. {down}lft z11; pickup pencircle scaled stemthick; x2 = -ohwd + stemthick; y2 = oht - obeamheight; lft x3 = -ohwd; bot y3 = 0; x12 = -ihwd + stemthick; y12 = iht - ibeamheight; lft x13 = -ihwd; bot y13 = 0; opat := opat -- lft z3 .. bot z3 .. rt z3 -- z2; opat := opat -- reverse opat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; ipat := ipat -- lft z13 .. bot z13 .. rt z13 -- z12; ipat := ipat -- reverse ipat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill opat; fill ipat; pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; x4 = 0; bot y4 = -d; drawdot z4; enddef; fet_beginchar ("very long fermata up", "uverylongfermata"); draw_very_long_fermata; labels (1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("very long fermata down", "dverylongfermata"); draw_very_long_fermata; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; % % Thumbs are used in cello music. % TODO : thumbs should look like the finger-font and should be placed in % the same way in the score. % fet_beginchar ("thumb", "thumb"); save thin, height, width, thick, depth; height# = 5/4 width#; height# = staff_space#; depth# = 1.6 (height# / 2); set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, depth#, height# / 2); define_pixels (height, width); thin = .6 linethickness + 0.06 staff_space; 2 thick + 0.5 (height - 2 thin) = width; penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, 90); penpos3 (thick, 180); penpos4 (thin, 270); z1r = (w, 0); z2r = (0, h); z3r = (-w, 0); z4r = (0, -h); penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); penstroke z1e{up} .. z2e{left} .. z3e{down} .. z4e{right} .. cycle; save brush_thick; y5 = -d + brush_thick / 2; brush_thick = 0.9 thick; x5 = 0; labels (5); draw_brush (z4r, 1.4 thin, z5, brush_thick, 0); fet_endchar; def draw_accent (expr bottom_left, top_right, thickness, diminish) = save thinning_start; thinning_start = 0.4; pickup pencircle scaled thickness; lft x1 = xpart bottom_left; top y1 = ypart top_right; lft x6 = xpart bottom_left; bot y6 = ypart bottom_left; rt z4 = (xpart top_right, (ypart top_right + ypart bottom_left) / 2); x5 = x3 = thinning_start [xpart top_right, xpart bottom_left] - linethickness + 0.1 staff_space; z3 = whatever [z1, z4]; z5 = whatever [z6, z4]; penpos1 (thickness, angle (z3 - z1) + 90); penpos3 (thickness, angle (z3 - z1) + 90); penpos4 (thickness, angle (z3 - z1) + 90); penpos4' (thickness, angle (z6 - z5) + 90); penpos5 (thickness, angle (z6 - z5) + 90); penpos6 (thickness, angle (z6 - z5) + 90); x4 - x7 = diminish * thickness; y7 = y4; z4' = z4; fill z1l -- z3l -- z7 -- z5l -- z6l .. lft z6{down} .. bot z6{right} .. z6r -- z4'r .. rt z4{up} .. z4r -- z1r .. top z1{left} .. lft z1{down} .. cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("wedge accent", "sforzato"); set_char_box (0.75 staff_space#, 0.75 staff_space#, 0.42 staff_space#, 0.42 staff_space#); draw_accent ((-w, -d), (w, h), 0.05 staff_space + linethickness, 0.7); penlabels (1, 3, 4, 4', 5, 6); labels (7); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("espr", "espr"); set_char_box (1.9 staff_space#, 1.9 staff_space#, .5 staff_space#, .5 staff_space#); draw_accent ((w - 1.78 staff_space, -d), (w, h), 0.05 staff_space + linethickness, 0.6); addto currentpicture also currentpicture xscaled -1; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("staccato dot", "staccato"); save radius; radius# = 0.20 * staff_space#; define_whole_pixels (radius); pickup pencircle scaled 2 radius; drawdot (0, 0); set_char_box (radius#, radius#, radius#, radius#); fet_endchar; def draw_staccatissimo (expr show_labels) = save radius, height; height# = .8 staff_space#; radius# = linethickness# + .1 staff_space#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (radius); define_pixels (height); draw_brush ((0, 0), linethickness, (0, height), 2 radius, show_labels); set_char_box (radius#, radius#, blot_diameter# / 2, height# + radius#); enddef; fet_beginchar ("staccatissimo/martellato up", "ustaccatissimo"); draw_staccatissimo (1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("staccatissimo/martellato down", "dstaccatissimo"); draw_staccatissimo (0); y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("portato/single tenuto", "tenuto"); save thick; thick# = 1.6 linethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (thick); set_char_box (.6 staff_space#, .6 staff_space#, thick# / 2, thick# / 2); draw_rounded_block ((-b, -thick / 2), (w, thick / 2), thick); fet_endchar; def draw_portato = save thick, dot_size; thick# = 1.4 linethickness#; dot_size# = 2.4 linethickness# + 0.08 staff_space#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (thick, dot_size); set_char_box (.6 staff_space#, .6 staff_space#, thick# / 2, .5 staff_space# + .5 dot_size#); draw_rounded_block ((-b, -thick / 2), (w, thick / 2), thick); pickup pencircle scaled dot_size; drawdot (0, h); enddef; fet_beginchar ("portato/tenuto with staccato", "uportato"); draw_portato; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("portato/tenuto with staccato", "dportato"); draw_portato; y_mirror_char fet_endchar; def draw_marcato = save fat_factor, thinness; save left_dist, right_dist, ne, se; pair left_dist, right_dist, ne, se; set_char_box (staff_space# / 2, staff_space# / 2, 0, 1.1 staff_space#); fat_factor = .3; thinness = linethickness; pickup pencircle scaled thinness; rt x2 = w; lft x5 = -b; bot y5 = 0; top y3 = h; y1 = y2 = y5; x3 =0; z1 - z4 = whatever * (charwd, -charht); z4 = fat_factor [z3, z5]; ne = unitvector (z3 - z5); se = unitvector (z2 - z3); left_dist = (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; right_dist = (se rotated 90) * 0.5 thinness; fill bot z5{right} .. (z5 - left_dist){ne} -- (((z5 - left_dist) -- (z3 - left_dist)) intersectionpoint ((z1 - right_dist) -- (z4 - right_dist))) -- (z1 - right_dist){se} .. bot z1{right} -- bot z2{right} .. (z2 + right_dist){-se} -- (z3 + right_dist){-se} .. top z3 .. (z3 + left_dist){-ne} -- (z5 + left_dist){-ne} .. cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("marcato up", "umarcato"); draw_marcato; labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); fet_endchar; % % The down marcato char (not very much used). % Contrary to what some MF/TeX `gurus' believe % it is *point*-symmetric with the "up" version % fet_beginchar ("marcato down", "dmarcato"); draw_marcato; xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; % % used in french horn music todo % % TODO: too light at 20pt % fet_beginchar ("open (unstopped)", "open"); save thin, height, width, thick; height# = 5/4 width#; height# = staff_space#; thin = .6 linethickness + 0.06 staff_space; set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, height# / 2, height# / 2); define_pixels (width, height); 2 thick + 0.6 (height - 2 thin) = width; penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, 90); penpos3 (thick, 180); penpos4 (thin, 270); z1r = (w, 0); z2r = (0, h); z3r = (-w, 0); z4r = (0, -h); penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); penstroke z1e{up} .. z2e{left} .. z3e{down} .. z4e{right} .. cycle; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("halfopen (unstopped)", "halfopen"); save thin, height, width, thick, factor, slash; factor = 5/4; height# = 5/4 width#; height# = staff_space#; thin = 0.6 linethickness + 0.06 staff_space; slash# = 1.05 linethickness#; set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, height# / 2, height# / 2); define_pixels (width, height, slash); 2 thick + 0.6 (height - 2 thin) = width; penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, 90); penpos3 (thick, 180); penpos4 (thin, 270); z1r = (w, 0); z2r = (0, h); z3r = (-w, 0); z4r = (0, -h); penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); penstroke z1e{up} .. z2e{left} .. z3e{down} .. z4e{right} .. cycle; draw_brush ((-w * factor, -h * factor), slash, (w * factor, h * factor), slash, 1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("halfopen vertical", "halfopenvertical"); save thin, height, width, thick, factor, slash; factor := 3/2; height# = 5/4 width#; height# = staff_space#; thin = 0.6 linethickness + 0.06 staff_space; slash# = 1.05 linethickness#; set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, height# / 2, height# / 2); define_pixels (width, height, slash); 2 thick + 0.6 (height - 2 thin) = width; penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, 90); penpos3 (thick, 180); penpos4 (thin, 270); z1r = (w, 0); z2r = (0, h); z3r = (-w, 0); z4r = (0, -h); penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); penstroke z1e{up} .. z2e{left} .. z3e{down} .. z4e{right} .. cycle; draw_brush ((0, -h * factor), slash, (0, h * factor), slash, 1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("plus (stopped)", "stopped"); save hthick, vthick, size, outer_hsize, outer_vsize; hthick# = vthick# = 2 linethickness#; size# = 1.1 staff_space#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (vthick); define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels (hthick); set_char_box (size# / 2, size# / 2, size# / 2, size# / 2); outer_hsize = hround ((b + w - vthick) / 2); outer_vsize = vround ((h + d - hthick) / 2); w := b := (2 outer_hsize + vthick) / 2; h := d := (2 outer_vsize + hthick) / 2; draw_rounded_block ((-b, -d + outer_vsize), (w, -d + outer_vsize + hthick), hthick); draw_rounded_block ((-b + outer_hsize, -d), (-b + outer_hsize + vthick, h), vthick); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("upbow", "upbow"); save ht, wd, thick; thick = 1.4 linethickness; wd# = 1.3 staff_space#; ht# = 1.6 wd#; set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, 0, ht#); draw_accent ((-h, -w), (0, w), thick, 0.9); currentpicture := currentpicture rotated -90; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("downbow", "downbow"); save stemthick, beamheight, wd; save pat; path pat; wd# = 1.5 staff_space#; define_pixels (wd); stemthick = hround (1.2 linethickness); set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, 0, 4/3 staff_space#); beamheight = 4/10 h; pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; top y1 = h; lft x1 = -b; pat := top z1{left} .. {down}lft z1; pickup pencircle scaled stemthick; x2 = -b + stemthick; y2 = h - beamheight; lft x3 = -b; bot y3 = -d; pat := pat -- lft z3 .. bot z3 .. rt z3 -- z2; pat := pat -- reverse pat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill pat; labels (1, 2, 3); fet_endchar; % % Inspired by a computer-set version of Auf dem Strom by Baerenreiter. % def draw_turn (expr height_factor, thicker_center) = save thin, thick, ball_diam, darkness; save wd, ht, thick_nibangle, ball_nib_thick; save turndir; pair turndir; wd# = 35/16 staff_space#; ht# = 18/17 staff_space#; darkness = 0.3 linethickness + 0.09 staff_space; set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, ht# / 2 * height_factor, ht# / 2 * height_factor); thick_nibangle = 60; thick = 3 darkness; thin = darkness; ball_nib_thick = 2.7 darkness; ball_diam = ball_nib_thick + (h / height_factor - ball_nib_thick) / 10; x3l = w; y3 = 0; y4l = h / height_factor; x4 = x2; x2l = w / 2; y2l = -d / height_factor; z1 = (0,0); x5r = x4; y5r = y4l - ball_diam / 2; z6r = z5r; penpos1 (thicker_center * thick, thick_nibangle); penpos2 (thick, thick_nibangle); penpos3 (thin, 180); penpos4 (ball_nib_thick, -90); penpos5 (1.6 ball_diam / 2, 10); penpos6 (ball_diam / 2, 150); save pata, patb, swoosh; path pata, patb, swoosh; numeric ta, tb; pata := z1l{curl 0} .. z2l{right} .. z3l{up} .. {left}z4l .. z5l .. z6l; patb := z4r .. z3r{down} .. z2r{left}; (ta, tb) = pata intersectiontimes patb; swoosh := subpath (0, ta) of pata -- subpath (tb, 2) of patb; fill swoosh .. swoosh scaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, -feta_eps) .. cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("reverse turn", "reverseturn"); draw_turn (1, 1.1); currentpicture := currentpicture yscaled -1; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("turn", "turn"); draw_turn (1, 1.1); penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("slashed turn", "slashturn"); draw_turn (4 / 3, 0.96); clearxy; pickup pencircle scaled turn_stemwidth; top y1 = h; bot y2 = -d; x1 = x2; x2 = 0; draw_gridline (z2, z1, turn_stemwidth); fet_endchar; def draw_haydnturn (expr height_factor) = save thin, thick, darkness; save wd, ht, thick_nibangle; wd# = 2 staff_space#; ht# = 3 / 5 staff_space#; set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, ht# / 2 * height_factor, ht# / 2 * height_factor); darkness = 0.3 linethickness + 0.09 staff_space; thick_nibangle = 60; thick = 3 darkness; thin = darkness; x3l = w; y3 = h / height_factor - thin / 2; x2l = w / 3; y2l = -d / height_factor; z1 = (0,0); penpos1 (1.1 thick, thick_nibangle); penpos2 (thick, thick_nibangle); penpos3 (thin, 150); path swoosh; swoosh := z1l{curl 0} .. z2l .. z3l{dir (60)} .. z3r{dir (240)} .. z2r{left}; fill swoosh .. swoosh scaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, -feta_eps) .. cycle; pickup pencircle scaled turn_stemwidth; top y4 = h; bot y5 = -d; x4 = x5; x5 = 0; draw_gridline (z5, z4, turn_stemwidth); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Haydn ornament", "haydnturn"); draw_haydnturn (2); penlabels (1, 2, 3); labels (4, 5); fet_endchar; % % Inspired by a (by now) PD edition of Durand & C'ie edition of % Saint-Saens' Celloconcerto no. 1 % % FIXME take out hardcoded vars. % FIXME the two loops on the `t' should be smoother (and the left one bigger). % FIXME generic macros for serifs: top of the t and bottom of r % fet_beginchar ("trill (`tr')", "trill"); save start_nib_angle, ascender_extra, ex, hair_thick, fatness; save slant, t_fatness, r_fatness, kerning, t_overshoot; save uitschieter, bulb_size, krul_ang; save u, v; ascender_extra# = 1/2 ex#; ascender# = ascender_extra# + ex#; ex# = 1.4 staff_space#; kerning# = 0.6 ex#; start_nib_angle = 20; bulb_size = 0.8; define_pixels (ex, ascender_extra, ascender, kerning); t_overshoot = 0.03 ex; fatness = 12/40 ex; t_fatness = 0.78 fatness; t_width = 1.9 t_fatness; r_fatness = 0.78 fatness; uitschieter = 0.48 ex; hair_thick = linethickness; r_flare = .5 hair_thick + 0.25 r_fatness; r_width = 2 r_fatness + 0.25 kerning; slant = .2; local_copy (transform)(currenttransform); currenttransform := currenttransform slanted slant shifted (-staff_space, 0); set_char_box (.85 staff_space#, .85 staff_space#, 0, ascender#); y1 = ascender; % try to position in such a way that the center is the visual % center x1l = 0.2 staff_space; x1r - x1l = t_fatness; penpos1 (start_nib_wid, start_nib_angle); z2 = (x1, 7/18 ex); penpos2 (start_nib_wid, start_nib_angle); z3l = (x2l + 0.5 t_width, - t_overshoot); z4l = (x2l + t_width, 0.23 ex); penpos4 (whatever, 180); % 200 x4l - x4r = hair_thick; x3r = 0.5 [x4r, x2r]; % 1.7 [x3l, x3r] = x4r; y3r - y3l = 0.6 t_fatness; save krul_p; path krul_p; krul_ang = 32; pickup pencircle scaled hair_thick; z5 = (x2l + t_fatness / 2, 2/3 ex); lft x6 = x2l - uitschieter; y6 = y5; % - 1/20 ex; z7 = z5 + whatever * dir krul_ang; up_angle = krul_ang; % = angle (z7-z5) x7 = 5/10 kerning + x5; krul_p := z4{up} ..tension 0.98.. z5 .. z6 .. z5{z7 - z5} -- z7; z4' = point 0.85 of krul_p; penpos4' (hair_thick, angle (direction 0.85 of krul_p) + 90); % the body of the `t' and the bottom loop fill z1r{dir (angle (z1l - z1r) + 30)} .. z1l{-dir (angle (z1r - z1l) - 45)} -- z2l{down} ..tension (1 + .5 slant).. z3l{right} .. z4l{up} .. z4'l{direction 0.85 of krul_p} -- z4'r{-direction 0.85 of krul_p} .. z4r{down} .. z3r{left} ..tension (1.5 + .7 slant).. z2r{up} -- cycle; z5' = point 1.1 of krul_p; penpos5' (hair_thick, angle (direction 1.1 of krul_p) + 90); z5'' = point 1.5 of krul_p; penpos5'' (hair_thick, angle (direction 1.5 of krul_p) + 90); z5''' = point 1.8 of krul_p; penpos5''' (hair_thick, angle (direction 1.8 of krul_p) + 90); z6 = point 2 of krul_p; penpos6 (hair_thick, angle (direction 2 of krul_p) + 90); z6' = point 2.3 of krul_p; penpos6' (hair_thick, angle (direction 2.3 of krul_p) + 90); z6'' = point 2.6 of krul_p; penpos6'' (hair_thick, angle (direction 2.6 of krul_p) + 90); z6''' = point 2.9 of krul_p; penpos6''' (hair_thick, angle (direction 2.9 of krul_p) + 90); penpos7 (hair_thick, up_angle + 90); z7' = point 3.2 of krul_p; penpos7' (hair_thick, angle (direction 3.2 of krul_p) + 90); % the left loop penstroke z5'e{direction 1.1 of krul_p} .. z5''e{direction 1.5 of krul_p} .. z5'''e{direction 1.8 of krul_p} .. z6e{direction 2 of krul_p} .. z6'e{direction 2.3 of krul_p} .. z6''e{direction 2.6 of krul_p} .. {direction 2.9 of krul_p}z6'''e; y9 = 3/4 ex; x9 = x1 + kerning; penpos9 (r_fatness, 0); x10 = x9; y10 = -0.3 linethickness; penpos10 (r_fatness, 0); penpos11 (hair_thick, -4); z11r = z9r; z13l = (x9l + r_width, y11 - linethickness); penpos13 (r_flare, 180); z15 = z13r - (bulb_size * r_fatness, 0); z14 = 0.5 [z13l, z15] - (0, bulb_size * r_fatness); save before, after; path before, after; before := z13l{up} .. {down}z11l; after := z9r{up} .. z7r{z7' - z7} -- z7'r; (u, v) = before intersectiontimes after; save before_bulb, after_bulb; path before_bulb, after_bulb; before_bulb := z9r{up} ..tension 0.94.. z13r{down}; after_bulb := z13l{up} ..tension 1.06.. z15{down}; (u_bulb, v_bulb) = before_bulb intersectiontimes after_bulb; % the connection between `t' and `r', the body of the `r', % and the bulb fill z7'l -- z7l{z7 - z7'} .. z9l{down} -- simple_serif (z10l, z10r, -30) -- z9r{up} .. subpath (0, u_bulb) of before_bulb .. subpath (v_bulb, infinity) of after_bulb .. z14 .. z13l{up} .. subpath (0, u) of before .. subpath (v, infinity) of after -- cycle; penlabels (range 1 thru 15); penlabels (4', 5', 5'', 5''', 6', 6'', 6''', 7'); fet_endchar; def draw_heel = save radius, thickness; save pat; path pat; radius# := .5 staff_space#; set_char_box (radius#, radius#, radius#, 2/3 staff_space#); thickness := hround (1.5 linethickness); pickup pencircle scaled thickness; rt x1 = b; top y1 = h; x2 =x1; y2 = 0; x3 = 0; bot y3 = -d; pat := top z3{right} .. lft z2{up} -- lft z1 .. top z1 .. rt z1 -- rt z2{down} .. bot z3{left}; pat := pat -- reverse pat xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fill pat; enddef; fet_beginchar ("left heel", "upedalheel"); draw_heel; labels (1, 2, 3); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("right heel", "dpedalheel"); draw_heel; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_toe = save ht, wd, thickness; thickness := 1.5 linethickness; ht# := 1.5 staff_space#; wd# := 1/3 ht#; define_pixels (ht, wd); set_char_box (wd#, wd#, 0, ht#); draw_accent ((-h, -w), (0, w), thickness, 0.9); currentpicture := currentpicture rotated -90; enddef; fet_beginchar ("left toe", "upedaltoe"); draw_toe; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("right toe", "dpedaltoe"); draw_toe; y_mirror_char; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("flageolet", "flageolet"); save height, width, thickness, superness; height# = 3/15 staffsize#; width# = height#; thickness# = 1.25 * blot_diameter#; define_pixels (height, width); define_whole_blacker_pixels (thickness); set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, height# / 2, height# / 2); penpos1 (thickness, 90); penpos2 (thickness, 180); penpos3 (thickness, 270); penpos4 (thickness, 0); x1 = 0; y1r = h; x4r = w; x2r = -x4r; y2 = 0; y4 = y2; x3 = x1; y3r = -y1r; penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); % mf doesn't handle pixel dropouts in outline objects, so we use % `draw' if not called by mpost if known miterlimit: penstroke z1e .. z2e .. z3e .. z4e .. cycle; else: pickup pencircle scaled thickness; draw z1 .. z2 .. z3 .. z4 .. cycle; fi; fet_endchar; % % TODO: ARGRGHGH code dup. % fet_beginchar ("segno", "segno"); save thin, thick, ball_diam, darkness, pointheight; save wd, ht, thick_nibangle, ball_nib_thick; save turndir; pair turndir; ht# = 3 staff_space#; wd# = 2 staff_space#; darkness = .08 staff_space + 0.4 linethickness; set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, ht# / 2, ht# / 2); thick_nibangle = 30; thick = 3 darkness; thin = darkness; ball_nib_thick = 2.7 darkness; ball_diam = ball_nib_thick + (w - ball_nib_thick) / 10; pointheight = 2 linethickness; y3l = h; 2 x3 = x2 + x4; x4 = 0; y4 = y2; y2l = .6 h; x2l = -b; z1 = (0, 0); y5r = y4; x5r = x4l - ball_diam / 2; z6r = z5r; penpos1 (thick, 2 thick_nibangle); penpos2 (thick, thick_nibangle); penpos3 (thin, -90); penpos4 (ball_nib_thick, 180 - thick_nibangle); penpos5 (1.6 ball_diam / 2, 100); penpos6 (ball_diam / 2, 240); save pata, ta, patb, tb, swoosh; path pata, patb, swoosh; numeric ta, tb; pata := z1l{dir (2 thick_nibangle + 90)} ..tension 0.95.. z2l{up} .. z3l{right} .. {down}z4l .. z5l .. z6l; patb := z4r .. z3r{left} .. z2r{down}; (ta, tb) = pata intersectiontimes patb; swoosh := subpath (0, ta) of pata -- subpath (tb, 2) of patb; fill swoosh .. swoosh scaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, -feta_eps) .. cycle; penpos7 (2 thin, 0); z7l = (-b, -d); penpos8 (2 thin, 0); z8r = (w, h); penstroke z7e -- z8e; pickup pencircle scaled 2 thin; drawdot (-x2r, pointheight); drawdot (x2r, -pointheight); penlabels (range 1 thru 8); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("varied segno", "varsegno"); save ht, wd, loopdist, loopangle; save thin, med, thick; save bulbradius, center; pair center; ht# = 8 staff_space#; wd# = 2.5 staff_space#; set_char_box (wd# / 2, wd# / 2, ht# / 2, ht# / 2); % set_char_box (0, 0, ht# / 2, ht# / 2); loopdist = 4/3 staff_space; loopangle = 35; thick = 1/2 staff_space; med = 1/4 staff_space; thin = 1/10 staff_space; x1 = staff_space; y1 = 13/4 staff_space; penpos1 (med, 210); z2l = (0, 4 staff_space); penpos2 (med, 270 - loopangle); x3 = -x1; y3 = y1 + 1/4 staff_space; penpos3 (med, 270 + loopangle); center = (0, 2 staff_space); z4 = (3/4 staff_space, 2 staff_space) rotatedabout (center, 180 - loopangle); z5 = 2[z4, center]; x9 = x4; y9 = y4 - 2 loopdist; x10 = x5; y10 = y5 - 2 loopdist; penpos4 (thick, 90 - loopangle); penpos5 (thick, 90 - loopangle); penpos9 (thick, 90 - loopangle); penpos10 (thick, 90 - loopangle); z6 = (4/3 staff_space, 4/3 staff_space) rotatedabout (2/3 center, -loopangle); x11 = x6; y11 = y6 - 2 loopdist; penpos6 (thin, -loopangle); penpos11 (thin, -loopangle); z7 = 1/3 center; penpos7 (thick, 270 - loopangle); z8 = (4/3 staff_space, 0) rotated (180 - loopangle); penpos8 (thin, -loopangle); z12 = -center; penpos12 (thick, 270 - loopangle); z1' = 4/3[z1l, z1r]; bulbradius = length (z1l - z1'); pickup pencircle scaled 2 bulbradius; save se_dir, nw_dir; pair se_dir, nw_dir; se_dir := dir -loopangle; nw_dir := dir (180 - loopangle); draw_bulb (-1, z1r, z1l, bulbradius, .8); penstroke z1e .. z2e .. z3e ... {se_dir}z4e -- z5e{se_dir} ... z6e ... z7e{nw_dir} ... z8e ... {se_dir}z9e -- z10e{se_dir} ... z11e ... {nw_dir}z12e; addto currentpicture also currentpicture scaled -1; penlabels (1, 1', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("coda", "coda"); save stickout, thin, thick, codawidth, codaheight; stickout# = 0.35 staff_space#; codawidth# = 2/3 staff_space#; codaheight# = staff_space#; define_pixels (codawidth, codaheight); set_char_box (codawidth# + stickout#, codawidth# + stickout#, codaheight# + stickout#, codaheight# + stickout#); thin = 1.2 linethickness; 0.1 (codaheight - 2 thin) = (codawidth - 2 thick); penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, -90); penpos3 (thick, -180); penpos4 (thin, -270); x1l = -codawidth; y2l = codaheight; y1 = 0; x2 = 0; z3 = -z1; z4 = -z2; penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); fill z1l{up} .. z2l{right} .. z3l{down} .. z4l{left} .. cycle; unfill z1r{up} .. z2r{right} .. z3r{down} .. z4r{left} .. cycle; draw_gridline ((0, -h), (0, h), thin); draw_gridline ((-w, 0), (w, 0), thin); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("varied coda", "varcoda"); save thin, thick, codawidth, codaheight; thin# = 1.2 linethickness#; thick# = 1.0 linethickness# + 0.25 staff_space#; codawidth# = 2/3 staff_space#; codaheight# = staff_space#; define_pixels (thin, thick, codawidth, codaheight); set_char_box (codawidth# + thick#, codawidth# + thick#, codaheight# + thick#, codaheight# + thick#); x1 = -codawidth + thick - .5 blot_diameter; y1 = y2 - thin; x2 = codawidth - thick + .5 blot_diameter; y2 = codaheight; draw_square_block (z1, z2); x3 = -codawidth; y3 = -codaheight; x4 = x3 + thick; y4 = y2; draw_block (z3, z4); labels (1, 2, 3, 4); addto currentpicture also currentpicture scaled -1; draw_gridline ((0, -h), (0, h), thin); draw_gridline ((-w, 0), (w, 0), thin); fet_endchar; def draw_comma = save alpha, thick, thin, tip_thin, base_offset; save pata, patb; path pata, patb; save r, d; numeric r[], d[]; save ta, tb; alpha := 65; thick# := 1/3 staff_space# + 2 linethickness#; thin# := 1/3 thick#; base_offset# := 0.3 thick#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (thick); define_pixels (thin, base_offset); tip_thin = 0.6 thin; r1# := 1.0 thick#; r2# := 0.9 thick#; r3# := 0.8 thick#; define_pixels (r1, r2, r3); d1# := 0.5 (r1# - r2#); d2# := 0.5 (r2# - r3#); define_pixels (d1, d2); set_char_box (0, 0.5 (r1# + r2#), thick# - base_offset#, 0.5 (r1# + r3#) - d1# + base_offset#); pata := quartercircle scaled r1 .. quartercircle rotated 90 scaled r2 shifted (0, d1) .. quartercircle rotated 180 scaled r3 shifted (-d2, d1) -- (0.4, -0.5) scaled r3 shifted (-d2, d1); pata := pata shifted (w - 0.5 r1, h - 0.5 r1); penpos1 (thin, 0); pickup pencircle scaled thin; rt x1 = w; y1 = 0.2 thick + base_offset; penpos2 (tip_thin, -alpha); pickup pencircle scaled tip_thin; bot y2 = -d; lft x2 = 0; patb := z1l{down} ..z2l{dir (270 - alpha)} .. lft z2{down} .. bot z2{right} .. z2r{dir (90 - alpha)} .. z1r{up}; (ta, tb) = pata intersectiontimes patb; fill subpath (0, ta) of pata .. subpath (tb, length patb) of patb -- cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("right comma", "rcomma"); draw_comma; penlabels (1, 2); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("left comma", "lcomma"); draw_comma; xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_varcomma (expr show_labels) = save thick, thin, ht, wd, alpha; alpha := 35; thin# = 1.2 linethickness#; thick# = 3 linethickness#; ht# = .6 staff_space#; wd# = .25 staff_space#; define_pixels (thin, thick, ht, alpha); set_char_box (wd#, wd#, ht#, ht#); z1 = (-b, -d); z2 = (w, h); draw_brush (z1, thin, z2, thick, show_labels); enddef; fet_beginchar ("right varied comma", "rvarcomma"); draw_varcomma (1); labels (1, 2); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("left varied comma", "lvarcomma"); draw_varcomma (0); xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; def draw_altcomma = save alpha, thick, thin, ht; alpha := 35; thin# = 1.2 linethickness#; thick# = 3 linethickness#; ht# = .6 staff_space#; define_pixels (thin, thick, ht); set_char_box (0, .5 staff_space#, ht#, ht#); penpos1 (thick, alpha); penpos2 (thick, alpha + 90); penpos3 (thin, 180 - alpha); penpos4 (thin, 90 - alpha); x3r = 0; x1l = x3l; y2r = -y4l = h; z1 = z2; z3 = z4; fill z1l{dir (alpha + 90)} .. z2r{dir alpha} .. z1r{dir (alpha - 90)} .. z3l{dir (270 - alpha)} .. z4l{dir (180 - alpha)} .. z3r{dir (90-alpha)} .. cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("right alternate comma", "raltcomma"); draw_altcomma; penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("left alternate comma", "laltcomma"); draw_altcomma; xy_mirror_char; fet_endchar; thick# := 1/24 designsize; define_blacker_pixels (thick); rthin := 0.075 * staff_space + 0.5 linethickness; rthick := 2 thick + rthin; def draw_arpeggio = save alpha; save ne, nw, se, sw; save x, y; pair ne, nw, se, sw; alpha := -40; nw = dir (alpha + 180); ne = dir (alpha + 90); se = dir alpha; sw = dir (alpha - 90); penpos1 (rthin, alpha + 90); penpos2 (5/4 rthick, alpha); penpos3 (3/4 rthick, alpha); penpos4 (5/4 rthick, alpha); penpos5 (rthin, alpha + 90); z1 = (width / 2, height) - overshoot * se; z2 = 2 [z4, (width / 2, height / 2)]; z3 = 1/2 [z2, z4]; x4 = 2/8 staff_space; y4 = rthin; z5 = 2 [z1, (width / 2, height / 2)]; z6 = z2l + 1/2 rthin * sw; z7 = z4l + 1/2 rthin * sw + 1/2 rthin * se; z8 = 2 [z6, (width / 2, height / 2)]; z9 = 2 [z7, (width / 2, height / 2)]; fill z1l{se} -- z6 .. z3l .. z7{se} -- z5l .. z5r{nw} -- z8 .. z3r .. z9{nw} -- z1r .. cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar ("arpeggio", "arpeggio"); begingroup; save height, overshoot, width; height# := staff_space#; width# := 0.8 * height#; overshoot# := 0.25 * staff_space#; define_pixels (height, overshoot, width); set_char_box (0, width#, 0, height#); draw_arpeggio; penlabels (range 1 thru 9); draw_staff_if_debugging (-2, 2); endgroup; fet_endchar; % % Extendable Trill symbol. % Not yet used % Rename me to Trill, rename Trill to Tr? % fet_beginchar ("trill element", "trill_element"); begingroup; save height, overshoot, width; height# = staff_space#; width# = 0.8 height#; overshoot# = 0.25 staff_space#; define_pixels (height, overshoot, width); set_char_box (0, height#, 0, width#); draw_arpeggio; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted -(width / 2, height / 2); currentpicture := currentpicture rotated 90; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (height / 2, width / 2); endgroup; fet_endchar; % % Arpeggio arrow by Chris Jackson % def draw_arpeggio_arrow = save thinness, height, width, overshoot; save nw, ne, se, sw; save alpha; save before_left, before_right, after_left, after_right; save u_left, v_left, u_right, v_right; pair nw, ne, se, sw; path before_left, before_right, after_left, after_right; height# = staff_space#; width# = 0.8 height#; overshoot# = 0.25 staff_space#; define_pixels (height, overshoot, width); set_char_box (0, width#, 0, height#); alpha := -40; nw = dir (alpha + 180); ne = dir (alpha + 90); se = dir alpha; sw = dir (alpha - 90); penpos1 (rthin, alpha + 90); penpos2 (5/4 rthick, alpha); penpos3 (5/4 rthick, 0); z1 = (width / 2, height) - overshoot * se; % numbering is consistent % with the arpeggio symbol z2 = 2 [z4, (width / 2, height / 2)]; z3 = (0.5 width, 0.5 height); z4 = (0.25 staff_space, rthin); z6 = z2l + 1/2 rthin * sw; z9 = (width / 2, height) + overshoot * se; pickup pencircle scaled vround (0.5 rthin); bot z10 = (0.5 w, 0); lft z11 = (0.5 w - hround (0.8 w), 0.8 h); rt z12 = (0.5 w + hround (0.8 w), 0.8 h); before_left := z1l -- z6{z6 - z1l} .. {down}z3l; after_left := (z3 + (0, -0.25 rthin / cosd (angle (nw)))) -- (z11 + 0.25 rthin * ne); (u_left, v_left) = before_left intersectiontimes after_left; before_right := (z12 + 0.25 rthin * nw) -- (z3 + (0, -0.25 rthin / cosd (angle (nw)))); after_right := z3r{up} .. z9{z1r - z9} -- z1r; (u_right, v_right) = before_right intersectiontimes after_right; fill subpath (0, u_left) of before_left .. subpath (v_left, infinity) of after_left .. top z11 .. lft z11 .. {dir -50}(z11 + 0.25 rthin * sw) .. (z10 + 0.25 rthin * sw){dir -70} .. bot z10 .. {dir 70}(z10 + 0.25 rthin * se) .. (z12 + 0.25 rthin * se){dir 50} .. rt z12 .. top z12 .. subpath (0, u_right) of before_right .. subpath (v_right, infinity) of after_right .. cycle; % mf doesn't handle pixel dropouts in outline objects, so we use % `draw' if not called by mpost if not known miterlimit: pickup pencircle scaled 0.7 rthin; draw z1 -- (z9 + 0.5 rthin * dir (alpha - 90)); fi; enddef; fet_beginchar ("arpeggio arrow down", "arpeggio.arrow.M1"); draw_arpeggio_arrow; penlabels (range 1 thru 12); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("arpeggio arrow up", "arpeggio.arrow.1"); draw_arpeggio_arrow; currentpicture := currentpicture scaled -1 shifted (w - feta_eps, h - feta_eps); fet_endchar; % Hmm input feta-trills; % % Railroad tracks. We define two variants of these -- both as slightly % tapered, comma-shaped curves and as two straight parallel slashes. % fet_beginchar ("curved caesura", "caesura.curved"); save slant, space_between, clearance; save alpha, pat; save botthick, topthick; save krom; path pat; botthick = 1.5 linethickness; topthick = 2.5 linethickness; pickup pencircle scaled botthick; slant = 3.5; space_between# = 0.6 staff_space#; clearance# = 0.2 staff_space#; height# = 1.2 staff_space#; set_char_box (0, 2.0 staff_space#, staff_space# - clearance#, height#); define_pixels (clearance, height); define_whole_pixels (space_between); bot y1 = -d; top y2 = h; lft x1 = 0; x2 = (y2 - y1) / slant; krom = 10; alpha = angle (z2 - z1); penpos1 (botthick, alpha - krom); penpos3 (botthick, alpha - krom + 90); penpos2 (topthick, alpha + krom); penpos4 (topthick, alpha + krom + 90); z3 = z1; z4 = z2; penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); pat := z3r{(z1r - z1l)} .. z4r{z2r-z2l} .. z2r{z4l-z4r} .. z4l{z2l-z2r} .. z3l{z1l-z1r} .. z1l{z3r-z3l} .. cycle; fill pat; fill pat shifted (space_between, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("straight caesura", "caesura.straight"); save slant, space_between, clearance; save thick, ne, pat; path pat; pair ne; slant = 2.0; thick = 2.88 linethickness; space_between# = 0.56 staff_space#; clearance# = 0.2 staff_space#; set_char_box (0, 2.0 staff_space#, staff_space# - clearance#, 1.2 staff_space#); define_whole_pixels (space_between); x1 = 0; x2 = x1 + thick; y1 = y2 = -d; x3 = x4 + thick; x4 = x1 + (h + d) / slant; y3 = y4 = h; ne = unitvector (z4 - z1); z1a = z1 + blot_diameter * ne; z1b = z1 + blot_diameter * right; z2a = z2 + blot_diameter * ne; z2b = z2 + blot_diameter * left; z3a = z3 - blot_diameter * ne; z3b = z3 + blot_diameter * left; z4a = z4 - blot_diameter * ne; z4b = z4 + blot_diameter * right; pat = z1a{-ne} .. {right}z1b -- z2b{right} .. {ne}z2a -- z3a{ne} .. {left}z3b -- z4b{left} .. {-ne}z4a -- cycle; fill pat; fill pat shifted (space_between, 0); labels (range 1 thru 4); labels (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b); fet_endchar; % A tick character to use instead of a comma or caesura as a breath mark. % Very common in vocal notation. fet_beginchar ("tick mark", "tickmark"); save end_rad, bot_rad, pat, x_centre, x_extent; path pat; end_rad = linethickness / 2; bot_rad = linethickness; x_centre# = 0.6 staff_space#; x_extent# = 1.7 staff_space#; define_pixels (x_centre, x_extent); pickup pencircle scaled end_rad; lft x1 = -x_centre; y1 = 0.8 staff_space; x2 = 0; y2l = 0; top rt z3 = (x_extent - x_centre, x_extent); x4 = lft x1; y4 = staff_space; penpos2 (0.4 staff_space, 90); penpos3 (end_rad, angle (z4 - z3) + 90); penpos1 (end_rad, angle (z2 - z1) + 90); pat = z1r .. top z1 .. z1l{z2 - z1} .. {z2 - (z1 + (0.3 staff_space,0))}z2l + (-bot_rad, bot_rad) .. z2l .. z2l + (bot_rad, bot_rad){z3 - (0.6 staff_space, 0) - z2} .. {z3 - z4}z3r .. rt z3 .. {z4 - z3}z3l .. {z2 - (z3 - (0.6 staff_space, 0))}rt z2r .. {z1 - z2}lft z2r{z1 - z2} .. cycle; fill pat; set_char_box (x_centre#, x_extent# - x_centre#, 0, x_extent#); penlabels (1, 2, 3); labels (4); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("snap pizzicato (Bartok pizzicato)", "snappizzicato"); save height, width, thickness, superness; height# = 4/15 staffsize#; width# = height#; thickness# = 1.3 linethickness#; define_pixels (height, width); define_whole_blacker_pixels (thickness); set_char_box (width# / 2, width# / 2, height# / 2, height# * 3 / 4); penpos1 (thickness, 90); penpos2 (thickness, 180); penpos3 (thickness, 270); penpos4 (thickness, 0); x1 = 0; y1r = height / 2; x3 = x1; y3r = -y1r; x4r = width / 2; y4 = 0; x2r = -x4r; y2 = y4; penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4); % mf doesn't handle pixel dropouts in outline objects, so we use % `draw' if not called by mpost if known miterlimit: penstroke z1e .. z2e .. z3e .. z4e .. cycle; else: pickup pencircle scaled thickness; draw z1 .. z2 .. z3 .. z4 .. cycle; fi; z5 = (0, 0); z6 = (x5, 1.5 y1r); draw_gridline (z5, z6, thickness); labels (5, 6); fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("scripts");