%main.mdl-layout__content .dialog.dialog--no-back.mdl-grid.mdl-grid--no-spacing.mdl-shadow--2dp %header.onboard__avatar.mdl-cell.mdl-cell--4-col %i.material-icons location_city .mdl-card.mdl-cell.mdl-cell--8-col = simple_form_for @registration, url: welcome_registration_path do |f| .mdl-card__title %h4.mdl-card__title-text Registration .mdl-card__supporting-text = hidden_field_tag(:team_id, params[:team_id]) = hidden_field_tag(:registration_token, params[:registration_token]) = f.fields_for(f.object.user) do |uf| = uf.input :forename, label: "First Name" = uf.input :surname, label: "Last Name" = uf.input :email = f.fields_for(f.object.team) do |tf| %p Choose a name for your team. = tf.input :name, label: "Team Name" = f.fields_for(f.object.user) do |uf| %p Pick a strong password. Ideally it will be longer than eight characters, have mixed upper/lower case, and include numbers and symbols. = uf.input :password = uf.input :password_confirmation .mdl-card__actions = f.button :submit, "Next »".html_safe