/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2014 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "activeTable.h" #include "Database.h" #include "QueryBase.h" #include "Recordset.h" #include "Record.h" #include "TableDef.h" #include "PooledDbManager.h" #include "PreparedQuery.h" #include "Table.h" using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client; using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap; void CActiveTable::setResult(IActiveTable** retVal) { this->QueryInterface(IID_IActiveTable, (void**)retVal); } void CActiveTable::FinalRelease() { if (m_recObj) m_recObj->Release(); if (m_at) m_at->release(); } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::SetDatabase(VARIANT Value, BSTR tableName) { try { if (Value.vt != VT_DISPATCH) { _TCHAR tmp[256]; wsprintf(tmp, _T("SetDatabase Type error type = %d"), Value.vt); return Error(tmp, IID_IActiveTable); } CPooledDbManager* pm = dynamic_cast<CPooledDbManager*>(Value.pdispVal); if (pm) { m_at = activeTable::create(&pm->m_mgr, tableName); m_at->table()->setOptionalData((void*)NULL); return S_OK; } CDatabase* p = dynamic_cast<CDatabase*>(Value.pdispVal); if (p) { m_at = activeTable::create(p->database(), tableName); m_at->table()->setOptionalData((void*)p->database()); return S_OK; } return Error(_T("SetDatabase Type error"), IID_IActiveTable); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Index(short Value, IActiveTable** retVal) { try { m_at->index(Value); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::KeyValue(VARIANT Value0, VARIANT Value1, VARIANT Value2, VARIANT Value3, VARIANT Value4, VARIANT Value5, VARIANT Value6, VARIANT Value7, IActiveTable** retVal) { try { if (Value0.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value0, &Value0, 0, VT_BSTR); if (Value1.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value1, &Value1, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value1.bstrVal || !Value1.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value2.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value2, &Value2, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value2.bstrVal || !Value2.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value3.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value3, &Value3, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value3.bstrVal || !Value3.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value4.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value4, &Value4, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value4.bstrVal || !Value4.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal, Value3.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value5.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value5, &Value5, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value5.bstrVal || !Value5.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal, Value3.bstrVal, Value4.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value6.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value6, &Value6, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value6.bstrVal || !Value6.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal, Value3.bstrVal, Value4.bstrVal, Value5.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } if (Value7.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value7, &Value7, 0, VT_BSTR); if (!Value7.bstrVal || !Value7.bstrVal[0]) { m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal, Value3.bstrVal, Value4.bstrVal, Value5.bstrVal, Value6.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } m_at->keyValue(Value0.bstrVal, Value1.bstrVal, Value2.bstrVal, Value3.bstrVal, Value4.bstrVal, Value5.bstrVal, Value6.bstrVal, Value7.bstrVal); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Option(int Value, IActiveTable** retVal) { m_at->option(Value); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Read(VARIANT query, VARIANT Value0, VARIANT Value1, VARIANT Value2, VARIANT Value3, VARIANT Value4, VARIANT Value5, VARIANT Value6, VARIANT Value7, IRecordset** retVal) { CComObject<CARecordset>* rsObj; CComObject<CARecordset>::CreateInstance(&rsObj); if (!rsObj) return Error(_T("Can not create recordset"), IID_IActiveTable); IRecordset* rs; rsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)&rs); _ASSERTE(rs); *retVal = rs; try { if (query.vt == VT_DISPATCH) { CQueryBase* p = dynamic_cast<CQueryBase*>(query.pdispVal); if (p) { if (Value0.vt != VT_ERROR) return Error(_T("Invalid ActiveTable::Read param 2"), IID_IActiveTable); m_at->read(*rsObj->m_rs, p->query()); return S_OK; } else { CPreparedQuery* pq = dynamic_cast<CPreparedQuery*>(query.pdispVal); if (pq) { pq->ResetAddIndex(); if (Value0.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value0.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value0, &Value0, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value0.bstrVal); } if (Value1.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value1.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value1, &Value1, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value1.bstrVal); } if (Value2.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value2.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value2, &Value2, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value2.bstrVal); } if (Value3.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value3.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value3, &Value3, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value3.bstrVal); } if (Value4.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value4.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value4, &Value4, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value4.bstrVal); } if (Value5.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value5.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value5, &Value5, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value5.bstrVal); } if (Value6.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value6.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value6, &Value6, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value6.bstrVal); } if (Value7.vt != VT_ERROR) { if (Value7.vt != VT_BSTR) VariantChangeType(&Value7, &Value7, 0, VT_BSTR); pq->addValue(Value7.bstrVal); } m_at->read(*rsObj->m_rs, pq->getFilter()); return S_OK; } } } else { queryBase q; q.reject(1).limit(1); m_at->read(*rsObj->m_rs, q); return S_OK; } return Error(_T("Invalid ActiveTable::Read param 1"), IID_IActiveTable); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Alias(BSTR Src, BSTR Dst, IActiveTable** retVal) { m_at->alias(Src, Dst); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::ResetAlias(IActiveTable** retVal) { m_at->resetAlias(); setResult(retVal); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Join(IRecordset* rs, VARIANT query, BSTR Name0, BSTR Name1, BSTR Name2, BSTR Name3, BSTR Name4, BSTR Name5, BSTR Name6, BSTR Name7, IRecordset** retVal) { try { if ((query.vt == VT_DISPATCH) && query.pdispVal) { CARecordset* p = dynamic_cast<CARecordset*>(rs); CQueryBase* qb = dynamic_cast<CQueryBase*>(query.pdispVal); CPreparedQuery* pq = dynamic_cast<CPreparedQuery*>(query.pdispVal); if (p) { if (qb) { queryBase* q = &qb->query(); if (q) { if (!Name1 || !Name1[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0); else if (!Name2 || !Name2[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1); else if (!Name3 || !Name3[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2); else if (!Name4 || !Name4[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3); else if (!Name5 || !Name5[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4); else if (!Name6 || !Name6[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5); else if (!Name7 || !Name7[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6); else m_at->join(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7); p->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)retVal); return S_OK; } } else if (pq) { bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::pq_handle& stmt = pq->getFilter(); if (stmt) { if (!Name1 || !Name1[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0); else if (!Name2 || !Name2[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1); else if (!Name3 || !Name3[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2); else if (!Name4 || !Name4[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3); else if (!Name5 || !Name5[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4); else if (!Name6 || !Name6[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5); else if (!Name7 || !Name7[0]) m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6); else m_at->join(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7); p->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)retVal); return S_OK; } } } } return Error(_T("Invalid ActiveTable::Join param 2"), IID_IActiveTable); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::OuterJoin(IRecordset* rs, VARIANT query, BSTR Name0, BSTR Name1, BSTR Name2, BSTR Name3, BSTR Name4, BSTR Name5, BSTR Name6, BSTR Name7, IRecordset** retVal) { try { if ((query.vt == VT_DISPATCH) && query.pdispVal) { CARecordset* p = dynamic_cast<CARecordset*>(rs); CQueryBase* qb = dynamic_cast<CQueryBase*>(query.pdispVal); CPreparedQuery* pq = dynamic_cast<CPreparedQuery*>(query.pdispVal); if (p) { if (qb) { queryBase* q = &qb->query(); if (q) { if (!Name1 || !Name1[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0); else if (!Name2 || !Name2[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1); else if (!Name3 || !Name3[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2); else if (!Name4 || !Name4[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3); else if (!Name5 || !Name5[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4); else if (!Name6 || !Name6[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5); else if (!Name7 || !Name7[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6); else m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, *q, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7); p->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)retVal); return S_OK; } } else if (pq) { bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client::pq_handle& stmt = pq->getFilter(); if (stmt) { if (!Name1 || !Name1[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0); else if (!Name2 || !Name2[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1); else if (!Name3 || !Name3[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2); else if (!Name4 || !Name4[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3); else if (!Name5 || !Name5[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4); else if (!Name6 || !Name6[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5); else if (!Name7 || !Name7[0]) m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6); else m_at->outerJoin(*p->m_rs, stmt, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7); p->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)retVal); return S_OK; } } } } return Error(_T("Invalid ActiveTable::OuterJoin param 2"), IID_IActiveTable); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Prepare(IQueryBase* Value, VARIANT_BOOL ServerPrepare, IPreparedQuery** retVal) { if (Value) { CQueryBase* p = dynamic_cast<CQueryBase*>(Value); if (p) { CComObject<CPreparedQuery>* rsObj; CComObject<CPreparedQuery>::CreateInstance(&rsObj); if (!rsObj) return Error(_T("CreateInstance PreparedQuery"), IID_ITable); try { rsObj->setPqHandle(m_at->prepare(p->query(), (bool)ServerPrepare)); IPreparedQuery* pd; rsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IPreparedQuery, (void**)&pd); _ASSERTE(pd); *retVal = pd; return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } } return Error(_T("Invalid ActiveTable::Prepare param 1"), IID_IActiveTable); } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::GetWritableRecord(IWritableRecord** retVal) { if (m_recObj == NULL) { CComObject<CWritableRecord>::CreateInstance(&m_recObj); if (!m_recObj) return Error("CreateInstance WritableRecord", IID_IActiveTable); m_recObj->AddRef(); } try { m_recObj->m_rec = &m_at->getWritableRecord(); IWritableRecord* wrec; m_recObj->QueryInterface(IID_IWritableRecord, (void**)&wrec); _ASSERTE(wrec); *retVal = wrec; return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::get_TableDef(ITableDef** Value) { try { CComObject<CTableDef>* piObj; CComObject<CTableDef>::CreateInstance(&piObj); if (!piObj) return Error(_T("CreateInstance TableDef"), IID_IActiveTable); piObj->m_tabledefPtr = const_cast<tabledef**>(m_at->table()->tableDefPtr()); ITableDef* tbd; piObj->QueryInterface(IID_ITableDef, (void**)&tbd); _ASSERTE(tbd); *Value = tbd; return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::Table(ITable** retVal) { try { CComObject<CTableTd>* ptb; CComObject<CTableTd>::CreateInstance(&ptb); if (!ptb) return Error(_T("CreateInstance Table"), IID_IActiveTable); ptb->m_tb = m_at->table(); ptb->m_tb->setOptionalData((void*)NULL); ITable* itb; ptb->QueryInterface(IID_ITable, (void**)&itb); _ASSERTE(itb); *retVal = itb; return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } } STDMETHODIMP CActiveTable::ReadMore(IRecordset** retVal) { try { CComObject<CARecordset>* rsObj; CComObject<CARecordset>::CreateInstance(&rsObj); if (!rsObj) return Error(_T("CreateInstance Recordset"), IID_IActiveTable); IRecordset* rs; rsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IRecordset, (void**)&rs); _ASSERTE(rs); *retVal = rs; m_at->readMore(*rsObj->m_rs); return S_OK; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { return Error((*bzs::rtl::getMsg(e)).c_str(), IID_IActiveTable); } }