module RDF::N3::Algebra::Str ## # The subject is a list of strings. The object is calculated as a concatenation of those strings. # # @example # ("a" "b") string:concatenation :s class Concatenation < RDF::N3::Algebra::ListOperator NAME = :strConcatenation URI = RDF::N3::Str.concatenation ## # The string:concatenation operator takes a list of terms cast to strings and either binds the result of concatenating them to the output variable, removes a solution that does equal the literal object. # # List entries are stringified using {SPARQL::Algebra::Expression.cast}. # # @param [RDF::N3::List] list # @return [RDF::Term] # @see RDF::N3::ListOperator#evaluate def resolve(list) RDF::Literal( do |o| SPARQL::Algebra::Expression.cast(RDF::XSD.string, o) end.join("") ) end end end