class Marty::PostingGrid < Marty::Grid has_marty_permissions read: :any, delete: :any # delete is hijacked for a select def configure(c) super c.header = false c.model = "Marty::Posting" c.columns = [:name, :created_dt, :user__name, :comment] c.multi_select = false c.data_store.sorters = {property: :created_dt, direction: 'DESC'} end # hijacking delete button action :del do |a| a.text = "Select" a.tooltip = "Select" a.icon = :time_go a.disabled = true end js_configure do |c| c.init_component = <<-JS function() { this.callParent(); this.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function(selModel) { this.actions.detail && this.actions.detail.setDisabled(!selModel.hasSelection()); }, this); var me = this; me.getView().on('itemkeydown', function(view, record, item, index, e) { if (e.getKey() === e.SPACE) { record_id = me.getSelectionModel().selected.first().getId(); me.getView().fireEvent('itemclick', me, record); me.serverDetail({record_id: record_id}); var rowIndex = me.find('id', record.getId()); me.getView().select(rowIndex); } }); } JS c.detail = <<-JS function() { record_id = this.getSelectionModel().selected.first().getId(); this.serverDetail({record_id: record_id}); } JS c.show_detail = <<-JS function(details) { Ext.create('Ext.Window', { height: 150, minWidth: 250, autoWidth: true, modal: true, autoScroll: true, html: details, title: "Posting Details" }).show(); } JS c.on_del = <<-JS function() { var records = []; var me = this; me.getSelectionModel().selected.each(function(r) { records.push(r.getId()); }, me); // find the root component (main application) var main_app = me; while (1) { var p = main_app.netzkeGetParentComponent(); if (!p) { break; } main_app = p; } // assumes main_app has serverSelectPosting method main_app.serverSelectPosting(records); } JS end def default_bbar [:del, :detail] end action :detail do |a| a.text = "Detail" a.icon = :application_view_detail a.handler = :detail a.disabled = true end endpoint :server_detail do |params, this| record_id = params[:record_id] # Prepare an HTML popup with session details such that the # contents can be easily pasted into a spreadsheet. pt = Marty::Posting.find_by_id(record_id) dt = pt.created_dt.to_s == 'Infinity' ? '---' : pt.created_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p') html = "Name:\t#{}
" + "Date/Time:\t#{dt}
" + "User:\t#{}
" + "Comment:\t#{pt.comment}" this.show_detail html end column :name do |c| c.flex = 1 end column :created_dt do |c| c.text = "Date/Time" c.format = "Y-m-d H:i" c.hidden = true end column :user__name do |c| c.width = 100 end column :comment do |c| c.width = 100 end end PostingGrid = Marty::PostingGrid