# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/s3" require "logstash/event" require "logstash/codecs/line" require "stud/temporary" describe LogStash::Outputs::S3 do let(:prefix) { "super/%{server}" } let(:region) { "us-east-1" } let(:bucket_name) { "mybucket" } let(:options) { { "region" => region, "bucket" => bucket_name, "prefix" => prefix, "restore" => false, "access_key_id" => "access_key_id", "secret_access_key" => "secret_access_key" } } let(:client) { Aws::S3::Client.new(stub_responses: true) } let(:mock_bucket) { Aws::S3::Bucket.new(:name => bucket_name, :stub_responses => true, :client => client) } let(:event) { LogStash::Event.new({ "server" => "overwatch" }) } let(:event_encoded) { "super hype" } let(:events_and_encoded) { { event => event_encoded } } subject { described_class.new(options) } before do allow_any_instance_of(LogStash::Outputs::S3::WriteBucketPermissionValidator).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) end context "#register configuration validation" do describe "signature version" do it "should set the signature version if specified" do ["v2", "v4"].each do |version| s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "signature_version" => version })) expect(s3.full_options).to include(:signature_version => version) end end it "should omit the option completely if not specified" do s3 = described_class.new(options) expect(s3.full_options.has_key?(:signature_version)).to eql(false) end end describe "Access control list" do context "when configured" do ["private", "public-read", "public-read-write", "authenticated-read", "aws-exec-read", "bucket-owner-read", "bucket-owner-full-control", "log-delivery-write"].each do |permission| it "should return the configured ACL permissions: #{permission}" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "canned_acl" => permission })) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:acl => permission) end end end context "when not configured" do it "uses private as the default" do s3 = described_class.new(options) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:acl => "private") end end end describe "Multipart upload threshold" do context "when configured" do it "should use the configured threshold" do threshold = 1 * 1024 * 1024 s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "upload_multipart_threshold" => threshold })) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:multipart_threshold => threshold) end end context "when not configured" do it "should use 15MB as the default" do s3 = described_class.new(options) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:multipart_threshold => 15 * 1024 * 1024) end end end describe "Service Side Encryption" do context "when configured" do it "should be configure" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "server_side_encryption" => true })) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:server_side_encryption => "AES256") end end context "when algorithm is configured" do ["AES256", "aws:kms"].each do |sse| it "should return the configured SSE: #{sse}" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "server_side_encryption" => true, "server_side_encryption_algorithm" => sse })) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:server_side_encryption => sse) end end end context "when using SSE with KMS and custom key" do it "should return the configured KMS key" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "server_side_encryption" => true, "server_side_encryption_algorithm" => "aws:kms", "ssekms_key_id" => "test"})) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:server_side_encryption => "aws:kms") expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:ssekms_key_id => "test") end end context "when using SSE with KMS but no custom key" do it "should return the configured KMS key" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "server_side_encryption" => true, "server_side_encryption_algorithm" => "aws:kms"})) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:server_side_encryption => "aws:kms") expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:ssekms_key_id => nil) end end context "when not configured" do it "should not be configured" do s3 = described_class.new(options) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:server_side_encryption => nil) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:ssekms_key_id => nil) end end end describe "Storage Class" do context "when configured" do ["STANDARD", "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY", "STANDARD_IA", "ONEZONE_IA"].each do |storage_class| it "should return the configured storage class: #{storage_class}" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "storage_class" => storage_class })) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:storage_class => storage_class) end end end context "when not configured" do it "uses STANDARD as the default" do s3 = described_class.new(options) expect(s3.upload_options).to include(:storage_class => "STANDARD") end end end describe "temporary directory" do let(:temporary_directory) { Stud::Temporary.pathname } let(:options) { super().merge({ "temporary_directory" => temporary_directory }) } it "creates the directory when it doesn't exist" do expect(Dir.exist?(temporary_directory)).to be_falsey subject.register expect(Dir.exist?(temporary_directory)).to be_truthy end it "raises an error if we cannot write to the directory" do expect(LogStash::Outputs::S3::WritableDirectoryValidator).to receive(:valid?).with(temporary_directory).and_return(false) expect { subject.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end it "validates the prefix" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({ "prefix" => "`no\><^" })) expect { s3.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end describe "additional_settings" do context "supported settings" do let(:additional_settings) do { "additional_settings" => { "force_path_style" => 'true', "ssl_verify_peer" => 'false', "profile" => 'logstash' } } end it "validates the prefix" do expect(Aws::S3::Bucket).to receive(:new).twice. with(anything, hash_including(:force_path_style => true, :ssl_verify_peer => false, :profile => 'logstash')). and_call_original described_class.new(options.merge(additional_settings)).register end end context "when using a non existing setting" do let(:additional_settings) do { "additional_settings" => { "doesnt_exist" => true } } end it "raises an error" do plugin = described_class.new(options.merge(additional_settings)) expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end it "allow to not validate credentials" do s3 = described_class.new(options.merge({"validate_credentials_on_root_bucket" => false})) expect_any_instance_of(LogStash::Outputs::S3::WriteBucketPermissionValidator).not_to receive(:valid?).with(any_args) s3.register end end context "receiving events" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:bucket_resource).and_return(mock_bucket) subject.register end after do subject.close end it "uses `Event#sprintf` for the prefix" do expect(event).to receive(:sprintf).with(prefix).and_return("super/overwatch") subject.multi_receive_encoded(events_and_encoded) end end describe "aws service" do context 'us-east-1' do let(:region) { 'us-east-1' } it "sets endpoint" do expect( subject.send(:bucket_resource).client.config.endpoint.to_s ).to eql 'https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com' end end context 'ap-east-1' do let(:region) { 'ap-east-1' } it "sets endpoint" do expect( subject.send(:bucket_resource).client.config.endpoint.to_s ).to eql 'https://s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com' end end context 'cn-northwest-1' do let(:region) { 'cn-northwest-1' } it "sets endpoint" do expect( subject.send(:bucket_resource).client.config.endpoint.to_s ).to eql 'https://s3.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn' end end end context "remove empty dirs" do before do allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with('/path/to/bar-empty').and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with('/path/to/foo/empty-dir').and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with('/path/to/foo-file').and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with('/path/to/foo-file/file.tmp').and_return(false) allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with('/path/to/foo').and_return(true) allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with('/path/to/bar-empty').and_return([]) allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with('/path/to/foo/empty-dir').and_return(%w(. ..)) allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with('/path/to/foo-file').and_return(%w(/path/to/foo-file/file.tmp)) allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).with('/path/to/foo').and_return(%w(. .. empty-dir)) end it "removes empty dirs" do # Dir.glob() discovered files files = %w(/path/to/bar-empty /path/to/foo/empty-dir /path/to/foo-file/file.tmp /path/to/foo-file) removed_dirs = subject.send(:remove_empty_dirs, files) expect(removed_dirs.include?('/path/to/bar-empty')).to be_truthy expect(removed_dirs.include?('/path/to/foo/empty-dir')).to be_truthy expect(removed_dirs.include?('/path/to/foo-file')).to be_falsey expect(removed_dirs.include?('/path/to/foo-file/file.tmp')).to be_falsey expect(removed_dirs.include?('/path/to/foo')).to be_falsey end end end