class RestFtpDaemon < Sinatra::Base # General config configure :development, :production do # Create new thread group @@threads = # Some other configuration set :sessions, false # set :logging, true end # Server initialization def initialize # Setup logger @logger =, 'daily') @logger.level = Logger::INFO # Other stuff @@last_worker_id = 0 @@hostname = `hostname`.chomp super end # Server global status get "/" do # Debug query info "GET /" # Build response content_type :json JSON.pretty_generate get_status end # List jobs get "/jobs" do # Debug query info "GET /jobs" # Build response content_type :json JSON.pretty_generate get_jobs #@@threads.count end # List jobs delete "/jobs/:name" do # Debug query info "DELETE /jobs/#{params[:name]}" # Kill this job ret = delete_job params[:name] # Fail if no process has been killed error 404 if ret<1 # Build response content_type :json JSON.pretty_generate nil end # Spawn a new thread for this new job post '/jobs' do # Extract payload request.body.rewind payload = JSON.parse # Debug query info "POST /jobs: #{payload.to_json}" # Spawn a thread for this job result = new_job payload # Build response content_type :json JSON.pretty_generate result end protected def process_job # Init info "process_job: starting" context = Thread.current[:context] transferred = 0 # Check source job_source = File.expand_path(context["source"]) if !(File.exists? job_source) job_status ERR_JOB_SOURCE_NOTFOUND, :ERR_JOB_SOURCE_NOTFOUND return end info "process_job: job_source: #{job_source}" source_size = File.size job_source # Check target job_target = context["target"] target = URI(job_target) rescue nil if job_target.nil? || target.nil? job_status ERR_JOB_TARGET_UNPARSEABLE, :ERR_JOB_TARGET_UNPARSEABLE return end info "process_job: job_target: #{job_target}" # Split URI target_path = File.dirname target.path target_name = File.basename target.path info "ftp_transfer: [#{}]" info "ftp_transfer: target_path [#{target_path}]" info "ftp_transfer: target_name [#{target_name}]" # Prepare FTP transfer ftp = ftp.passive = true ftp.login ftp.chdir(target_path) # Do transfer info "source: starting stransfer" Thread.current[:status] = :transferring job_status ERR_BUSY, :running job_set :source_size, source_size begin ftp.putbinaryfile(job_source, target_name, TRANSFER_CHUNK_SIZE) do |block| # Update thread info percent = (100.0 * transferred / source_size).round(1) info "transferring [#{percent} %] of [#{target_name}]" job_set :progress, percent job_set :transferred, transferred # Update counters transferred += TRANSFER_CHUNK_SIZE end rescue Net::FTPPermError Thread.current[:status] = :failed job_status ERR_JOB_PERMISSION, :ERR_JOB_PERMISSION info "source: FAILED: PERMISSIONS ERROR" else Thread.current[:status] = :finished job_status ERR_OK, :finished info "source: finished stransfer" end ftp.close end def get_status info "> get_status" { app_name: APP_NAME, hostname: @@hostname, version: APP_VER, started: APP_STARTED, uptime: ( - APP_STARTED).round(1), jobs_count: @@threads.list.count, } end def get_jobs info "> get_jobs" output = [] @@threads.list.each do |thread| output << { :id => thread[:name], :process => thread.status, :status => thread[:status], :context => thread[:context], } end output end def delete_job name info "> delete_job(#{name})" count = 0 @@threads.list.collect do |thread| next unless thread[:name] == name Thread.kill(thread) count += 1 end count end def new_job context = {} info "new_job" # Generate name @@last_worker_id +=1 host = @@hostname.split('.')[0] name = "#{host}-#{}-#{@@last_worker_id}" info "new_job: creating thread [#{name}]" # Parse parameters job_source = context["source"] job_target = context["target"] return { code: ERR_REQ_SOURCE_MISSING, errmsg: :ERR_REQ_SOURCE_MISSING} if job_source.nil? return { code: ERR_REQ_TARGET_MISSING, errmsg: :ERR_REQ_TARGET_MISSING} if job_target.nil? #return { code: ERR_TRX_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, errmsg: "ERR_TRX_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND [#{job_source}]"} unless File.exists? job_source # Parse dest URI target = URI(job_target) info target.scheme return { code: ERR_REQ_TARGET_SCHEME, errmsg: :ERR_REQ_TARGET_SCHEME} unless target.scheme == "ftp" # Create thread job =, job) do # Initialize context Thread.current[:name] = name Thread.current[:created] =; Thread.current[:status] = :thread_initializing # Store job info Thread.current[:context] = context job_status ERR_BUSY, :thread_initializing Thread.abort_on_exception = true # Do the job info "new_job: thread running" process_job # Sleep a few seconds before dying Thread.current[:status] = :thread_ending sleep THREAD_SLEEP_BEFORE_DIE info "new_job: thread finished" end # Keep thread in thread group info "new_job: attaching thread [#{name}] to group" @@threads.add job return { code: 0, errmsg: 'success', name: name, context: context } end def info msg="" @logger.send :info, msg end def job_status code, errmsg Thread.current[:context] ||= {} Thread.current[:context][:code] = code Thread.current[:context][:errmsg] = errmsg end def job_set attribute, value Thread.current[:context] ||= {} Thread.current[:context][attribute] = value end end