# -*- encoding: ascii-8bit -*- describe :string_unpack_float_le, :shared => true do it "decodes one float for a single format character" do "\x8f\xc2\xb5?".unpack(unpack_format).should == [1.4199999570846558] end it "decodes a negative float" do "\xcd\xcc\x08\xc2".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-34.200000762939453] end it "decodes two floats for two format characters" do array = "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?".unpack(unpack_format(nil, 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end it "decodes the number of floats requested by the count modifier" do array = "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?33\x03A".unpack(unpack_format(3)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, 8.199999809265137] end it "decodes the remaining floats when passed the '*' modifier" do array = "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?33\x03A".unpack(unpack_format("*")) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, 8.199999809265137] end it "decodes the remaining floats when passed the '*' modifier after another directive" do array = "\x9a\x99\xa9@33\x13A".unpack(unpack_format()+unpack_format('*')) array.should == [5.300000190734863, 9.199999809265137] end it "does not decode a float when fewer bytes than a float remain and the '*' modifier is passed" do [ ["\xff", []], ["\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff", []] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format("*")) end it "adds nil for each element requested beyond the end of the String" do [ ["abc", [nil, nil, nil]], ["\x8f\xc2\xb5?abc", [1.4199999570846558, nil, nil]], ["\x9a\x999@33\xb3?abc", [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, nil]] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format(3)) end it "decodes positive Infinity" do "\x00\x00\x80\x7f".unpack(unpack_format).should == [infinity_value] end it "decodes negative Infinity" do "\x00\x00\x80\xff".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-infinity_value] end it "decodes NaN" do "\x00\x00\xc0\xff".unpack(unpack_format).first.nan?.should be_true end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do array = "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?".unpack(unpack_format("\000", 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end it "ignores spaces between directives" do array = "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?".unpack(unpack_format(' ', 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end end describe :string_unpack_float_be, :shared => true do it "decodes one float for a single format character" do "?\xb5\xc2\x8f".unpack(unpack_format).should == [1.4199999570846558] end it "decodes a negative float" do "\xc2\x08\xcc\xcd".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-34.200000762939453] end it "decodes two floats for two format characters" do array = "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333".unpack(unpack_format(nil, 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end it "decodes the number of floats requested by the count modifier" do array = "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333A\x0333".unpack(unpack_format(3)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, 8.199999809265137] end it "decodes the remaining floats when passed the '*' modifier" do array = "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333A\x0333".unpack(unpack_format("*")) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, 8.199999809265137] end it "decodes the remaining floats when passed the '*' modifier after another directive" do array = "@\xa9\x99\x9aA\x1333".unpack(unpack_format()+unpack_format('*')) array.should == [5.300000190734863, 9.199999809265137] end it "does not decode a float when fewer bytes than a float remain and the '*' modifier is passed" do [ ["\xff", []], ["\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff", []] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format("*")) end it "adds nil for each element requested beyond the end of the String" do [ ["abc", [nil, nil, nil]], ["?\xb5\xc2\x8fabc", [1.4199999570846558, nil, nil]], ["@9\x99\x9a?\xb333abc", [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142, nil]] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format(3)) end it "decodes positive Infinity" do "\x7f\x80\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).should == [infinity_value] end it "decodes negative Infinity" do "\xff\x80\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-infinity_value] end it "decodes NaN" do "\xff\xc0\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).first.nan?.should be_true end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do array = "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333".unpack(unpack_format("\000", 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end it "ignores spaces between directives" do array = "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333".unpack(unpack_format(' ', 2)) array.should == [2.9000000953674316, 1.399999976158142] end end describe :string_unpack_double_le, :shared => true do it "decodes one double for a single format character" do "\xb8\x1e\x85\xebQ\xb8\xf6?".unpack(unpack_format).should == [1.42] end it "decodes a negative double" do "\x9a\x99\x99\x99\x99\x19A\xc0".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-34.2] end it "decodes two doubles for two format characters" do "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?".unpack(unpack_format(nil, 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end it "decodes the number of doubles requested by the count modifier" do array = "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?ffffff\x20@".unpack(unpack_format(3)) array.should == [2.9, 1.4, 8.2] end it "decodes the remaining doubles when passed the '*' modifier" do array = "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?ffffff\x20@".unpack(unpack_format("*")) array.should == [2.9, 1.4, 8.2] end it "decodes the remaining doubles when passed the '*' modifier after another directive" do array = "333333\x15@ffffff\x22@".unpack(unpack_format()+unpack_format('*')) array.should == [5.3, 9.2] end it "does not decode a double when fewer bytes than a double remain and the '*' modifier is passed" do [ ["\xff", []], ["\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff", []] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format("*")) end it "adds nil for each element requested beyond the end of the String" do [ ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff", [nil, nil, nil]], ["\xb8\x1e\x85\xebQ\xb8\xf6?abc", [1.42, nil, nil]], ["333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?abcd", [2.9, 1.4, nil]] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format(3)) end it "decodes positive Infinity" do "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\x7f".unpack(unpack_format).should == [infinity_value] end it "decodes negative Infinity" do "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xff".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-infinity_value] end it "decodes NaN" do "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\xff".unpack(unpack_format).first.nan?.should be_true end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?".unpack(unpack_format("\000", 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end it "ignores spaces between directives" do "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?".unpack(unpack_format(' ', 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end end describe :string_unpack_double_be, :shared => true do it "decodes one double for a single format character" do "?\xf6\xb8Q\xeb\x85\x1e\xb8".unpack(unpack_format).should == [1.42] end it "decodes a negative double" do "\xc0A\x19\x99\x99\x99\x99\x9a".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-34.2] end it "decodes two doubles for two format characters" do "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff".unpack(unpack_format(nil, 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end it "decodes the number of doubles requested by the count modifier" do array = "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff@\x20ffffff".unpack(unpack_format(3)) array.should == [2.9, 1.4, 8.2] end it "decodes the remaining doubles when passed the '*' modifier" do array = "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff@\x20ffffff".unpack(unpack_format("*")) array.should == [2.9, 1.4, 8.2] end it "decodes the remaining doubles when passed the '*' modifier after another directive" do array = "@\x15333333@\x22ffffff".unpack(unpack_format()+unpack_format('*')) array.should == [5.3, 9.2] end it "does not decode a double when fewer bytes than a double remain and the '*' modifier is passed" do [ ["\xff", []], ["\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00", []], ["\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff", []] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format("*")) end it "adds nil for each element requested beyond the end of the String" do [ ["abcdefg", [nil, nil, nil]], ["?\xf6\xb8Q\xeb\x85\x1e\xb8abc", [1.42, nil, nil]], ["@\x07333333?\xf6ffffffabcd", [2.9, 1.4, nil]] ].should be_computed_by(:unpack, unpack_format(3)) end it "decodes positive Infinity" do "\x7f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).should == [infinity_value] end it "decodes negative Infinity" do "\xff\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).should == [-infinity_value] end it "decodes NaN" do "\xff\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".unpack(unpack_format).first.nan?.should be_true end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff".unpack(unpack_format("\000", 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end it "ignores spaces between directives" do "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff".unpack(unpack_format(' ', 2)).should == [2.9, 1.4] end end