# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [4.0.3](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/4.0.2...4.0.3) - May 05, 2021 * fix: encode web proxy paths using url_encode ([#111](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/111)) ## [4.0.2](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/4.0.1...4.0.2) - April 22, 2021 * fix(path): correctly encode reserved chars ([#108](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/108)) * test: add benchmark script for Imgix::Path#to_url ([4b00c4b](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/commit/4b00c4b6d27b87787464438b36954b9c166096eb)) * perf: avoid calculating path_and_params twice ([#109](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/109)) * ci: use major version only for Rubinius 3 ([921e41a](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/commit/921e41ac7789a55c78b42d60ac99cc0b641a69fd)) * ci: use optimistic versioning ([#107](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/107)) * ci: remove support for ruby version <2.5 ([#106](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/106)) * perf: precompute DEFAULT_TARGET_WIDTHS to avoid repeating on Path.new ([#105](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/105)) ## [4.0.1](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1) - March 24, 2021 * fix: dpr srcset when only h param ([#101](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/101)) * docs: update travis badge to point to travis-ci.com ([#99](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/99)) * docs: fixed typo w/ srcset min/max widths ([#97](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/97)) ## [4.0.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.4.0...4.0.0) - August 26, 2020 * deprecate: host-usage, param_helpers, and prefix-1-ary ([#91](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/91)) * fix: update purge operation api keys ([#93](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/93)) ## [3.4.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.3.1...3.4.0) - August 12, 2020 * fix: deprecate api key versions ([#87](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/87)) * docs(readme): deprecation notice for pre-4.0 api keys ([#88](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/88)) ## [3.3.1](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.3.0...3.3.1) - July 27, 2020 * fix: ensure host is initialized ([#82](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/82)) ## [3.3.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.2.1...3.3.0) - July 21, 2020 * fix: warn prefix-with-args is deprecated ([#78](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/78)) * fix: warn host has been deprecated in favor of domain ([#76](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/76)) * fix: deprecate ALIASES and corresponding define_method(s) ([#75](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/75)) * fix: deprecate ParamHelpers.rect ([#74](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/74)) * fix: allow rbx-3.107 to fail (travis-config) ([#70](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/70)) * fix: remove ensure even requirement ([#69](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/69)) ## [3.2.1](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.2.0...3.2.1) - November 15, 2019 * fix: duplicate entries when using `min_width` or `max_width` ([#59](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/59)) ## [3.2.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.1.1...3.2.0) - November 15, 2019 * feat: append variable qualities to dpr srcsets ([#58](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/58)) * refactor: pass srcset modifiers through the `options` parameter ([#57](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/57)) * feat: support defining a min and max width range ([#56](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/56)) * feat: add ability to pass in custom widths ([#55](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/55)) * feat: add ability to configure the srcset width tolerance ([#54](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/54)) * style: drop redundant explicit return statements ([#52](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/52)) ## [3.1.1](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.1.0...3.1.1) - July 28, 2019 * fix: include dpr parameter when generating a DPR srcset ([#48](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/48)) * ci(travis): change build dist to trusty and remove bundler script ([#49](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/49)) ## [3.1.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/3.0.0...3.1.0) - July 28, 2019 * feat: add srcset generation ([#47](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/47)) ## [3.0.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/2.1.0...3.0.0) - June 7, 2019 * fix: remove deprecated domain sharding functionality ([#46](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/46)) ## [2.1.0](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/compare/2.0.0...2.1.0) - May 7, 2019 * Deprecate domain sharding ([#43](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/43)) ([#45](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/45)) ## [2.0.0] - February 25, 2019 * Add domain validation during Client initialization [#42](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/42) * Expand Travis CI config to include bundler v2.x [#41](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/41) ## [1.2.2] - November 14, 2018 * Improvements to memory usage [#35](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/35) ## [1.2.1] - November 5, 2018 * Removed unused `HTTP` dependency [#38](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/37) ## [1.2.0] - October 29, 2018 * Added `Client#purge` method to allow purging assets from our cache [#37](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/38) ## [1.1.0] - February 24, 2016 * Added automatic Base64 encoding for all Base64 variant parameters. * Properly encoding all keys and values output by `Imgix::Path`. * Better URL encoding for spaces, with `ERB::Util.url_encode`. * Normalize trailing `/` in passed hosts. ## [1.0.0] - December 9, 2015 ### Changed - Removed `Client#sign_path` to provide a consistent method and code path for generating URLs. [#16](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/issues/16) - Changed `:secure` option to the more clear `:use_https` [#11](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/issues/11) - Changed `:token` option to the more clear `:secure_url_token` [#11](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/issues/11) ### Fixed - Fixed URL query strings beginning with `?&s=` instead of `?s=` when no other params are present. [#15](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/issues/15) ## [0.3.3] - May 14, 2015 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug where URLs as the path component for Web Proxy sources would not be encoded would generate URLs that would result in a 400 Bad Request. [#8](https://github.com/imgix/imgix-rb/pull/8) ## [0.3.2] - May 11, 2015 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug where the library would not work if tokens were not present.