# encoding: utf-8 require "mongoid/atomic/modifiers" require "mongoid/atomic/paths" module Mongoid # This module contains the logic for supporting atomic operations against the # database. module Atomic extend ActiveSupport::Concern UPDATES = [ :atomic_array_pushes, :atomic_array_pulls, :atomic_array_add_to_sets, :atomic_pulls, :delayed_atomic_sets, :delayed_atomic_pulls, :delayed_atomic_unsets ] included do # When MongoDB finally fully implements the positional operator, we can # get rid of all indexing related code in Mongoid. attr_accessor :_index end # Add the document as an atomic pull. # # @example Add the atomic pull. # person.add_atomic_pull(address) # # @param [ Document ] document The embedded document to pull. # # @since 2.2.0 def add_atomic_pull(document) document.flagged_for_destroy = true (delayed_atomic_pulls[document.metadata_name.to_s] ||= []).push(document) end # Add an atomic unset for the document. # # @example Add an atomic unset. # document.add_atomic_unset(doc) # # @param [ Document ] document The child document. # # @return [ Array<Document> ] The children. # # @since 3.0.0 def add_atomic_unset(document) document.flagged_for_destroy = true (delayed_atomic_unsets[document.metadata_name.to_s] ||= []).push(document) end # Returns path of the attribute for modification # # @example Get path of the attribute # address.atomic_attribute_name(:city) # # @return [ String ] The path to the document attribute in the database # # @since 3.0.0 def atomic_attribute_name(name) embedded? ? "#{atomic_position}.#{name}" : name end # For array fields these are the pushes that need to happen. # # @example Get the array pushes. # person.atomic_array_pushes # # @return [ Hash ] The array pushes. # # @since 2.4.0 def atomic_array_pushes @atomic_array_pushes ||= {} end # For array fields these are the pulls that need to happen. # # @example Get the array pulls. # person.atomic_array_pulls # # @return [ Hash ] The array pulls. # # @since 2.4.0 def atomic_array_pulls @atomic_array_pulls ||= {} end # For array fields these are the unique adds that need to happen. # # @example Get the array unique adds. # person.atomic_array_add_to_sets # # @return [ Hash ] The array add_to_sets. # # @since 2.4.0 def atomic_array_add_to_sets @atomic_array_add_to_sets ||= {} end # Get all the atomic updates that need to happen for the current # +Document+. This includes all changes that need to happen in the # entire hierarchy that exists below where the save call was made. # # @note MongoDB does not allow "conflicting modifications" to be # performed in a single operation. Conflicting modifications are # detected by the 'haveConflictingMod' function in MongoDB. # Examination of the code suggests that two modifications (a $set # and a $pushAll, for example) conflict if: # (1) the key paths being modified are equal. # (2) one key path is a prefix of the other. # So a $set of 'addresses.0.street' will conflict with a $pushAll # to 'addresses', and we will need to split our update into two # pieces. We do not, however, attempt to match MongoDB's logic # exactly. Instead, we assume that two updates conflict if the # first component of the two key paths matches. # # @example Get the updates that need to occur. # person.atomic_updates(children) # # @return [ Hash ] The updates and their modifiers. # # @since 2.1.0 def atomic_updates(_use_indexes = false) process_flagged_destroys mods = Modifiers.new generate_atomic_updates(mods, self) _children.each do |child| child.process_flagged_destroys generate_atomic_updates(mods, child) end mods end alias :_updates :atomic_updates # Get the removal modifier for the document. Will be nil on root # documents, $unset on embeds_one, $set on embeds_many. # # @example Get the removal operator. # name.atomic_delete_modifier # # @return [ String ] The pull or unset operation. def atomic_delete_modifier atomic_paths.delete_modifier end # Get the insertion modifier for the document. Will be nil on root # documents, $set on embeds_one, $push on embeds_many. # # @example Get the insert operation. # name.atomic_insert_modifier # # @return [ String ] The pull or set operator. def atomic_insert_modifier atomic_paths.insert_modifier end # Return the path to this +Document+ in JSON notation, used for atomic # updates via $set in MongoDB. # # @example Get the path to this document. # address.atomic_path # # @return [ String ] The path to the document in the database. def atomic_path atomic_paths.path end # Returns the positional operator of this document for modification. # # @example Get the positional operator. # address.atomic_position # # @return [ String ] The positional operator with indexes. def atomic_position atomic_paths.position end # Get the atomic paths utility for this document. # # @example Get the atomic paths. # document.atomic_paths # # @return [ Object ] The associated path. # # @since 2.1.0 def atomic_paths @atomic_paths ||= __metadata ? __metadata.path(self) : Atomic::Paths::Root.new(self) end # Get all the attributes that need to be pulled. # # @example Get the pulls. # person.atomic_pulls # # @return [ Array<Hash> ] The $pullAll operations. # # @since 2.2.0 def atomic_pulls pulls = {} delayed_atomic_pulls.each_pair do |_, docs| path = nil ids = docs.map do |doc| path ||= doc.flag_as_destroyed doc._id end pulls[path] = { "_id" => { "$in" => ids }} and path = nil end pulls end # Get all the push attributes that need to occur. # # @example Get the pushes. # person.atomic_pushes # # @return [ Hash ] The $pushAll operations. # # @since 2.1.0 def atomic_pushes pushable? ? { atomic_position => as_document } : {} end # Get all the attributes that need to be set. # # @example Get the sets. # person.atomic_sets # # @return [ Hash ] The $set operations. # # @since 2.1.0 def atomic_sets updateable? ? setters : settable? ? { atomic_path => as_document } : {} end # Get all the attributes that need to be unset. # # @example Get the unsets. # person.atomic_unsets # # @return [ Array<Hash> ] The $unset operations. # # @since 2.2.0 def atomic_unsets unsets = [] delayed_atomic_unsets.each_pair do |name, docs| path = nil docs.each do |doc| path ||= doc.flag_as_destroyed end unsets.push(path || name) end unsets end # Get all the atomic sets that have had their saves delayed. # # @example Get the delayed atomic sets. # person.delayed_atomic_sets # # @return [ Hash ] The delayed $sets. # # @since 2.3.0 def delayed_atomic_sets @delayed_atomic_sets ||= {} end # Get a hash of atomic pulls that are pending. # # @example Get the atomic pulls. # document.delayed_atomic_pulls # # @return [ Hash ] name/document pairs. # # @since 2.3.2 def delayed_atomic_pulls @delayed_atomic_pulls ||= {} end # Get the delayed atomic unsets. # # @example Get the delayed atomic unsets. # document.delayed_atomic_unsets # # @return [ Hash ] The atomic unsets # # @since 3.0.0 def delayed_atomic_unsets @delayed_atomic_unsets ||= {} end # Flag the document as destroyed and return the atomic path. # # @example Flag destroyed and return path. # document.flag_as_destroyed # # @return [ String ] The atomic path. # # @since 3.0.0 def flag_as_destroyed self.destroyed = true self.flagged_for_destroy = false atomic_path end # Get the flagged destroys. # # @example Get the flagged destroy. # document.flagged_destroys # # @return [ Array<Proc> ] The flagged destroys. # # @since 3.0.10 def flagged_destroys @flagged_destroys ||= [] end # Process all the pending flagged destroys from nested attributes. # # @example Process all the pending flagged destroys. # document.process_flagged_destroys # # @return [ Array ] The cleared array. # # @since 3.0.10 def process_flagged_destroys _assigning do flagged_destroys.each(&:call) end flagged_destroys.clear end private # Generates the atomic updates in the correct order. # # @example Generate the updates. # model.generate_atomic_updates(mods, doc) # # @param [ Modifiers ] mods The atomic modifications. # @param [ Document ] doc The document to update for. # # @since 2.2.0 def generate_atomic_updates(mods, doc) mods.unset(doc.atomic_unsets) mods.pull(doc.atomic_pulls) mods.set(doc.atomic_sets) mods.set(doc.delayed_atomic_sets) mods.push(doc.atomic_pushes) mods.push(doc.atomic_array_pushes) mods.add_to_set(doc.atomic_array_add_to_sets) mods.pull_all(doc.atomic_array_pulls) end # Get the atomic updates for a touch operation. Should only include the # updated_at field and the optional extra field. # # @api private # # @example Get the touch atomic updates. # document.touch_atomic_updates # # @param [ Symbol ] field The optional field. # # @return [ Hash ] The atomic updates. # # @since 3.0.6 def touch_atomic_updates(field = nil) updates = atomic_updates return {} unless atomic_updates.key?("$set") touches = {} updates["$set"].each_pair do |key, value| key_regex = /updated_at|u_at#{"|" + field if field.present?}/ touches.merge!({ key => value }) if key =~ key_regex end { "$set" => touches } end end end