///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function Poxy Scale ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @function poxy-scale-x($i, $scale, $x1, $x2) { @if $scale == E { @return (((($i - .5)*$x1)/$x2) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em; } @else { @return (((($i - 2)*$x1)/$x2) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em; } } @function poxy-scale-y($i, $scale, $y1, $y2) { @if $scale == E { @return (((($i - .5) * $y1)/$y2) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em; } @else { @return (((($i - 2) * $y1)/$y2) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em; } } @mixin poxy-scale($i, $scale, $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) { width: poxy-scale-x($i, $scale, $x1, $x2); height: poxy-scale-y($i, $scale, $y1, $y2); // @if $measure != "" { // margin-bottom: measure-margin($scale, $measure, $value); // } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function Poxy Scale ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @mixin POXY_ZONE($zone, $zone_class_lower, $zone_min, $zone_max) { @each $size in $sizes { $type: #{nth($size, 1)}; @if $type == $zone { @for $i from $zone_min through $zone_max { // Largest Layout no need for Min Max Queries //@include breakpoint((($i * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em) ((($i +1) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em)) { @include breakpoint((($i * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em) ) { @for $i2 from 1 through $ratio_range { .#{$zone_class_lower}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}, .#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li, .#{$zone_class_lower}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} { @include poxy-scale($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) ); } //.#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li:nth-child(#{$i2}n+0) {margin-right:0 !important;} //Sudo Box // .sudo-box.#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li { // &:before {@include sudo_box_before($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) );} // &:after {@include sudo_box_after($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) ); text-align:center; content: "" + nth($size, 1) + nth($size, 2) + $i2 + "-" + nth($size, 4) + nth($size, 5) !important; color:$alpha_color;} // } } } } } } } @mixin POXY_ZONE_HALF($zone, $zone_class_lower, $zone_min, $zone_max) { //Epsilon Zone - Needs to split columns in half to fit smaller divices @each $size in $sizes { $type: #{nth($size, 1)}; @if $type == E { $i: $zone_min; @while $i < ($zone_max + 1) { @include breakpoint((($i * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em) ((($i +1) * ($column + $gutter) - $gutter) / $em)) { @for $i2 from 1 through $ratio_range { .e#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}, .#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li, .e#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} { @include poxy-scale($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) ); } //.#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{nth($size, 3)}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li:nth-child(#{nth($size, 3)}n+0) {margin-right:0 !important;} //Sudo Box // .sudo-box.#{nth($size, 1)}#{nth($size, 2)}#{$i2}-#{nth($size, 4)}#{nth($size, 5)} > li { // &:before {@include sudo_box_before($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) );} // &:after {@include sudo_box_after($i, nth($size, 1), nth($size, 2), $i2, nth($size, 4), nth($size, 5) ); text-align:center; content: "" + nth($size, 1) + nth($size, 2) + $i2 + "-" + nth($size, 4) + nth($size, 5) !important; color:$epsilon_color;} // } } } $i: $i + .5; } } } }