= Changes for FlexMock == Pre-Version 0.8.1 * Added Joe O'Brien's patch to allow view stubbing in Rails 2.0 * Added Evan Phoenix's patch to remove allocate from default allocators in new_instances (for Rubinius compatibility). == Version 0.8.0 * Added by_default * Added undefined behavior * Mock methods are added to partial mocks only if they are not previously defined. This should reduce the need for safe mode. * respond_to? on mocks now accepts multiple arguments. This eases mocking in rails a little bit. * Added experimental view mocking for rails. == Version 0.7.2 * Changed initial model Id to 10000. * Added test suggested for RSpec Mocks, just to make sure we were good too. == Version 0.7.1 * Updated install.rb to handle non-root destination directories via DESTDIR. * Fixed operator bug introduced in 0.7.0. == Version 0.7.0 * Added +and_yield+ as an expectation clause. * Inspect on Mocks now yield a more consise description. * Global ordering across all mocks in a container is now allowed. * Added support for Demeter chain mocking. * Deprecated a number of mock_* methods. == Version 0.6.4 * Renamed flexmodel(...) to flexmock(:model, ...) because visually they were too similar. == Version 0.6.3 * Added flexmodel() for better support of mocking ActiveRecord models. * Fixed comment for singleton? * Fixed coverage report for the partial mocking class. * Fixed bug when partial mock objects reported they respond to a method but they actually didn't. * The flexmock() method now _always_ returns a combination domain/mock object. For partial mocks, this implies that the domain object now has mock support methods on it (e.g. should_receive). * Safe mode for partials was introduced for the small number of cases where mock support methods in the domain object would cause problems. * Internally renamed PartialMock to PartialMockProxy. == Version 0.6.2 * flexmock() with a block now always returns the domain object. flexmock() without a block returns the mock object. Note that for normal mocks, the domain and mock objects are the same. For partial mocks, the mock is separate from the domain object. * Added +and_raise+ to the list of expection specifications. == Version 0.6.1 * Fixed bug that prevented mocks from mocking field assignment operators. * Fixed bug that prevented partial mocks from being ordered. == Version 0.6.0 * Dropped class interception. * Refactored into more granular classes. * Added RSpec integration. * Added hash expectations to flexmock() and should_expect(). * Integrated partial mocks into the flexmock() methods. * Allow non-block configuration of new_instances. == Version 0.5.1 * Changed the name of any_instance to new_instances. Deprecated any_instance. * Added ability to stub any class method in new_instances. * Added RCov task * Reworked original behavior hooks to use method aliasing rather than method procs. * Fixed bug in stubbing File class methods. == Version 0.5.0 * Added any_instance stubbing to class objects. == Version 0.4.5 * Fixed version typo in 0.4.4 (internally claimed to be == Version 0.4.4 * Added block support to flexstub. == Version 0.4.3 * Fixed bug where non-direct class methods were not properly handled. == Version 0.4.2 * Fixed bug where multiple stubs of a class method were not properly restored. == Version 0.4.1 * Removed include of Test::Unit::Assertions from Expectations. * Fixed mocking of kernel methods. == Version 0.4.0 * Added stubbing for mocking methods of existing objects. * Added multiple return values for the +and_returns+ method. * Added block initialization to the flexmock method. == Version 0.3.2 * Fixed bug when mock is used as a replacement class in class interception. == Version 0.3.1 * Fixed some warnings regarding uninitialized variables. * Added (very) simple class interception. * Added the mock_factory method to go along with class interception. * When using Test::Unit integration, avoid mock verification if the test has already failed for some reason. == Version 0.3.0 * Added Test::Unit integration. == Version 0.2.1 * Added strict mode in record mode interface to facility using known good algorithms for comparison testing. * Improved the docs and examples. Fixed garbled first example in README. == Version 0.2.0 * Added record mode for building expectations. * Fixed a bunch of documentation. == Version 0.1.7 * Bumped version because 0.1.6 was uploaded to the wrong Rubyforge area. == Version 0.1.6 * Added a proc based matcher for arguments (using keyword +on+). == Version 0.1.5 * Fixed the overzealous argument matching when String is given as an argument qualifier to +should_receive+. == Version 0.1.4 * Added eq and any methods for argument matching. * Added tests for the "first match" argument matching policy. == Version 0.1.3 * Improved the definition of ordered so that it takes group names instead of explicit order numbers. This make the code easier to write and the API easier to understand. == Version 0.1.2 * Fixed homepage in gem spec. * Removed autorequire from gemspec. * Fixed README to be automatically updated with FlexMock Version == Version 0.1.1 * Added responds_to? and method support. * Added JMock style expectations. == Version 0.0.3 * Changed to a GEM package. == Version 0.0.2 * Updated the documentation. * Fixed the install script. == Version 0.0.1 * Initial Version