When /^I stop (?:middleman|all commands) if the output( of the last command)? contains:$/ do |last_command, expected| begin Timeout.timeout(exit_timeout) do loop do fail "You need to start middleman interactively first." unless @interactive if unescape(@interactive.output) =~ Regexp.new(unescape(expected)) only_processes.each { |p| p.terminate } break end sleep 0.1 end end rescue ChildProcess::TimeoutError, TimeoutError @interactive.terminate ensure announcer.stdout @interactive.stdout announcer.stderr @interactive.stderr end end # Make it just a long running process Given /`(.*?)` is running in background/ do |cmd| run(cmd, 120) end Given /I have a local hosts file with:/ do |string| step 'I set the environment variables to:', table( %( | variable | value | | MM_HOSTSRC | .hosts | ) ) step 'a file named ".hosts" with:', string end Given /I start a dns server with:/ do |string| @dns_server.terminate if defined? @dns_server port = 5300 db_file = 'dns.db' step 'I set the environment variables to:', table( %( | variable | value | | MM_DNSRC |{port}| ) ) set_env 'PATH', File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, 'bin')) + ':' + ENV['PATH'] write_file db_file, string @dns_server = run("dns_server.rb #{db_file} #{port}", 120) end Given /I start a mdns server with:/ do |string| @mdns_server.terminate if defined? @mdns_server port = 5301 db_file = 'mdns.db' step 'I set the environment variables to:', table( %( | variable | value | | MM_MDNSRC |{port}| ) ) set_env 'PATH', File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, 'bin')) + ':' + ENV['PATH'] write_file db_file, string @mdns_server = run("dns_server.rb #{db_file} #{port}", 120) end Given /I start a mdns server for the local hostname/ do step %(I start a mdns server with:), "#{Socket.gethostname}:" end # Make sure each and every process is really dead After do only_processes.each { |p| p.terminate } end Before '@ruby-2.1' do skip_this_scenario if RUBY_VERSION < '2.1' end