class Poltergeist.Browser constructor: (width, height) -> @width = width || 1024 @height = height || 768 @pages = [] @js_errors = true @_debug = false @_counter = 0 @processed_modal_messages = [] @confirm_processes = [] @prompt_responses = [] this.resetPage() resetPage: -> [@_counter, @pages] = [0, []] if @page? unless @page.closed @page.clearLocalStorage() if @page.currentUrl() != 'about:blank' @page.release() phantom.clearCookies() @page = @currentPage = new Poltergeist.WebPage @page.setViewportSize(width: @width, height: @height) @page.handle = "#{@_counter++}" @pages.push(@page) @processed_modal_messages = [] @confirm_processes = [] @prompt_responses = [] @page.native().onAlert = (msg) => @setModalMessage msg return @page.native().onConfirm = (msg) => process = @confirm_processes.pop() process = true if process == undefined @setModalMessage msg return process @page.native().onPrompt = (msg, defaultVal) => response = @prompt_responses.pop() response = defaultVal if (response == undefined || response == false) @setModalMessage msg return response @page.onPageCreated = (newPage) => page = new Poltergeist.WebPage(newPage) page.handle = "#{@_counter++}" page.urlBlacklist = @page.urlBlacklist page.urlWhitelist = @page.urlWhitelist page.setViewportSize(@page.viewportSize()) @pages.push(page) return getPageByHandle: (handle) -> @pages.filter((p) -> !p.closed && p.handle == handle)[0] runCommand: (command) -> @current_command = command @currentPage.state = 'default' this[].apply(this, command.args) debug: (message) -> console.log "poltergeist [#{new Date().getTime()}] #{message}" if @_debug setModalMessage: (msg) -> @processed_modal_messages.push(msg) return add_extension: (extension) -> @currentPage.injectExtension extension @current_command.sendResponse 'success' node: (page_id, id) -> if == page_id @currentPage.get(id) else throw new Poltergeist.ObsoleteNode visit: (url, max_wait=0) -> @currentPage.state = 'loading' #reset modal processing state when changing page @processed_modal_messages = [] @confirm_processes = [] @prompt_responses = [] # Prevent firing `page.onInitialized` event twice. Calling currentUrl # method before page is actually opened fires this event for the first time. # The second time will be in the right place after `` prevUrl = if @currentPage.source is null then 'about:blank' else @currentPage.currentUrl() if /#/.test(url) && prevUrl.split('#')[0] == url.split('#')[0] # Hash change occurred, so there will be no onLoadFinished @currentPage.state = 'default' @current_command.sendResponse(status: 'success') else command = @current_command loading_page = @currentPage @currentPage.waitState 'default', -> if @statusCode == null && @status == 'fail' command.sendError(new Poltergeist.StatusFailError(url)) else command.sendResponse(status: @status) , max_wait, -> resources = @openResourceRequests() msg = if resources.length "Timed out with the following resources still waiting #{resources.join(',')}" command.sendError(new Poltergeist.StatusFailError(url,msg)) return current_url: -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.currentUrl() status_code: -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.statusCode body: -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.content() source: -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.source title: -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.title() find: (method, selector) -> @current_command.sendResponse(page_id:, ids: @currentPage.find(method, selector)) find_within: (page_id, id, method, selector) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).find(method, selector) all_text: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).allText() visible_text: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).visibleText() delete_text: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).deleteText() property: (page_id, id, name) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).getProperty(name) attribute: (page_id, id, name) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).getAttribute(name) attributes: (page_id, id, name) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).getAttributes() parents: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).parentIds() value: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).value() set: (page_id, id, value) -> this.node(page_id, id).set(value) @current_command.sendResponse(true) # PhantomJS only allows us to reference the element by CSS selector, not XPath, # so we have to add an attribute to the element to identify it, then remove it # afterwards. select_file: (page_id, id, value) -> node = this.node(page_id, id) @currentPage.beforeUpload( @currentPage.uploadFile('[_poltergeist_selected]', value) @currentPage.afterUpload( if phantom.version.major == 2 && phantom.version.minor == 0 # In phantomjs 2.0.x - uploadFile only fully works if executed within a user action # It does however setup the filenames to be uploaded, so if we then click on the # file input element the filenames will get set @click(page_id, id) else @current_command.sendResponse(true) select: (page_id, id, value) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).select(value) tag_name: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).tagName() visible: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).isVisible() disabled: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).isDisabled() path: (page_id, id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).path() evaluate: (script) -> @current_command.sendResponse @currentPage.evaluate("function() { return #{script} }") execute: (script) -> @currentPage.execute("function() { #{script} }") @current_command.sendResponse(true) frameUrl: (frame_name) -> @currentPage.frameUrl(frame_name) pushFrame: (command, name, timeout) -> if Array.isArray(name) frame = this.node(name...) name = frame.getAttribute('name') || frame.getAttribute('id') unless name frame.setAttribute('name', "_random_name_#{new Date().getTime()}") name = frame.getAttribute('name') frame_url = @frameUrl(name) if frame_url in @currentPage.blockedUrls() command.sendResponse(true) else if @currentPage.pushFrame(name) if frame_url && (frame_url != 'about:blank') && (@currentPage.currentUrl() == 'about:blank') @currentPage.state = 'awaiting_frame_load' @currentPage.waitState 'default', -> command.sendResponse(true) else command.sendResponse(true) else if new Date().getTime() < timeout setTimeout((=> @pushFrame(command, name, timeout)), 50) else command.sendError(new Poltergeist.FrameNotFound(name)) push_frame: (name, timeout = (new Date().getTime()) + 2000) -> @pushFrame(@current_command, name, timeout) pop_frame: (pop_all = false)-> @current_command.sendResponse(@currentPage.popFrame(pop_all)) window_handles: -> handles = @pages.filter((p) -> !p.closed).map((p) -> p.handle) @current_command.sendResponse(handles) window_handle: (name = null) -> handle = if name page = @pages.filter((p) -> !p.closed && p.windowName() == name)[0] if page then page.handle else null else @currentPage.handle @current_command.sendResponse(handle) switch_to_window: (handle) -> command = @current_command new_page = @getPageByHandle(handle) if new_page if new_page != @currentPage new_page.waitState 'default', => @currentPage = new_page command.sendResponse(true) else command.sendResponse(true) else throw new Poltergeist.NoSuchWindowError open_new_window: -> this.execute '' @current_command.sendResponse(true) close_window: (handle) -> page = @getPageByHandle(handle) if page page.release() @current_command.sendResponse(true) else @current_command.sendResponse(false) mouse_event: (page_id, id, name) -> # Get the node before changing state, in case there is an exception node = this.node(page_id, id) # If the event triggers onNavigationRequested, we will transition to the 'loading' # state and wait for onLoadFinished before sending a response. @currentPage.state = 'mouse_event' last_mouse_event = node.mouseEvent(name) event_page = @currentPage command = @current_command setTimeout -> # If the state is still the same then navigation event won't happen if event_page.state == 'mouse_event' event_page.state = 'default' command.sendResponse(position: last_mouse_event) else event_page.waitState 'default', -> command.sendResponse(position: last_mouse_event) , 5 click: (page_id, id) -> this.mouse_event page_id, id, 'click' right_click: (page_id, id) -> this.mouse_event page_id, id, 'rightclick' double_click: (page_id, id) -> this.mouse_event page_id, id, 'doubleclick' hover: (page_id, id) -> this.mouse_event page_id, id, 'mousemove' click_coordinates: (x, y) -> @currentPage.sendEvent('click', x, y) @current_command.sendResponse(click: { x: x, y: y }) drag: (page_id, id, other_id) -> this.node(page_id, id).dragTo this.node(page_id, other_id) @current_command.sendResponse(true) drag_by: (page_id, id, x, y) -> this.node(page_id, id).dragBy(x, y) @current_command.sendResponse(true) trigger: (page_id, id, event) -> this.node(page_id, id).trigger(event) @current_command.sendResponse(event) equals: (page_id, id, other_id) -> @current_command.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).isEqual(this.node(page_id, other_id)) reset: -> this.resetPage() @current_command.sendResponse(true) scroll_to: (left, top) -> @currentPage.setScrollPosition(left: left, top: top) @current_command.sendResponse(true) send_keys: (page_id, id, keys) -> target = this.node(page_id, id) # Programmatically generated focus doesn't work for `sendKeys`. # That's why we need something more realistic like user behavior. if !target.containsSelection() target.mouseEvent('click') for sequence in keys key = if sequence.key? @currentPage.keyCode(sequence.key) || sequence.key else sequence if sequence.modifier? modifier_keys = @currentPage.keyModifierKeys(sequence.modifier) modifier_code = @currentPage.keyModifierCode(sequence.modifier) @currentPage.sendEvent('keydown', modifier_key) for modifier_key in modifier_keys @currentPage.sendEvent('keypress', key, null, null, modifier_code) @currentPage.sendEvent('keyup', modifier_key) for modifier_key in modifier_keys else @currentPage.sendEvent('keypress', key) @current_command.sendResponse(true) render_base64: (format, { full = false, selector = null } = {})-> window_scroll_position = @currentPage.native().evaluate("function(){ return [window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset] }") dimensions = this.set_clip_rect(full, selector) encoded_image = @currentPage.renderBase64(format) @currentPage.setScrollPosition(left: dimensions.left, top: @currentPage.native().evaluate("window.scrollTo", window_scroll_position...) @current_command.sendResponse(encoded_image) render: (path, { full = false, selector = null, format = null, quality = null } = {} ) -> window_scroll_position = @currentPage.native().evaluate("function(){ return [window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset] }") dimensions = this.set_clip_rect(full, selector) options = {} options["format"] = format if format? options["quality"] = quality if quality? @currentPage.setScrollPosition(left: 0, top: 0) @currentPage.render(path, options) @currentPage.setScrollPosition(left: dimensions.left, top: @currentPage.native().evaluate("window.scrollTo", window_scroll_position...) @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_clip_rect: (full, selector) -> dimensions = @currentPage.validatedDimensions() [document, viewport] = [dimensions.document, dimensions.viewport] rect = if full left: 0, top: 0, width: document.width, height: document.height else if selector? @currentPage.elementBounds(selector) else left: 0, top: 0, width: viewport.width, height: viewport.height @currentPage.setClipRect(rect) dimensions set_paper_size: (size) -> @currentPage.setPaperSize(size) @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_zoom_factor: (zoom_factor) -> @currentPage.setZoomFactor(zoom_factor) @current_command.sendResponse(true) resize: (width, height) -> @currentPage.setViewportSize(width: width, height: height) @current_command.sendResponse(true) network_traffic: -> @current_command.sendResponse(@currentPage.networkTraffic()) clear_network_traffic: -> @currentPage.clearNetworkTraffic() @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_proxy: (ip, port, type, user, password) -> phantom.setProxy(ip, port, type, user, password) @current_command.sendResponse(true) get_headers: -> @current_command.sendResponse(@currentPage.getCustomHeaders()) set_headers: (headers) -> # Workaround for @currentPage.setUserAgent(headers['User-Agent']) if headers['User-Agent'] @currentPage.setCustomHeaders(headers) @current_command.sendResponse(true) add_headers: (headers) -> allHeaders = @currentPage.getCustomHeaders() for name, value of headers allHeaders[name] = value this.set_headers(allHeaders) add_header: (header, permanent) -> @currentPage.addTempHeader(header) unless permanent this.add_headers(header) response_headers: -> @current_command.sendResponse(@currentPage.responseHeaders()) cookies: -> @current_command.sendResponse(@currentPage.cookies()) # We're using phantom.addCookie so that cookies can be set # before the first page load has taken place. set_cookie: (cookie) -> phantom.addCookie(cookie) @current_command.sendResponse(true) remove_cookie: (name) -> @currentPage.deleteCookie(name) @current_command.sendResponse(true) clear_cookies: () -> phantom.clearCookies() @current_command.sendResponse(true) cookies_enabled: (flag) -> phantom.cookiesEnabled = flag @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_http_auth: (user, password) -> @currentPage.setHttpAuth(user, password) @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_js_errors: (value) -> @js_errors = value @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_debug: (value) -> @_debug = value @current_command.sendResponse(true) exit: -> phantom.exit() noop: -> # NOOOOOOP! # This command is purely for testing error handling browser_error: -> throw new Error('zomg') go_back: -> command = @current_command if @currentPage.canGoBack @currentPage.state = 'loading' @currentPage.goBack() @currentPage.waitState 'default', -> command.sendResponse(true) else command.sendResponse(false) go_forward: -> command = @current_command if @currentPage.canGoForward @currentPage.state = 'loading' @currentPage.goForward() @currentPage.waitState 'default', -> command.sendResponse(true) else command.sendResponse(false) set_url_whitelist: (wildcards...)-> @currentPage.urlWhitelist = (@_wildcardToRegexp(wc) for wc in wildcards) @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_url_blacklist: (wildcards...)-> @currentPage.urlBlacklist = (@_wildcardToRegexp(wc) for wc in wildcards) @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_confirm_process: (process) -> @confirm_processes.push process @current_command.sendResponse(true) set_prompt_response: (response) -> @prompt_responses.push response @current_command.sendResponse(true) modal_message: -> @current_command.sendResponse(@processed_modal_messages.shift()) clear_memory_cache: -> @currentPage.clearMemoryCache() @current_command.sendResponse(true) _wildcardToRegexp: (wildcard)-> wildcard = wildcard.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\+\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&") wildcard = wildcard.replace(/\*/g, ".*") wildcard = wildcard.replace(/\?/g, ".") new RegExp(wildcard, "i")