module Garterbelt class View include RuPol::Swimsuit attr_accessor :output, :buffer, :level, :escape attr_reader :curator def initialize(opts={}) self.buffer = [] self.level = (opts.delete(:level) || 0) self.output = "" self.escape = true self.curator = opts.delete(:curator) || self params = self.class.default_variables.merge(opts) keys = params.keys unless ((self.class.required || []) - keys).empty? raise ArgumentError, "#{(self.class.required - keys).inspect} required as an initialization option" end if self.class.selective_require && keys != self.class.required raise ArgumentError, "Allowed initalization options are only #{self.class.required.inspect}" end params.each do |key, value| self.class.add_accssor(key) unless respond_to?(key) send("#{key}=", value) end end def curator=(parent_view) @curator = parent_view if parent_view != self self.buffer = parent_view.buffer self.level = parent_view.level self.output = parent_view.output self.escape = parent_view.escape end end def curated? curator === self end # VARIABLE ACCESS ----------------------------- class << self attr_accessor :required, :selective_require end def self.add_accssor key key = key.to_s return if accessories.include?(key) if instance_methods.include?(key) raise ArgumentError, ":#{key} cannot be a required variable because it maps to an existing method" end accessories << key.to_s attr_accessor key end def self.accessories @accessories ||= superclass? ? superclass.accessories.dup : [] end def self.superclass? @superclassed ||= superclass.respond_to?( :required ) end def self.super_required superclass? ? superclass.required || [] : [] end def self.default_variables @default_variables ||= superclass? ? superclass.default_variables.dup : end def self.requires *args if args.last.is_a?(Hash) self.default_variables.merge!(args.pop) args +={ |x| x.to_sym } end args = super_required + args self.required = args.uniq build_accessors required end def self.requires_only(*args) self.selective_require = true requires(*args) end class << self alias :needs :requires alias :needs_only :requires_only end def self.build_accessors required.each do |m| add_accssor m end end # TAG HELPERS ----------------------- def add_to_buffer(renderer) buffer << renderer renderer end def tag(type, *args, &block) add_to_buffer, args), &block) end def closed_tag(type, *args) add_to_buffer, args)) end def non_escape_tag(*args, &block) if escape curator.escape = false t = tag(*args, &block) curator.escape = true t else tag(*args, &block) end end def text(content) add_to_buffer => curator, :content => content) end alias :h :text def raw_text(content) if escape curator.escape = false t = text(content) curator.escape = true t else text(content) end end alias :raw :raw_text alias :rawtext :raw_text def comment(content) add_to_buffer => curator, :content => content) end def doctype(type=:transitional) add_to_buffer => curator, :type => type) end def xml(opts={}) opts = {:version => 1.0, :encoding => 'utf-8'}.merge(opts) add_to_buffer, [opts])) end def parse_tag_arguments(type, args) opts = {:type => type, :view => curator} if args.size == 2 opts[:content] = args.shift opts[:attributes] = args.first else if args.first.is_a?(Hash) opts[:attributes] = args.first else opts[:content] = args.first end end opts end CONTENT_TAGS = [ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'b', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'body', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'form', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'html', 'i', 'iframe', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'map', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'p', 'param', 'q', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var' ] CONTENT_TAGS.each do |type| class_eval <<-RUBY def #{type}(*args, &block) tag(:#{type}, *args, &block) end RUBY end NON_ESCAPE_TAGS = ['code', 'pre'] NON_ESCAPE_TAGS.each do |type| class_eval <<-RUBY def #{type}(*args, &block) non_escape_tag(:#{type}, *args, &block) end RUBY end CLOSED_TAGS = ['area', 'br', 'col', 'frame', 'hr', 'img', 'input'] CLOSED_TAGS.each do |type| class_eval <<-RUBY def #{type}(*args) closed_tag(:#{type}, *args) end RUBY end HEAD_TAGS = ['base', 'meta', 'link'] HEAD_TAGS.each do |type| class_eval <<-RUBY def _#{type}(*args) closed_tag(:#{type}, *args) end RUBY end def page_title(*args, &block) tag(:title, *args, &block) end def stylesheet_link(path) _link(:rel => "stylesheet", 'type' => "text/css", :href => "#{path}.css") end def javascript_link(path) script(:src => "#{path}.js", 'type' => "text/javascript") end # RENDERING ------------------------- def content raise NotImplementedError, "Implement #content in #{self.class}!" end def render(content_method = :content) self.output = "" if curated? if content_method == :content content else send(content_method) end render_buffer output end alias :to_s :render alias :to_html :render def render_buffer array = buffer.dup buffer.clear array.each do |item| if item.respond_to?(:render) item.render item.recycle else output << item.to_s end end end def self.render(opts={}) content_method = opts[:method] view = new output = content_method ? view.render(content_method) : view.render view.recycle output end def partial(*args, &block) if (klass = args.first).is_a?(Class) args.shift view =*args) else view = args.first end view.curator = curator self.buffer << view view end alias :widget :partial # CACHING --------------------------- class << self attr_writer :cache_store_key, :cache_key_base end attr_writer :cache_store_key, :cache_key_base def self.cache_store_key @cache_store_key ||= :default end def cache_store_key @cache_store_key ||= self.class.cache_store_key end def cache_store @cache ||= Garterbelt.cache(cache_store_key) end def self.cache_key_base @cache_key_base ||= self.to_s.underscore end def cache_key_base @cache_key_base ||= self.class.cache_key_base end CACHE_DETAIL_DEFAULT = 'default' def cache_key(detail = CACHE_DETAIL_DEFAULT) detail ||= CACHE_DETAIL_DEFAULT "#{cache_key_base}_#{detail}" end def cache(key, &block) renderer = => self, :key => cache_key(key), &block) buffer << renderer renderer end end end