# Scanned Media: Shared Metadata module NewspaperWorks # scanned media metadata for newspaper models (e.g. page, article images) module ScannedMediaMetadata extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # common descriptive metadata properties for scanned media like pages # that do not already have implementation in Hyrax::BasicMetadata # - Label # (implemented by Hyrax::Metadata as :title, we omit here) # - Text direction property( :text_direction, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::OA.textDirection, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable end # - Page Number property( :page_number, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::SCHEMA.pagination, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable end # - Section property( :section, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::BIBO.section, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable end # - Reel # TBD TODO needs predicate TBD end end end