module Architect4r module Core module ManagementMethods def get_kernel_data #http://localhost:7475/db/manage/server/jmx/domain/org.neo4j/ end # Deletes the database def reset_database! end end end end =begin { "beans" : [ { "description" : "Estimates of the numbers of different kinds of Neo4j primitives", "name" : "org.neo4j:instance=kernel#0,name=Primitive count", "attributes" : [ { "description" : "An estimation of the number of nodes used in this Neo4j instance", "name" : "NumberOfNodeIdsInUse", "value" : 109, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "long", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "An estimation of the number of relationships used in this Neo4j instance", "name" : "NumberOfRelationshipIdsInUse", "value" : 0, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "long", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "An estimation of the number of properties used in this Neo4j instance", "name" : "NumberOfPropertyIdsInUse", "value" : 295, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "long", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The number of relationship types used in this Neo4j instance", "name" : "NumberOfRelationshipTypeIdsInUse", "value" : 0, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "long", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " } ], "url" : "org.neo4j/instance%3Dkernel%230%2Cname%3DPrimitive+count" }, { "description" : "Information about the Neo4j kernel", "name" : "org.neo4j:instance=kernel#0,name=Kernel", "attributes" : [ { "description" : "Whether this is a read only instance", "name" : "ReadOnly", "value" : false, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "boolean", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "true" }, { "description" : "An ObjectName that can be used as a query for getting all management beans for this Neo4j instance.", "name" : "MBeanQuery", "value" : "org.neo4j:instance=kernel#0,name=*", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The time from which this Neo4j instance was in operational mode.", "name" : "KernelStartTime", "value" : "Sat Sep 10 17:42:53 CEST 2011", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "java.util.Date", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The time when this Neo4j graph store was created.", "name" : "StoreCreationDate", "value" : "Sat Sep 03 20:19:29 CEST 2011", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "java.util.Date", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "An identifier that uniquely identifies this Neo4j graph store.", "name" : "StoreId", "value" : "a75e32d2bd11e487", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "java.lang.String", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The current version of the Neo4j store logical log.", "name" : "StoreLogVersion", "value" : 2, "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "long", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The version of Neo4j", "name" : "KernelVersion", "value" : "Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 1.4.1", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "java.lang.String", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " }, { "description" : "The location where the Neo4j store is located", "name" : "StoreDirectory", "value" : "/Users/namxam/packages/neo4j-community-1.4.1.test/data/graph.db", "isReadable" : "true", "type" : "java.lang.String", "isWriteable" : "false ", "isIs" : "false " } ], "url" : "org.neo4j/instance%3Dkernel%230%2Cname%3DKernel" } ], "domain" : "org.neo4j" } =end