module RASN1 module Types # ASN.1 sequence # # A sequence is a collection of another ASN.1 types. # # To encode this ASN.1 example: # Record ::= SEQUENCE { # id INTEGER, # room [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, # house [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 # } # do: # seq = # seq.value = [ # RASN1::Types::Integer(:id), # RASN1::Types::Integer(:id, explicit: 0, optional: true), # RASN1::Types::Integer(:id, implicit: 1, default: 0) # ] # # A sequence may also be used without value to not parse sequence content: # seq = # seq.parse!(der_string) # seq.value # => String # @author Sylvain Daubert class Sequence < Constructed TAG = 0x10 private def value_to_der case @value when Array { |element| element.to_der }.join else @value.to_s end end def der_to_value(der, ber:false) case @value when Array nb_bytes = 0 @value.each do |element| nb_bytes += element.parse!(der[nb_bytes..-1]) end else @value = der der.length end end end end end