Feature: Using Mechanize In order to test web sites over HTTP I want to be able to interacted with sites using Mechanize Scenario: Navigation Steps Given I am on the index page Then I should be on the index page When I go to the index page Then I should be on the index page When I follow "Form Link" Then I should be on the form page Scenario: Should See Steps Given I am on the index page Then I should see "Hello World!" And I should see /Hel+o.World./ But I should not see "Oogy Boogy!" And I should not see /[Oo]+gy Bo+gy/ Scenario: Form Steps Given I am on the form page When I fill in "Field by Label" with "Label Field" And I fill in "Name Field" for "field_by_name" And I fill in "field_by_id_id" with "ID Field" And I fill in "Text Area by Label" with "Text Area Text" And I fill in "Password by Label" with "Password Text" And I select "Option Two" from "Select by Name" And I choose "Radio Button One" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Label Field" And I should see "Name Field" And I should see "Option Two" And I should see "Text Area Text" And I should see "Password Text" And I should see "Radio Button One Chosen" But I should not see "Option One" And I should not see "Radio Button Two Chosen" Scenario: Form Table Steps Given I am on the form page When I fill in the following: | Field by Label | Labeled | | field_by_name | Named | | field_by_id_id | ID-ed | And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Labeled" And I should see "Named" And I should see "ID-ed" @mock_launchy Scenario: Navigation Steps Given I am on the index page Then show me the page