# WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing for info on making contributions: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws module EC2 class InternetGateway extend Aws::Deprecations # @overload def initialize(id, options = {}) # @param [String] id # @option options [Client] :client # @overload def initialize(options = {}) # @option options [required, String] :id # @option options [Client] :client def initialize(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop.dup : {} @id = extract_id(args, options) @data = options.delete(:data) @client = options.delete(:client) || Client.new(options) end # @!group Read-Only Attributes # @return [String] def id @id end alias :internet_gateway_id :id # Any VPCs attached to the Internet gateway. # @return [Array] def attachments data.attachments end # Any tags assigned to the Internet gateway. # @return [Array] def tags data.tags end # @!endgroup # @return [Client] def client @client end # Loads, or reloads {#data} for the current {InternetGateway}. # Returns `self` making it possible to chain methods. # # internet_gateway.reload.data # # @return [self] def load resp = @client.describe_internet_gateways(internet_gateway_ids: [@id]) @data = resp.internetgateways[0] self end alias :reload :load # @return [Types::InternetGateway] # Returns the data for this {InternetGateway}. Calls # {Client#describe_internet_gateways} if {#data_loaded?} is `false`. def data load unless @data @data end # @return [Boolean] # Returns `true` if this resource is loaded. Accessing attributes or # {#data} on an unloaded resource will trigger a call to {#load}. def data_loaded? !!@data end # @!group Actions # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # internet_gateway.attach_to_vpc({ # dry_run: false, # vpc_id: "String", # required # }) # @param [Hash] options ({}) # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run # Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, # without actually making the request, and provides an error response. # If you have the required permissions, the error response is # `DryRunOperation`. Otherwise, it is `UnauthorizedOperation`. # @option options [required, String] :vpc_id # The ID of the VPC. # @return [EmptyStructure] def attach_to_vpc(options = {}) options = options.merge(internet_gateway_id: @id) resp = @client.attach_internet_gateway(options) resp.data end # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # tag = internet_gateway.create_tags({ # dry_run: false, # tags: [ # required # { # key: "String", # value: "String", # }, # ], # }) # @param [Hash] options ({}) # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run # Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, # without actually making the request, and provides an error response. # If you have the required permissions, the error response is # `DryRunOperation`. Otherwise, it is `UnauthorizedOperation`. # @option options [required, Array] :tags # One or more tags. The `value` parameter is required, but if you don't # want the tag to have a value, specify the parameter with no value, and # we set the value to an empty string. # @return [Tag::Collection] def create_tags(options = {}) batch = [] options = Aws::Util.deep_merge(options, resources: [@id]) resp = @client.create_tags(options) options[:tags].each do |t| batch << Tag.new( resource_id: @id, key: t[:key], value: t[:value], client: @client ) end Tag::Collection.new([batch], size: batch.size) end # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # internet_gateway.delete({ # dry_run: false, # }) # @param [Hash] options ({}) # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run # Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, # without actually making the request, and provides an error response. # If you have the required permissions, the error response is # `DryRunOperation`. Otherwise, it is `UnauthorizedOperation`. # @return [EmptyStructure] def delete(options = {}) options = options.merge(internet_gateway_id: @id) resp = @client.delete_internet_gateway(options) resp.data end # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # internet_gateway.detach_from_vpc({ # dry_run: false, # vpc_id: "String", # required # }) # @param [Hash] options ({}) # @option options [Boolean] :dry_run # Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, # without actually making the request, and provides an error response. # If you have the required permissions, the error response is # `DryRunOperation`. Otherwise, it is `UnauthorizedOperation`. # @option options [required, String] :vpc_id # The ID of the VPC. # @return [EmptyStructure] def detach_from_vpc(options = {}) options = options.merge(internet_gateway_id: @id) resp = @client.detach_internet_gateway(options) resp.data end # @deprecated # @api private def identifiers { id: @id } end deprecated(:identifiers) private def extract_id(args, options) value = args[0] || options.delete(:id) case value when String then value when nil then raise ArgumentError, "missing required option :id" else msg = "expected :id to be a String, got #{value.class}" raise ArgumentError, msg end end class Collection < Aws::Resources::Collection; end end end end