desc "add copyright to all .rb files in the distribution" task 'add-copyright' do puts "adding copyright to files that don't have it currently" Dir['{lib,test}/**/*{.rb}'].each do |file| next if file =~ /_darcs/ lines = File.readlines(file).map{|l| l.chomp} unless lines.first(COPYRIGHT.size) == COPYRIGHT puts "fixing #{file}", 'w+') do |f| (COPYRIGHT + ["\n"] + lines).each do |line| f.puts(line) end end end end end desc "doc/README to html"'readme2html-build') do |rd| rd.options = %w[ --quiet --opname readme.html ] rd.rdoc_dir = 'readme' rd.rdoc_files = ['doc/README'] rd.main = 'doc/README' rd.title = "Ramaze documentation" end desc "doc/README to doc/README.html" task 'readme2html' => ['readme-build', 'readme2html-build'] do cp('readme/files/doc/README.html', 'doc/README.html') rm_rf('readme') end desc "generate doc/TODO from the TODO tags in the source" task 'todolist' do list = `rake todo` tasks = {} current = nil list.split("\n")[2..-1].each do |line| if line =~ /TODO/ or line.empty? elsif line =~ /^vim/ current = line.split[1] tasks[current] = [] else tasks[current] << line end end lines ={ |name, items| [name, items, ''] }.flatten lines.pop'doc', 'TODO'), 'w+') do |f| f.puts "This list is programmaticly generated by `rake todolist`" f.puts "If you want to add/remove items from the list, change them at the" f.puts "position specified in the list." f.puts f.puts(lines) end end desc "remove those annoying spaces at the end of lines" task 'fix-end-spaces' do Dir['{lib,spec}/**/*.rb'].each do |file| next if file =~ /_darcs/ lines = File.readlines(file) new = lines.dup lines.each_with_index do |line, i| if line =~ /\s+\n/ puts "fixing #{file}:#{i + 1}" p line new[i] = line.rstrip end end unless new == lines, 'w+') do |f| new.each do |line| f.puts(line) end end end end end desc "Compile the doc/README from the parts of doc/readme" task 'readme-build' do require 'enumerator' chapters = [ 'About Ramaze', 'introduction', 'Features Overview', 'features', 'Basic Principles', 'principles', 'Installation', 'installing', 'Getting Started', 'getting_started', 'A couple of Examples', 'examples', 'How to find Help', 'getting_help', 'Appendix', 'appendix', 'And thanks to...', 'thanks', ]'doc/README', 'w+') do |readme| readme.puts{|l| l[1..-1]}, '' chapters.each_slice(2) do |title, file| file = File.join('doc', 'readme_chunks', "#{file}.txt") chapter = readme.puts "= #{title}", '', chapter readme.puts '', '' unless title == chapters[-2] end end end task 'tutorial2html' do require 'bluecloth' basefile = File.join('doc', 'tutorial', 'todolist') content = + '.txt') html = wrap = %{