require 'ib/socket' require 'ib/logger' module IB # Encapsulates API connection to TWS or Gateway class Connection # Please note, we are realizing only the most current TWS protocol versions, # thus improving performance at the expense of backwards compatibility. # Older protocol versions support can be found in older gem versions. DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {:host =>'', :port => '4001', # IB Gateway connection (default) #:port => '7496', # TWS connection, with annoying pop-ups :connect => true, # Connect at initialization :reader => true, # Start a separate reader Thread :received => true, # Keep all received messages in a Hash :logger => nil, :client_id => nil, # Will be randomly assigned :client_version => 57, # 48, # 57 = can receive commissionReport message :server_version => 60 # 53? Minimal server version required } # Singleton to make active Connection universally accessible as IB::Connection.current class << self attr_accessor :current end attr_accessor :server, # Info about IB server and server connection state :options, # Connection options :next_local_id # Next valid order id alias next_order_id next_local_id alias next_order_id= next_local_id= def initialize opts = {} @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(opts) # A couple of locks to avoid race conditions in JRuby @subscribe_lock = @receive_lock = self.default_logger = options[:logger] if options[:logger] @connected = false self.next_local_id = nil @server = connect if options[:connect] Connection.current = self end ### Working with connection def connect error "Already connected!" if connected? # TWS always sends NextValidId message at connect - save this id self.subscribe(:NextValidId) do |msg| self.next_local_id = msg.local_id "Got next valid order id: #{next_local_id}." end server[:socket] =[:host], options[:port]) # Secret handshake socket.write_data options[:client_version] server[:client_version] = options[:client_version] server[:server_version] = socket.read_int if server[:server_version] < options[:server_version] error "TWS version #{server[:server_version]}, #{options[:server_version]} required." end server[:remote_connect_time] = socket.read_string server[:local_connect_time] = # Sending (arbitrary) client ID to identify subsequent communications. # The client with a client_id of 0 can manage the TWS-owned open orders. # Other clients can only manage their own open orders. server[:client_id] = options[:client_id] || random_id socket.write_data server[:client_id] @connected = true "Connected to server, version: #{server[:server_version]}, connection time: " + "#{server[:local_connect_time]} local, " + "#{server[:remote_connect_time]} remote." start_reader if options[:reader] # Allows reconnect end alias open connect # Legacy alias def disconnect if reader_running? @reader_running = false server[:reader].join end if connected? socket.close @server = @connected = false end end alias close disconnect # Legacy alias def connected? @connected end def socket server[:socket] end ### Working with message subscribers # Subscribe Proc or block to specific type(s) of incoming message events. # Listener will be called later with received message instance as its argument. # Returns subscriber id to allow unsubscribing def subscribe *args, &block @subscribe_lock.synchronize do subscriber = args.last.respond_to?(:call) ? args.pop : block id = random_id error "Need subscriber proc or block", :args unless subscriber.is_a? Proc args.each do |what| message_classes = case when what.is_a?(Class) && what < Messages::Incoming::AbstractMessage [what] when what.is_a?(Symbol) [Messages::Incoming.const_get(what)] when what.is_a?(Regexp) Messages::Incoming::Classes.values.find_all { |klass| klass.to_s =~ what } else error "#{what} must represent incoming IB message class", :args end message_classes.flatten.each do |message_class| # TODO: Fix: RuntimeError: can't add a new key into hash during iteration subscribers[message_class][id] = subscriber end end id end end # Remove all subscribers with specific subscriber id (TODO: multiple ids) def unsubscribe *ids @subscribe_lock.synchronize do removed = [] ids.each do |id| removed_at_id = { |_, subscribers| subscribers.delete id }.compact error "No subscribers with id #{id}" if removed_at_id.empty? removed << removed_at_id end removed.flatten end end # Message subscribers. Key is the message class to listen for. # Value is a Hash of subscriber Procs, keyed by their subscription id. # All subscriber Procs will be called with the message instance # as an argument when a message of that type is received. def subscribers @subscribers ||= { |hash, subs| hash[subs] = } end ### Working with received messages Hash # Clear received messages Hash def clear_received *message_types @receive_lock.synchronize do if message_types.empty? received.each { |message_type, container| container.clear } else message_types.each { |message_type| received[message_type].clear } end end end # Hash of received messages, keyed by message type def received @received ||= { |hash, message_type| hash[message_type] = } end # Check if messages of given type were received at_least n times def received? message_type, times=1 @receive_lock.synchronize do received[message_type].size >= times end end # Check if all given conditions are satisfied def satisfied? *conditions !conditions.empty? && conditions.inject(true) do |result, condition| result && if condition.is_a?(Symbol) received?(condition) elsif condition.is_a?(Array) received?(*condition) elsif condition.respond_to?(:call) else error "Unknown wait condition #{condition}" end end end # Wait for specific condition(s) - given as callable/block, or # message type(s) - given as Symbol or [Symbol, times] pair. # Timeout after given time or 1 second. def wait_for *args, &block timeout = args.find { |arg| arg.is_a? Numeric } # extract timeout from args end_time = + (timeout || 1) # default timeout 1 sec conditions = args.delete_if { |arg| arg.is_a? Numeric }.push(block).compact until end_time < || satisfied?(*conditions) if server[:reader] sleep 0.05 else process_messages 50 end end end ### Working with Incoming messages from IB # Start reader thread that continuously reads messages from server in background. # If you don't start reader, you should manually poll @socket for messages # or use #process_messages(msec) API. def start_reader Thread.abort_on_exception = true @reader_running = true server[:reader] = do process_messages while @reader_running end end def reader_running? @reader_running && server[:reader] && server[:reader].alive? end # Process incoming messages during *poll_time* (200) msecs, nonblocking def process_messages poll_time = 200 # in msec time_out = + poll_time/1000.0 while (time_left = time_out - > 0 # If server socket is readable, process single incoming message process_message if select [socket], nil, nil, time_left end end # Process single incoming message (blocking!) def process_message msg_id = socket.read_int # This read blocks! # Debug: log.debug "Got message #{msg_id} (#{Messages::Incoming::Classes[msg_id]})" # Create new instance of the appropriate message type, # and have it read the message from server. # NB: Failure here usually means unsupported message type received error "Got unsupported message #{msg_id}" unless Messages::Incoming::Classes[msg_id] msg = Messages::Incoming::Classes[msg_id].new(server) # Deliver message to all registered subscribers, alert if no subscribers @subscribe_lock.synchronize do subscribers[msg.class].each { |_, subscriber| } end log.warn "No subscribers for message #{msg.class}!" if subscribers[msg.class].empty? # Collect all received messages into a @received Hash @receive_lock.synchronize do received[msg.message_type] << msg if options[:received] end end ### Sending Outgoing messages to IB # Send an outgoing message. def send_message what, *args message = case when what.is_a?(Messages::Outgoing::AbstractMessage) what when what.is_a?(Class) && what < Messages::Outgoing::AbstractMessage *args when what.is_a?(Symbol) Messages::Outgoing.const_get(what).new *args else error "Only able to send outgoing IB messages", :args end error "Not able to send messages, IB not connected!" unless connected? message.send_to server end alias dispatch send_message # Legacy alias # Place Order (convenience wrapper for send_message :PlaceOrder). # Assigns client_id and order_id fields to placed order. Returns assigned order_id. def place_order order, contract contract, self end # Modify Order (convenience wrapper for send_message :PlaceOrder). Returns order_id. def modify_order order, contract order.modify contract, self end # Cancel Orders by their local ids (convenience wrapper for send_message :CancelOrder). def cancel_order *local_ids local_ids.each do |local_id| send_message :CancelOrder, :local_id => local_id.to_i end end protected def random_id rand 999999999 end end # class Connection end # module IB