@import compass/utilities/general/reset.sass // Override !column_default with the number of top-level navigation columns you need // - not including your home page !column_default ||= 4 =slickmap(!body_selector = "body", !columns = !column_default) #{!body_selector} +nested-reset +slickmap-body @if !body_selector != "body" +slickmap-defaults(!columns) @if !body_selector == "body" +slickmap-defaults(!columns) =slickmap-primary-nav(!columns = !column_default) margin: 0 float: left width: 100% li width= 100/!columns + "%" &.col1 li width: 99.9% &.col2 li width: 50.0% &.col3 li width: 33.3% &.col4 li width: 25.0% &.col5 li width: 20.0% &.col6 li width: 16.6% &.col7 li width: 14.2% &.col8 li width: 12.5% &.col9 li width: 11.1% &.col10 li width: 10.0% li ul li width: 100% !important a:link:before, a:visited:before, span:before color: #78a9c0 // Second Level li width: 100% clear: left margin-top: 0 padding: 10px 0 0 0 background= slickmap_image("vertical-line.png") "center" "bottom" "repeat-y" a, span background-color: #cee3ac border-color: #b8da83 &:hover border-color: #94b75f background-color: #e7f1d7 &:first-child padding-top: 30px &:last-child background= slickmap_image("vertical-line.png") "center" "bottom" "repeat-y" a:link:before, a:visited:before, span:before color: #8faf5c // Third Level ul margin: 10px 0 0 0 width: 100% float: right padding: 9px 0 10px 0 background= #fff slickmap_image("L3-ul-top.png") "center" "top" "no-repeat" li background= slickmap_image("L3-center.png") "left" "center" "no-repeat" padding: 5px 0 a, span background-color: #fff7aa border-color: #e3ca4b font-size: 12px padding: 5px 0 width: 80% float: right &:hover background-color: #fffce5 border-color: #d1b62c &:first-child padding: 15px 0 5px 0 background= slickmap_image("L3-li-top.png") "left" "center" "no-repeat" &:last-child background= slickmap_image("L3-bottom.png") "left" "center" "no-repeat" a:link:before, a:visited:before, span:before color: #ccae14 font-size: 9px li float: left background= slickmap_image("L1-center.png") "center" "top" "no-repeat" padding: 30px 0 margin-top: -30px &:last-child background= slickmap_image("L1-right.png") "center" "top" "no-repeat" a, span margin: 0 20px 0 0 padding: 10px 0 display: block font-size: 14px font-weight: bold text-align: center color: black background= #c3eafb slickmap_image("white-highlight.png") "top" "left" "repeat-x" border: 2px solid #b5d9ea -moz-border-radius: 5px -webkit-border-radius: 5px -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 2px 2px 2px -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 2px 2px 2px &:hover, span background-color: #e2f4fd border-color: #97bdcf =slickmap-primary-nav-home display: block float: none background= #fff slickmap_image("L1-left.png") "center" "bottom" "no-repeat" position: relative z-index: 2 padding: 0 0 30px 0 =slickmap-utility-nav float: right max-width: 50% margin-right: 10px li float: left margin-bottom: 10px a, span margin: 0 10px 0 0 padding: 5px 10px display: block border: 2px solid #e3ca4b font-size: 12px font-weight: bold text-align: center color: black background= #fff7aa slickmap_image("white-highlight.png") "top" "left" "repeat-x" -moz-border-radius: 5px -webkit-border-radius: 5px -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 2px 2px 2px -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 2px 2px 2px &:hover background-color: #fffce5 border-color: #d1b62c a:link:before, a:visited:before, span:before color: #ccae14 font-size: 9px margin-bottom: 3px // General Styles =slickmap-body background: white color: black padding: 40px font-family: Gotham, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif font-size: 12px line-height: 1 =slickmap-defaults(!columns = !column_default) .sitemap margin: 0 0 40px 0 float: left width: 100% h1 font-weight: bold text-transform: uppercase font-size: 20px margin: 0 0 5px 0 h2 font-family: "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif font-size: 10px color: #777777 margin: 0 0 20px 0 a, span text-decoration: none a:link:before, a:visited:before, span:before display: block text-transform: uppercase font-size: 10px margin-bottom: 5px word-wrap: break-word a:link:before, a:visited:before content: " "attr(href)" " span:before content: " "attr(title)" " ol, ul list-style: none #primaryNav +slickmap-primary-nav(!columns) li#home +slickmap-primary-nav-home // Utility Navigation #utilityNav +slickmap-utility-nav