module Mutx module Tasks module Custom class Param attr_reader :id, :name, :type, :options, :required VALID_typeS = ["text","select_list","json"] def initialize definition Mutx::Support::Log.debug "definition in new => #{definition}" id = definition["_id"] || Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.generate_id @id = id @name = definition["name"] @type = definition["type"] @options = definition["options"] || [] # @required = definition["required"]=="on" || false @required = definition["required"] @value = definition["value"] end def self.get custom_id data = Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.get_custom_param(custom_id) Mutx::Support::Log.debug "#{data}" raise "Could not get Custom Param CUSTOM-ID[#{custom_id}]" if data.nil? data["value"] = data["value"].to_json if data["type"]=="json" Mutx::Support::Log.debug "En self.get antes de hacer{data})" data end def structure { "_id" => id, "name" => name, "type" => type, "options" => options, "required" => required, "value" => get_value } end def get_value if self.type == "json" begin value = JSON.parse(@value) rescue @value end else @value end end def self.types VALID_typeS end def self.validate_and_create definition errors = validate(definition) return { success:false, message:errors.join(" ")} unless errors.empty? if insert!(definition) {action:"create", success:true, message:"Custom Param #{definition["name"]} created"} else {action:"create", success:false, message:"Custom Param #{definition["name"]} could not be created"} end end def self.validate_and_update definition errors = self.validate(definition) return { success:false, message:errors.join(" ")} unless errors.empty? if self.update! definition {action:"edit", success:true, message:"Custom Param #{definition["name"]} updated"} else {action:"edit", success:false, message:"Custom Param #{definition["name"]} could not be updated"} end end def self.delete_this data if self.delete data["_id"] {action:"delete", success:true, message:"Custom Param #{data["name"]} deleted"} else {action:"delete", success:false, message:"Could not delete custom param #{data["name"]}"} end end def self.validate definition errors = [] if definition["action"] == "edit" errors << self.validate_name_with_id(definition) else errors << self.validate_name(definition) end errors << self.validate_type(definition["type"]) errors << self.validate_options(definition["options"]) errors << self.validate_value_for_type(definition) errors.compact end def self.validate_value_for_type definition case definition["type"] when "select_list" self.validate_required_for_select definition when "json" self.validate_json_format definition end end def self.validate_json_format definition Mutx::Support::Log.debug "Value is a => #{definition['value'].class} => #{definition["value"]}" begin value = JSON.parse(definition["value"]) Mutx::Support::Log.debug "NOW Value is a => #{value.class} => #{value}" nil rescue return "Invalid json format" end end def self.validate_required_for_select definition # cannot define as required select list with no values on options if definition["required"] return "At least one value on options field must be defined for required Select List custom parameter." if definition["options"] end end def self.insert! definition definition.delete("action") Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.insert_custom_param( end def self.update! definition definition.delete("action") Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.update_custom_param( end def self.delete param_id Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.delete_custom_param param_id end def self.validate_name definition return "Custom param name not povided" if definition["name"].nil? if (param_id = Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.param_id_for_name(definition["name"])) return "A custom param with the name #{definition['name']} already exists (#{param_id})" end self.validate_special_chars_for_name definition end def self.validate_name_with_id definition db_id = Mutx::Database::MongoConnector.param_id_for_name(definition["name"]) return "There is another custom param with the name (#{definition['name']})" unless db_id.nil? self.validate_special_chars_for_name definition end def self.validate_special_chars_for_name definition return "Only word chars are allowed in name definition" if definition["name"].gsub(" ","") =~ /\W/ end def self.validate_type type return "You have to select type of custom param" if type == "Select..." "Invalid type '#{type}'" unless VALID_typeS.include? type.downcase end def self.validate_options options end end end end end