/* * Copyright (c) 2004 * Francois Dumont * * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed * or implied. Any use is at your own risk. * * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. * */ //Included from _string.h, no need for macro guarding. _STLP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #if defined (_STLP_DEBUG) # define basic_string _STLP_NON_DBG_NAME(str) _STLP_MOVE_TO_PRIV_NAMESPACE #endif #define _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE _STLP_PRIV _STLP_NO_MEM_T_NAME(str)<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> template class basic_string : public _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE #if defined (_STLP_USE_PARTIAL_SPEC_WORKAROUND) && \ !defined (basic_string) , public __stlport_class > #endif { protected: // Protected members inherited from base. typedef basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc> _Self; typedef _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE _Base; typedef typename _Base::_Char_Is_POD _Char_Is_POD; public: __IMPORT_WITH_REVERSE_ITERATORS(_Base) typedef typename _Base::_Iterator_category _Iterator_category; typedef typename _Base::traits_type traits_type; typedef typename _Base::_Reserve_t _Reserve_t; public: // Constructor, destructor, assignment. explicit basic_string(const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__a) {} basic_string(_Reserve_t __r, size_t __n, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__r, __n, __a) {} basic_string(const _Self& __s) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__s) {} basic_string(const _Self& __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n = npos, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__s, __pos, __n, __a) {} basic_string(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__s, __n, __a) {} basic_string(const _CharT* __s, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__s, __a) {} basic_string(size_type __n, _CharT __c, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__n, __c, __a) {} basic_string(__move_source<_Self> src) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(__move_source<_Base>(src.get())) {} // Check to see if _InputIterator is an integer type. If so, then // it can't be an iterator. #if !(defined(__MRC__) || (defined(__SC__) && !defined(__DMC__))) //*ty 04/30/2001 - mpw compilers choke on this ctor template basic_string(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, const allocator_type & __a _STLP_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_DFL) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(_Base::_CalledFromWorkaround_t(), __a) { typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIterator>::_Ret _Integral; _M_initialize_dispatch(__f, __l, _Integral()); } # if defined (_STLP_NEEDS_EXTRA_TEMPLATE_CONSTRUCTORS) template basic_string(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l) : _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE(_Base::_CalledFromWorkaround_t(), allocator_type()) { typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIterator>::_Ret _Integral; _M_initialize_dispatch(__f, __l, _Integral()); } # endif #endif /* !__MRC__ || (__SC__ && !__DMC__) */ _Self& operator=(const _Self& __s) { _Base::operator=(__s); return *this; } _Self& operator=(const _CharT* __s) { _Base::operator=(__s); return *this; } _Self& operator=(_CharT __c) { _Base::operator=(__c); return *this; } private: template void _M_range_initialize(_InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const input_iterator_tag &__tag) { this->_M_allocate_block(); this->_M_construct_null(this->_M_Finish()); _STLP_TRY { _M_appendT(__f, __l, __tag); } _STLP_UNWIND(this->_M_destroy_range()) } template void _M_range_initialize(_ForwardIter __f, _ForwardIter __l, const forward_iterator_tag &) { difference_type __n = distance(__f, __l); this->_M_allocate_block(__n + 1); #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) { _M_copyT(__f, __l, this->_M_Start()); this->_M_finish = this->_M_Start() + __n; } else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ this->_M_finish = uninitialized_copy(__f, __l, this->_M_Start()); this->_M_terminate_string(); } template void _M_range_initializeT(_InputIter __f, _InputIter __l) { _M_range_initialize(__f, __l, _STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f, _InputIter)); } template void _M_initialize_dispatch(_Integer __n, _Integer __x, const __true_type& /*_Integral*/) { this->_M_allocate_block(__n + 1); #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) { _Traits::assign(this->_M_Start(), __n, __x); this->_M_finish = this->_M_Start() + __n; } else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ this->_M_finish = uninitialized_fill_n(this->_M_Start(), __n, __x); this->_M_terminate_string(); } template void _M_initialize_dispatch(_InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const __false_type& /*_Integral*/) { _M_range_initializeT(__f, __l); } public: // Append, operator+=, push_back. _Self& operator+=(const _Self& __s) { _Base::operator+=(__s); return *this; } _Self& operator+=(const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::operator+=(__s); return *this; } _Self& operator+=(_CharT __c) { _Base::operator+=(__c); return *this; } _Self& append(const _Self& __s) { _Base::append(__s); return *this; } _Self& append(const _Self& __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) { _Base::append(__s, __pos, __n); return *this; } _Self& append(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::append(__s, __n); return *this; } _Self& append(const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::append(__s); return *this; } _Self& append(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { _Base::append(__n, __c); return *this; } // Check to see if _InputIterator is an integer type. If so, then // it can't be an iterator. template _Self& append(_InputIter __first, _InputIter __last) { typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIter>::_Ret _Integral; return _M_append_dispatch(__first, __last, _Integral()); } #if !defined (_STLP_NO_METHOD_SPECIALIZATION) && !defined (_STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS) //See equivalent assign method remark. _Self& append(const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f)_STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _Base::append(__f, __l); return *this; } #endif private: // Helper functions for append. template _Self& _M_appendT(_InputIter __first, _InputIter __last, const input_iterator_tag &) { for ( ; __first != __last ; ++__first) _Base::push_back(*__first); return *this; } template _Self& _M_appendT(_ForwardIter __first, _ForwardIter __last, const forward_iterator_tag &) { if (__first != __last) { const size_type __old_size = this->size(); difference_type __n = distance(__first, __last); if (__STATIC_CAST(size_type,__n) > max_size() || __old_size > max_size() - __STATIC_CAST(size_type,__n)) this->_M_throw_length_error(); if (__old_size + __n > capacity()) { const size_type __len = __old_size + (max)(__old_size, __STATIC_CAST(size_type,__n)) + 1; pointer __new_start = this->_M_end_of_storage.allocate(__len); pointer __new_finish = __new_start; _STLP_TRY { __new_finish = uninitialized_copy(this->_M_Start(), this->_M_Finish(), __new_start); __new_finish = uninitialized_copy(__first, __last, __new_finish); _M_construct_null(__new_finish); } _STLP_UNWIND((_STLP_STD::_Destroy_Range(__new_start,__new_finish), this->_M_end_of_storage.deallocate(__new_start,__len))) this->_M_destroy_range(); this->_M_deallocate_block(); this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len); } else { _ForwardIter __f1 = __first; ++__f1; #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) _M_copyT(__f1, __last, this->_M_Finish() + 1); else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ uninitialized_copy(__f1, __last, this->_M_Finish() + 1); _STLP_TRY { this->_M_construct_null(this->_M_Finish() + __n); } _STLP_UNWIND(this->_M_destroy_ptr_range(this->_M_Finish() + 1, this->_M_Finish() + __n)) _Traits::assign(*this->_M_finish, *__first); this->_M_finish += __n; } } return *this; } template _Self& _M_append_dispatch(_Integer __n, _Integer __x, const __true_type& /*Integral*/) { return append((size_type) __n, (_CharT) __x); } template _Self& _M_append_dispatch(_InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const __false_type& /*Integral*/) { return _M_appendT(__f, __l, _STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f, _InputIter)); } public: // Assign _Self& assign(const _Self& __s) { _Base::assign(__s); return *this; } _Self& assign(const _Self& __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) { _Base::assign(__s, __pos, __n); return *this; } _Self& assign(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::assign(__s, __n); return *this; } _Self& assign(const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::assign(__s); return *this; } _Self& assign(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { _Base::assign(__n, __c); return *this; } private: // Helper functions for assign. template _Self& _M_assign_dispatch(_Integer __n, _Integer __x, const __true_type& /*_Integral*/) { return assign((size_type) __n, (_CharT) __x); } template _Self& _M_assign_dispatch(_InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const __false_type& /*_Integral*/) { pointer __cur = this->_M_Start(); while (__f != __l && __cur != this->_M_Finish()) { _Traits::assign(*__cur, *__f); ++__f; ++__cur; } if (__f == __l) _Base::erase(__cur, this->_M_Finish()); else _M_appendT(__f, __l, _STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f, _InputIter)); return *this; } public: // Check to see if _InputIterator is an integer type. If so, then // it can't be an iterator. template _Self& assign(_InputIter __first, _InputIter __last) { typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIter>::_Ret _Integral; return _M_assign_dispatch(__first, __last, _Integral()); } #if !defined (_STLP_NO_METHOD_SPECIALIZATION) && !defined (_STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS) /* This method is not part of the standard and is a specialization of the * template method assign. It is only granted for convenience to call assign * with mixed parameters iterator and const_iterator. */ _Self& assign(const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f)_STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _Base::assign(__f, __l); return *this; } #endif public: // Insert _Self& insert(size_type __pos, const _Self& __s) { _Base::insert(__pos, __s); return *this; } _Self& insert(size_type __pos, const _Self& __s, size_type __beg, size_type __n) { _Base::insert(__pos, __s, __beg, __n); return *this; } _Self& insert(size_type __pos, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::insert(__pos, __s, __n); return *this; } _Self& insert(size_type __pos, const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::insert(__pos, __s); return *this; } _Self& insert(size_type __pos, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { _Base::insert(__pos, __n, __c); return *this; } iterator insert(iterator __p, _CharT __c) { return _Base::insert(__p, __c); } void insert(iterator __p, size_t __n, _CharT __c) { _Base::insert(__p, __n, __c); } // Check to see if _InputIterator is an integer type. If so, then // it can't be an iterator. template void insert(iterator __p, _InputIter __first, _InputIter __last) { typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIter>::_Ret _Integral; _M_insert_dispatch(__p, __first, __last, _Integral()); } private: // Helper functions for insert. void _M_insert(iterator __p, const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l, bool __self_ref) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f)_STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _Base::_M_insert(__p, __f, __l, __self_ref); } template void _M_insert_overflow(iterator __position, _ForwardIter __first, _ForwardIter __last, difference_type __n) { const size_type __old_size = this->size(); const size_type __len = __old_size + (max)(__old_size, __STATIC_CAST(size_type,__n)) + 1; pointer __new_start = this->_M_end_of_storage.allocate(__len); pointer __new_finish = __new_start; _STLP_TRY { __new_finish = uninitialized_copy(this->_M_Start(), __position, __new_start); __new_finish = uninitialized_copy(__first, __last, __new_finish); __new_finish = uninitialized_copy(__position, this->_M_Finish(), __new_finish); this->_M_construct_null(__new_finish); } _STLP_UNWIND((_STLP_STD::_Destroy_Range(__new_start,__new_finish), this->_M_end_of_storage.deallocate(__new_start,__len))) this->_M_destroy_range(); this->_M_deallocate_block(); this->_M_reset(__new_start, __new_finish, __new_start + __len); } template void _M_insertT(iterator __p, _InputIter __first, _InputIter __last, const input_iterator_tag &) { for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first) { __p = insert(__p, *__first); ++__p; } } template void _M_insertT(iterator __position, _ForwardIter __first, _ForwardIter __last, const forward_iterator_tag &) { if (__first != __last) { difference_type __n = distance(__first, __last); if (this->_M_end_of_storage._M_data - this->_M_finish >= __n + 1) { const difference_type __elems_after = this->_M_finish - __position; if (__elems_after >= __n) { #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) _Base::_M_copy((this->_M_Finish() - __n) + 1, this->_M_Finish() + 1, this->_M_Finish() + 1); else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ uninitialized_copy((this->_M_Finish() - __n) + 1, this->_M_Finish() + 1, this->_M_Finish() + 1); this->_M_finish += __n; _Traits::move(__position + __n, __position, (__elems_after - __n) + 1); _M_copyT(__first, __last, __position); } else { pointer __old_finish = this->_M_Finish(); _ForwardIter __mid = __first; advance(__mid, __elems_after + 1); #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) _M_copyT(__mid, __last, this->_M_Finish() + 1); else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ uninitialized_copy(__mid, __last, this->_M_Finish() + 1); this->_M_finish += __n - __elems_after; _STLP_TRY { #if defined (_STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM) if (this->_M_using_static_buf()) _Base::_M_copy(__position, __old_finish + 1, this->_M_Finish()); else #endif /* _STLP_USE_SHORT_STRING_OPTIM */ uninitialized_copy(__position, __old_finish + 1, this->_M_Finish()); this->_M_finish += __elems_after; } _STLP_UNWIND((this->_M_destroy_ptr_range(__old_finish + 1, this->_M_Finish()), this->_M_finish = __old_finish)) _M_copyT(__first, __mid, __position); } } else { _M_insert_overflow(__position, __first, __last, __n); } } } template void _M_insert_dispatch(iterator __p, _Integer __n, _Integer __x, const __true_type& /*Integral*/) { insert(__p, (size_type) __n, (_CharT) __x); } template void _M_insert_dispatch(iterator __p, _InputIter __first, _InputIter __last, const __false_type& /*Integral*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__p) /* * Within the basic_string implementation we are only going to check for * self referencing if iterators are string iterators or _CharT pointers. * A user could encapsulate those iterator within their own iterator interface * and in this case lead to a bad behavior, this is a known limitation. */ typedef typename _AreSameUnCVTypes<_InputIter, iterator>::_Ret _IsIterator; typedef typename _AreSameUnCVTypes<_InputIter, const_iterator>::_Ret _IsConstIterator; typedef typename _Lor2<_IsIterator, _IsConstIterator>::_Ret _CheckInside; _M_insert_aux(__p, __first, __last, _CheckInside()); } template void _M_insert_aux (iterator __p, _RandomIter __first, _RandomIter __last, const __true_type& /*_CheckInside*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__p) _M_insert(__p, &(*__first), &(*__last), _Base::_M_inside(&(*__first))); } template void _M_insert_aux (iterator __p, _InputIter __first, _InputIter __last, const __false_type& /*_CheckInside*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__p) _M_insertT(__p, __first, __last, _STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__first, _InputIter)); } template void _M_copyT(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, pointer __result) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__p) for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first, ++__result) _Traits::assign(*__result, *__first); } #if !defined (_STLP_NO_METHOD_SPECIALIZATION) void _M_copyT(const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l, _CharT* __res) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__res) _Base::_M_copy(__f, __l, __res); } #endif public: // Erase. _Self& erase(size_type __pos = 0, size_type __n = npos) { _Base::erase(__pos, __n); return *this; } iterator erase(iterator __pos) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__pos) return _Base::erase(__pos); } iterator erase(iterator __first, iterator __last) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) return _Base::erase(__first, __last); } public: // Replace. (Conceptually equivalent // to erase followed by insert.) _Self& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n, const _Self& __s) { _Base::replace(__pos, __n, __s); return *this; } _Self& replace(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const _Self& __s, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) { _Base::replace(__pos1, __n1, __s, __pos2, __n2); return *this; } _Self& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::replace(__pos, __n1, __s, __n2); return *this; } _Self& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::replace(__pos, __n1, __s); return *this; } _Self& replace(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, _CharT __c) { _Base::replace(__pos, __n1, __n2, __c); return *this; } _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, const _Self& __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _Base::replace(__first, __last, __s); return *this; } _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::replace(__first, __last, __s, __n); return *this; } _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, const _CharT* __s) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__s) _Base::replace(__first, __last, __s); return *this; } _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, size_type __n, _CharT __c) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _Base::replace(__first, __last, __n, __c); return *this; } // Check to see if _InputIter is an integer type. If so, then // it can't be an iterator. template _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, _InputIter __f, _InputIter __l) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first)_STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIter>::_Ret _Integral; return _M_replace_dispatch(__first, __last, __f, __l, _Integral()); } #if !defined (_STLP_NO_METHOD_SPECIALIZATION) && !defined (_STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS) _Self& replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _Base::replace(__first, __last, __f, __l); return *this; } #endif protected: // Helper functions for replace. _Self& _M_replace(iterator __first, iterator __last, const _CharT* __f, const _CharT* __l, bool __self_ref) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__f) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__l) _Base::_M_replace(__first, __last, __f, __l, __self_ref); return *this; } template _Self& _M_replace_dispatch(iterator __first, iterator __last, _Integer __n, _Integer __x, const __true_type& /*IsIntegral*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) return replace(__first, __last, (size_type) __n, (_CharT) __x); } template _Self& _M_replace_dispatch(iterator __first, iterator __last, _InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const __false_type& /*IsIntegral*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) typedef typename _AreSameUnCVTypes<_InputIter, iterator>::_Ret _IsIterator; typedef typename _AreSameUnCVTypes<_InputIter, const_iterator>::_Ret _IsConstIterator; typedef typename _Lor2<_IsIterator, _IsConstIterator>::_Ret _CheckInside; return _M_replace_aux(__first, __last, __f, __l, _CheckInside()); } template _Self& _M_replace_aux(iterator __first, iterator __last, _RandomIter __f, _RandomIter __l, __true_type const& /*_CheckInside*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) return _M_replace(__first, __last, &(*__f), &(*__l), _Base::_M_inside(&(*__f))); } template _Self& _M_replace_aux(iterator __first, iterator __last, _InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, __false_type const& /*_CheckInside*/) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) return _M_replaceT(__first, __last, __f, __l, _STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f, _InputIter)); } template _Self& _M_replaceT(iterator __first, iterator __last, _InputIter __f, _InputIter __l, const input_iterator_tag&__ite_tag) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) for ( ; __first != __last && __f != __l; ++__first, ++__f) _Traits::assign(*__first, *__f); if (__f == __l) _Base::erase(__first, __last); else _M_insertT(__last, __f, __l, __ite_tag); return *this; } template _Self& _M_replaceT(iterator __first, iterator __last, _ForwardIter __f, _ForwardIter __l, const forward_iterator_tag &__ite_tag) { _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__first) _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__last) difference_type __n = distance(__f, __l); const difference_type __len = __last - __first; if (__len >= __n) { _M_copyT(__f, __l, __first); _Base::erase(__first + __n, __last); } else { _ForwardIter __m = __f; advance(__m, __len); _M_copyT(__f, __m, __first); _M_insertT(__last, __m, __l, __ite_tag); } return *this; } public: // Other modifier member functions. void swap(_Self& __s) { _Base::swap(__s); } public: // Substring. _Self substr(size_type __pos = 0, size_type __n = npos) const { return _Self(*this, __pos, __n, get_allocator()); } #if defined (_STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION) && !defined (_STLP_DEBUG) # define _STLP_STRING_SUM_BASE _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE # include # undef _STLP_STRING_SUM_BASE #endif }; #undef _STLP_NO_MEM_T_STRING_BASE #if defined (basic_string) _STLP_MOVE_TO_STD_NAMESPACE # undef basic_string #endif _STLP_END_NAMESPACE