require "spec_helper" require "pathname" require "tempfile" require "fileutils" require "stringio" ["ImageMagick", "GraphicsMagick"].each do |cli| RSpec.context "With #{cli}", cli: cli.downcase.to_sym do describe MiniMagick::Image do subject { } describe ".read" do it "reads image from String" do string = File.binread(image_path) image = expect(image).to be_valid end it "reads image from StringIO" do stringio = image = expect(image).to be_valid end it "reads image from tempfile" do tempfile ='magick') FileUtils.cp image_path, tempfile.path image = expect(image).to be_valid end end describe ".import_pixels" do let(:dimensions) { [325, 200] } let(:depth) { 16 } # 16 bits (2 bytes) per pixel let(:map) { 'gray' } let(:pixels) {*)) { |i| i } } let(:blob) { pixels.pack('S*') } # unsigned short, native byte order it "can import pixels with default format" do image = described_class.import_pixels(blob, *dimensions, depth, map) expect(image).to be_valid expect(image.type).to eq 'PNG' expect(image.dimensions).to eq dimensions end it "can import pixels with custom format" do image = described_class.import_pixels(blob, *dimensions, depth, map, 'jpeg') expect(image).to be_valid expect(image.type).to eq 'JPEG' expect(image.dimensions).to eq dimensions end end describe ".open" do it "makes a copy of the image" do image = expect(image.path).not_to eq image_path expect(image).to be_valid end it "accepts a Pathname" do image = expect(image).to be_valid end it "loads a remote image" do begin image = expect(image).to be_valid rescue SocketError end end it "validates the image" do expect { } .to raise_error(MiniMagick::Invalid) end end describe ".create" do def create(path = image_path) described_class.create do |f| f.write(File.binread(path)) end end it "creates an image" do image = create expect(File.exists?(image.path)).to eq true end it "validates the image if validation is set" do allow(MiniMagick).to receive(:validate_on_create).and_return(true) expect { create(image_path(:not)) } .to raise_error(MiniMagick::Invalid) end it "doesn't validate image if validation is disabled" do allow(MiniMagick).to receive(:validate_on_create).and_return(false) expect { create(image_path(:not)) } .not_to raise_error end end describe "#initialize" do it "initializes a new image" do image = expect(image).to be_valid end it "accepts a block which it passes on to #combine_options" do image = do |b| b.resize "100x100!" end expect(image.dimensions).to eq [100, 100] end end describe "equivalence" do subject(:image) { } let(:same_image) { } let(:other_image) { } it "is #== and #eql? to itself" do expect(image).to eq(image) expect(image).to eql(image) end it "is #== and #eql? to an instance of the same image" do expect(image).to eq(same_image) expect(image).to eql(same_image) end it "is not #== nor #eql? to an instance of a different image" do expect(image).not_to eq(other_image) expect(image).not_to eql(other_image) end it "generates the same hash code for an instance of the same image" do expect(image.hash).to eq(same_image.hash) end it "generates different same hash codes for a different image" do expect(image.hash).not_to eq(other_image.hash) end end describe "#format" do subject { } it "changes the format of the photo" do expect { subject.format("png") } .to change { subject.type } end it "reformats an image with a given extension" do expect { subject.format('png') } .to change { File.extname(subject.path) }.to ".png" end it "creates the file with new extension" do subject.format('png') expect(File.exist?(subject.path)).to eq true end it "accepts a block of additional commands" do expect { subject.format("png") do |b| b.resize("100x100!") end }.to change { subject.dimensions }.to [100, 100] end it "works without an extension" do subject = expect { subject.format("png") } .to change { File.extname(subject.path) }.from("").to(".png") end it "deletes the previous tempfile" do old_path = subject.path.dup subject.format('png') expect(File.exist?(old_path)).to eq false end it "doesn't delete itself when formatted to the same format" do subject.format(subject.type.downcase) expect(File.exists?(subject.path)).to eq true end it "reformats multi-image formats to multiple images" do subject = subject.format('jpg', nil) expect(Dir[subject.path.sub('.', '*.')]).not_to be_empty end it "reformats multi-image formats to a single image" do subject = subject.format('jpg') expect(subject).to be_valid end it "returns self" do expect(subject.format('png')).to eq subject end end describe "#write" do it "writes the image" do output_path = random_path("test output") subject.write(output_path) expect( be_valid end it "writes an image with stream" do output_stream = subject.write(output_stream) expect( be_valid end it "writes layers" do output_path = random_path(["", ".#{subject.type.downcase}"]) subject = subject.frames.first.write(output_path) expect( be_valid end it "accepts a Pathname" do output_path = Pathname(random_path) subject.write(output_path) expect( be_valid end end describe "#valid?" do it "returns true when image is valid" do image = expect(image).to be_valid end it "returns false when image is not valid" do image = expect(image).not_to be_valid end end describe "#[]" do it "inspects image meta info" do expect(subject[:width]).to be_a(Fixnum) expect(subject[:height]).to be_a(Fixnum) expect(subject[:dimensions]).to all(be_a(Fixnum)) expect(subject[:colorspace]).to be_a(String) expect(subject[:format]).to match(/[A-Z]/) expect(subject[:signature]).to match(/[[:alnum:]]{64}/) end it "supports string keys" do expect(subject["width"]).to be_a(Fixnum) expect(subject["height"]).to be_a(Fixnum) expect(subject["dimensions"]).to all(be_a(Fixnum)) expect(subject["colorspace"]).to be_a(String) expect(subject["format"]).to match(/[A-Z]/) expect(subject['signature']).to match(/[[:alnum:]]{64}/) end it "reads exif" do subject = gps_latitude = subject.exif["GPSLatitude"].split(/\s*,\s*/) gps_longitude = subject.exif["GPSLongitude"].split(/\s*,\s*/) expect(subject["EXIF:ColorSpace"]).to eq "1" expect(gps_latitude.size).to eq 3 expect(gps_longitude.size).to eq 3 end it "passes unknown values directly to -format" do expect(subject["%w %h"] eq [subject[:width], subject[:height]] end end it "has attributes" do expect(subject.type).to match(/^[A-Z]+$/) expect(subject.mime_type).to match(/^image\/[a-z]+$/) expect(subject.width).to be_a(Fixnum).and be_nonzero expect(subject.height).to be_a(Fixnum).and be_nonzero expect(subject.dimensions).to all(be_a(Fixnum)) expect(subject.size).to be_a(Fixnum).and be_nonzero expect(subject.colorspace).to be_a(String) expect(subject.resolution).to all(be_a(Fixnum)) expect(subject.signature).to match(/[[:alnum:]]{64}/) end describe "#exif" do subject { } it "returns a hash of EXIF data" do expect(subject.exif["DateTimeOriginal"]).to be_a(String) end it "decodes the ExifVersion" do expect(subject.exif["ExifVersion"]).to eq("0221") end end describe "#resolution" do it "accepts units", skip_cli: :graphicsmagick do expect(subject.resolution("PixelsPerCentimeter")) .not_to eq subject.resolution("PixelsPerInch") end end describe "#mime_type" do it "returns the correct mime type" do jpg = expect(jpg.mime_type).to eq 'image/jpeg' end end describe "#layers" do it "returns a list of images" do expect(subject.layers).to all(be_a(MiniMagick::Image)) expect(subject.layers.first).to be_valid end it "returns multiple images for GIFs, PDFs and PSDs" do gif = psd = expect(gif.frames.count).to be > 1 expect(psd.layers.count).to be > 1 unless MiniMagick.graphicsmagick? end it "returns one image for other formats" do jpg = expect(jpg.layers.count).to eq 1 end end describe "missing methods" do context "for a known method" do it "is executed by #method_missing" do expect { subject.resize '20x30!' } .to change { subject.dimensions }.to [20, 30] end it "returns self" do expect(subject.resize('20x30!')).to eq subject end it "can be responed to" do expect(subject.respond_to?(:resize)).to eq true end end context "for an unknown method" do it "fails with a NoMethodError" do expect { } .to raise_error(NoMethodError, /MiniMagick::Image/) end it "cannot be responded to" do expect(subject.respond_to?(:foo)).to eq false end end end describe "#combine_options" do it "chains multiple options and executes them in one command" do expect { subject.combine_options { |c| c.resize '20x30!' } }.to change { subject.dimensions }.to [20, 30] end it "doesn't allow calling of #format" do expect { subject.combine_options { |c| c.format("png") } } .to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "returns self" do expect(subject.combine_options {}).to eq subject end end describe "#composite" do let(:other_image) { } let(:mask) { } it "creates a composite of two images" do image = subject.composite(other_image) expect(image).to be_valid end it "creates a composite of two images with mask" do image = subject.composite(other_image, 'jpg', mask) expect(image).to be_valid end it "yields an optional block" do expect { |b| subject.composite(other_image, &b) } .to yield_with_args(an_instance_of(MiniMagick::Tool::Composite)) end it "makes the composited image with the provided extension" do result = subject.composite(other_image, 'png') expect(result.path).to end_with ".png" result = subject.composite(other_image) expect(result.path).to end_with ".jpg" end end describe "#collapse!" do subject { } it "collapses the image to one frame" do subject.collapse! expect(subject.identify.lines.count).to eq 1 end it "keeps the extension" do expect { subject.collapse! } .not_to change { subject.type } end it "clears the info" do expect { subject.collapse! } .to change { subject.size } end it "returns self" do expect(subject.collapse!).to eq subject end end describe "#identify" do it "returns the output of identify" do expect(subject.identify).to match(subject.type) end it "yields an optional block" do output = subject.identify do |b| b.verbose end expect(output).to match("Format:") end end describe "#run_command" do it "runs the given command" do output = subject.run_command("identify", "-format", "%w", subject.path) expect(output).to eq subject.width.to_s end end end end end