module SocialStream module Controllers module Objects extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do inherit_resources before_filter :set_author_ids, :only => [ :new, :create, :update ] before_filter :authenticate_user!, :only => [:new, :edit, :create, :update, :destroy] after_filter :increment_visit_count, :only => :show load_and_authorize_resource :except => [ :new, :index, :search ] respond_to :html, :js # destroy method must be before the one provided by inherited_resources include SocialStream::Controllers::Objects::UpperInstanceMethods end # Methods that should be included after the included block module UpperInstanceMethods def allowed_params [] # This should be overriden in controllers to allow extra params end def whitelisted_params return {} if request.present? and request.get? all_allowed_params = allowed_params + [ :created_at, :updated_at, :title, :description, :author_id, :owner_id, :user_author_id, :_activity_parent_id, :relation_ids, :tag_list ] params.require(self.class.model_class.to_s.underscore.to_sym).permit( *all_allowed_params ) end def search collection_variable_set[:q], search_options) render :layout => false end def destroy @post_activity = resource.post_activity destroy! end private def collection collection_variable_get || collection_variable_set(build_collection) end def build_collection collection = self.class.model_class # @posts = Post # /users/demo/posts if profile_subject? # get posts posted to demo's wall collection = collection.owned_by(profile_subject) # if current_subject != demo, auth filter results unless profile_subject_is_current? collection = collection.shared_with(current_subject) end else # auth filter results collection = collection.shared_with(current_subject) # if logged in, show the posts from the people following if user_signed_in? collection = collection.followed_by(current_subject) end end collection =[:page]) end end protected def increment_visit_count resource.activity_object.increment!(:visit_count) if request.format == 'html' end def set_author_ids resource_params.first[:author_id] = current_subject.try(:actor_id) resource_params.first[:user_author_id] = current_user.try(:actor_id) resource_params.first[:owner_id] ||= current_subject.try(:actor_id) end def collection_variable_get instance_variable_get "@#{ controller_name }" end def collection_variable_set value instance_variable_set "@#{ controller_name }", value end private def search_options opts = search_scope_options # profile_subject if profile_subject.present? opts.deep_merge!( { :with => { :owner_id => profile_subject.actor_id } } ) end # Authentication opts.deep_merge!({ :with => { :relation_ids => Relation.ids_shared_with(current_subject) } } ) # Pagination opts.merge!({ :order => :created_at, :sort_mode => :desc, :per_page => params[:per_page] || self.class.model_class.default_per_page, :page => params[:page] }) opts end def search_scope_options if params[:scope].blank? || ! user_signed_in? return {} end case params[:scope] when "me" { :with => { :author_id => [ current_subject.author_id ] } } when "net" { :with => { :author_id => current_subject.following_actor_and_self_ids } } when "other" { :without => { :author_id => current_subject.following_actor_and_self_ids } } else raise "Unknown search scope #{ params[:scope] }" end end end end end