module EventbriteSDK class Resource class Attributes attr_reader :attrs, :changes def, schema) new({}, schema).tap do |instance| instance.assign_attributes(attrs) end end def initialize(hydrated_attrs = {}, schema = @attrs = {} @changes = {} @schema = schema # Build out initial hash based on schema's defined keys schema.defined_keys.each { |key| bury_attribute(key, nil) } @attrs = attrs.merge(stringify_keys(hydrated_attrs)) end def [](key) public_send(key) end def assign_attributes(new_attrs) stringify_keys(new_attrs).each do |attribute_key, value| assign_value(attribute_key, value) if schema.writeable?(attribute_key) end nil end def changed? changes.any? end def to_h attrs.to_h end def to_json(opts = {}) to_h.to_json(opts) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}: #{JSON.pretty_generate(@attrs.to_h)}>" end def reset! changes.each do |attribute_key, (old_value, _current_value)| bury_attribute(attribute_key, old_value) end @changes = {} true end # Provides changeset in a format that can be thrown at an endpoint # # prefix: This is needed due to inconsistencies in the EB API # Sometimes there's a prefix, sometimes there's not, # sometimes it's singular, sometimes it's plural. # Once the API gets a bit more nomalized we can remove this # alltogether and infer a prefix based # on the class name of the resource def payload(prefix = nil) changes.each_with_object({}) do |(attribute_key, (_, value)), payload| key = if prefix "#{prefix}.#{attribute_key}" else attribute_key end bury(key, value, payload) end end def values attrs.values end private attr_reader :schema def assign_value(attribute_key, value) dirty_check(attribute_key, value) add_rich_value(attribute_key) bury_attribute(attribute_key, value) end def dirty_check(attribute_key, value) initial_value = attrs.dig(*attribute_key.split('.')) if initial_value != value changes[attribute_key] = [initial_value, value] end end def bury_attribute(attribute_key, value) bury(attribute_key, value, attrs) end # Since we use dirty checking to determine what the payload is # you can run into a case where a "rich media" field needs other attrs # Namely timezone, so if a rich date changed, add the tz with it. def add_rich_value(attribute_key) if changes[attribute_key] && attribute_key =~ /\A(.+)\.utc\z/ key_prefix = Regexp.last_match(1) tz = attrs.dig(key_prefix, 'timezone') changes["#{key_prefix}.timezone"] = [tz, tz] end end def bury(attribute_key, value, hash = {}) keys = attribute_key.split '.' # Hand rolling #bury # hopefully we get it in the next release of Ruby keys.each_cons(2).reduce(hash) do |prev_attrs, (key, _)| prev_attrs[key] ||= {} end[keys.last] = value hash end def method_missing(method_name, *_args, &_block) requested_key = method_name.to_s if attrs.has_key?(requested_key) handle_requested_attr(attrs[requested_key]) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, _include_private = false) attrs.has_key?(method_name.to_s) || super end def handle_requested_attr(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) else value end end def stringify_keys(params) { |key, value| [key.to_s, value] }.to_h end end end end