def functions return @functions unless @functions.nil? result = KDoc.model :document do table :rows do fields :category, :name, :alias, :description, :ruby # , f(name: :params, default: [:value]) # context 'when array of string' do # let(:value) { %w[the quick fox] } # it { eq('the,quick,fox') } # end # context 'when array of numbers' do # let(:value) { [1, 2, 3] } # it { eq('1,2,3') } # end # context 'when array of symbol' do # let(:value) { %i[the quick fox] } # it { eq('the,quick,fox') } # end row :a_array , :join , [] , "join an array of values with separator as a string", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? || !value.is_a?(Array) values = value.reject(&:blank?) return '' if separator = ',' value.join(separator) RUBY row :a_array , :join_pre , [] , "join an array of values with separator as a string and using the separator at the beginning of string", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? || !value.is_a?(Array) values = value.reject(&:blank?) return '' if separator = ',' "#{separator}#{value.join(separator)}" RUBY row :a_array , :join_post , [] , "join an array of values with separator as a string and using the separator at the end of string", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? || !value.is_a?(Array) values = value.reject(&:blank?) return '' if separator = ',' "#{value.join(separator)}#{separator}" RUBY row :a_transform , :backslash , [:back_slash] , "convert to back slash notation", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, preserve_case: true, separator: '\\') RUBY row :a_transform , :camel , [:upper_camel, :pascal] , "convert to camel notation", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value).underscore.camelize RUBY row :a_transform , :constant , [:constantize] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: '_').upcase RUBY row :a_transform , :dash , [:dasherize] , "convert to dash notation", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value) RUBY row :a_transform , :dot , [:dotirize] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: '.') RUBY row :a_transform , :double_colon , [] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, preserve_case: true, separator: '::') RUBY row :a_transform , :lower , [:lowercase, :downcase] , "", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? value.downcase RUBY # row :a_transform , :format_as , [] , "", <<-'RUBY' # RUBY row :a_transform , :proper , [] , "Proper case capitalizes the first letter of ALL words in a string", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: ' ', preserve_case: true, compress_prefix_numerals: false, compress_suffix_numerals: false) .titleize RUBY row :a_transform , :sentence , [:human, :humanize] , "Upper case for first letter only. Numbers will maintain their spacing", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: ' ', preserve_case: true, compress_prefix_numerals: false, compress_suffix_numerals: false) .humanize RUBY row :a_transform , :lamel , [:lower_camel] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: '_').camelize(:lower) RUBY row :a_transform , :slash , [:forwardslash, :forward_slash] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, preserve_case: true, separator: '/') RUBY row :a_transform , :snake , [:snake] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: '_', forced_separator: true) RUBY row :a_transform , :title , [:titleize] , "", <<-'RUBY' tokenizer.parse(value, separator: ' ', preserve_case: true, compress_prefix_numerals: false, compress_suffix_numerals: false) .titleize RUBY row :a_transform , :upper , [:upper_case, :upcase] , "", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? value.upcase RUBY row :a_comparison , :and , [:all] , "", <<-'RUBY' values.all? { |value| value } RUBY # DEFAULT does not make sense in comparison row :a_comparison , :default , [:fallback] , "", <<-'RUBY' default_value = values[-1] find_value = values[0..-2].find { |value| !value.nil? } find_value || default_value RUBY row :a_comparison , :eq , [:equal] , "", <<-'RUBY' lhs = lhs.to_s if lhs.is_a?(Symbol) rhs = rhs.to_s if rhs.is_a?(Symbol) lhs == rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :gt , [] , "", <<-'RUBY' lhs > rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :gte , [] , "", <<-'RUBY' lhs >= rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :lt , [:less_than] , "# Lt: (less than) Block helper that renders a block if `a` is **less than** `b`. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.", <<-'RUBY' lhs < rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :lte , [:less_than_or_equal_to] , "# Lte: (less than or equal to) Block helper that renders a block if `a` is **less than or equal to** `b`. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.", <<-'RUBY' lhs <= rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :ne , [:not_equal] , "# Ne: (not equal) Block helper that renders a block if `a` is **not equal to** `b`. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.", <<-'RUBY' lhs = lhs.to_s if lhs.is_a?(Symbol) rhs = rhs.to_s if rhs.is_a?(Symbol) lhs != rhs RUBY row :a_comparison , :or , [:any] , "", <<-'RUBY' values.any? { |value| value } RUBY row :a_inflection , :ordinal , [] , "The suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th", <<-RUBY return '' if value.nil? value = value.to_i if value.is_a? String value.ordinal RUBY row :a_inflection , :ordinalize , [] , "Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.", <<-RUBY return '' if value.nil? value = value.to_i if value.is_a? String value.ordinalize RUBY row :a_inflection , :pluralize , [] , "Returns the plural form of the word in the string", <<-RUBY return '' if value.nil? value = value.to_s if value.is_a?(Symbol) value.pluralize RUBY row :a_inflection , :pluralize_by_number , [] , "Uses both a word and number to decide if the plural or singular form should be used.", <<-'RUBY' return '' if value.nil? count = count.to_i if count.is_a? String format = :word if format.nil? case format.to_sym when :number_word, :number_and_word "#{count} #{value.pluralize(count)}" else # aka :word value.pluralize(count) end RUBY # row :a_inflection , :singularize , [] , "" end end @functions = result.raw_data_struct.rows end @functions = nil