import $ from 'jquery'; import env from '../core/env'; import key from '../core/key'; import func from '../core/func'; import lists from '../core/lists'; import dom from '../core/dom'; import range from '../core/range'; import { readFileAsDataURL, createImage } from '../core/async'; import History from '../editing/History'; import Style from '../editing/Style'; import Typing from '../editing/Typing'; import Table from '../editing/Table'; import Bullet from '../editing/Bullet'; const KEY_BOGUS = 'bogus'; /** * @class Editor */ export default class Editor { constructor(context) { this.context = context; this.$note = context.layoutInfo.note; this.$editor = context.layoutInfo.editor; this.$editable = context.layoutInfo.editable; this.options = context.options; this.lang = this.options.langInfo; this.editable = this.$editable[0]; this.lastRange = null; = new Style(); this.table = new Table(); this.typing = new Typing(); this.bullet = new Bullet(); this.history = new History(this.$editable); this.context.memo('help.undo',; this.context.memo('help.redo',; this.context.memo('',; this.context.memo('help.untab',; this.context.memo('help.insertParagraph',; this.context.memo('help.insertOrderedList',; this.context.memo('help.insertUnorderedList',; this.context.memo('help.indent',; this.context.memo('help.outdent',; this.context.memo('help.formatPara',; this.context.memo('help.insertHorizontalRule',; this.context.memo('help.fontName',; // native commands(with execCommand), generate function for execCommand const commands = [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull', 'formatBlock', 'removeFormat', 'backColor' ]; for (let idx = 0, len = commands.length; idx < len; idx++) { this[commands[idx]] = ((sCmd) => { return (value) => { this.beforeCommand(); document.execCommand(sCmd, false, value); this.afterCommand(true); }; })(commands[idx]); this.context.memo('help.' + commands[idx],[commands[idx]]); } this.fontName = this.wrapCommand((value) => { return this.fontStyling('font-family', "\'" + value + "\'"); }); this.fontSize = this.wrapCommand((value) => { return this.fontStyling('font-size', value + 'px'); }); for (let idx = 1; idx <= 6; idx++) { this['formatH' + idx] = ((idx) => { return () => { this.formatBlock('H' + idx); }; })(idx); this.context.memo('help.formatH' + idx,['formatH' + idx]); }; this.insertParagraph = this.wrapCommand(() => { this.typing.insertParagraph(this.editable); }); this.insertOrderedList = this.wrapCommand(() => { this.bullet.insertOrderedList(this.editable); }); this.insertUnorderedList = this.wrapCommand(() => { this.bullet.insertUnorderedList(this.editable); }); this.indent = this.wrapCommand(() => { this.bullet.indent(this.editable); }); this.outdent = this.wrapCommand(() => { this.bullet.outdent(this.editable); }); /** * insertNode * insert node * @param {Node} node */ this.insertNode = this.wrapCommand((node) => { if (this.isLimited($(node).text().length)) { return; } const rng = this.createRange(); rng.insertNode(node); range.createFromNodeAfter(node).select(); }); /** * insert text * @param {String} text */ this.insertText = this.wrapCommand((text) => { if (this.isLimited(text.length)) { return; } const rng = this.createRange(); const textNode = rng.insertNode(dom.createText(text)); range.create(textNode, dom.nodeLength(textNode)).select(); }); /** * paste HTML * @param {String} markup */ this.pasteHTML = this.wrapCommand((markup) => { if (this.isLimited(markup.length)) { return; } const contents = this.createRange().pasteHTML(markup); range.createFromNodeAfter(lists.last(contents)).select(); }); /** * formatBlock * * @param {String} tagName */ this.formatBlock = this.wrapCommand((tagName, $target) => { const onApplyCustomStyle = this.options.callbacks.onApplyCustomStyle; if (onApplyCustomStyle) {, $target, this.context, this.onFormatBlock); } else { this.onFormatBlock(tagName, $target); } }); /** * insert horizontal rule */ this.insertHorizontalRule = this.wrapCommand(() => { const hrNode = this.createRange().insertNode(dom.create('HR')); if (hrNode.nextSibling) { range.create(hrNode.nextSibling, 0).normalize().select(); } }); /** * lineHeight * @param {String} value */ this.lineHeight = this.wrapCommand((value) => {, { lineHeight: value }); }); /** * create link (command) * * @param {Object} linkInfo */ this.createLink = this.wrapCommand((linkInfo) => { let linkUrl = linkInfo.url; const linkText = linkInfo.text; const isNewWindow = linkInfo.isNewWindow; let rng = linkInfo.range || this.createRange(); const isTextChanged = rng.toString() !== linkText; // handle spaced urls from input if (typeof linkUrl === 'string') { linkUrl = linkUrl.trim(); } if (this.options.onCreateLink) { linkUrl = this.options.onCreateLink(linkUrl); } else { // if url doesn't match an URL schema, set http:// as default linkUrl = /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+-.]*\:[\/\/]?/.test(linkUrl) ? linkUrl : 'http://' + linkUrl; } let anchors = []; if (isTextChanged) { rng = rng.deleteContents(); const anchor = rng.insertNode($('' + linkText + '')[0]); anchors.push(anchor); } else { anchors =, { nodeName: 'A', expandClosestSibling: true, onlyPartialContains: true }); } $.each(anchors, (idx, anchor) => { $(anchor).attr('href', linkUrl); if (isNewWindow) { $(anchor).attr('target', '_blank'); } else { $(anchor).removeAttr('target'); } }); const startRange = range.createFromNodeBefore(lists.head(anchors)); const startPoint = startRange.getStartPoint(); const endRange = range.createFromNodeAfter(lists.last(anchors)); const endPoint = endRange.getEndPoint(); range.create( startPoint.node, startPoint.offset, endPoint.node, endPoint.offset ).select(); }); /** * setting color * * @param {Object} sObjColor color code * @param {String} sObjColor.foreColor foreground color * @param {String} sObjColor.backColor background color */ this.color = this.wrapCommand((colorInfo) => { const foreColor = colorInfo.foreColor; const backColor = colorInfo.backColor; if (foreColor) { document.execCommand('foreColor', false, foreColor); } if (backColor) { document.execCommand('backColor', false, backColor); } }); /** * Set foreground color * * @param {String} colorCode foreground color code */ this.foreColor = this.wrapCommand((colorInfo) => { document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true); document.execCommand('foreColor', false, colorInfo); }); /** * insert Table * * @param {String} dimension of table (ex : "5x5") */ this.insertTable = this.wrapCommand((dim) => { const dimension = dim.split('x'); const rng = this.createRange().deleteContents(); rng.insertNode(this.table.createTable(dimension[0], dimension[1], this.options)); }); /** * remove media object and Figure Elements if media object is img with Figure. */ this.removeMedia = this.wrapCommand(() => { let $target = $(this.restoreTarget()).parent(); if ($target.parent('figure').length) { $target.parent('figure').remove(); } else { $target = $(this.restoreTarget()).detach(); } this.context.triggerEvent('media.delete', $target, this.$editable); }); /** * float me * * @param {String} value */ this.floatMe = this.wrapCommand((value) => { const $target = $(this.restoreTarget()); $target.toggleClass('note-float-left', value === 'left'); $target.toggleClass('note-float-right', value === 'right'); $target.css('float', value); }); /** * resize overlay element * @param {String} value */ this.resize = this.wrapCommand((value) => { const $target = $(this.restoreTarget()); $target.css({ width: value * 100 + '%', height: '' }); }); } initialize() { // bind custom events this.$editable.on('keydown', (event) => { if (event.keyCode === key.code.ENTER) { this.context.triggerEvent('enter', event); } this.context.triggerEvent('keydown', event); if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (this.options.shortcuts) { this.handleKeyMap(event); } else { this.preventDefaultEditableShortCuts(event); } } if (this.isLimited(1, event)) { return false; } }).on('keyup', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('keyup', event); }).on('focus', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('focus', event); }).on('blur', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('blur', event); }).on('mousedown', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('mousedown', event); }).on('mouseup', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('mouseup', event); }).on('scroll', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('scroll', event); }).on('paste', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('paste', event); }); // init content before set event this.$editable.html(dom.html(this.$note) || dom.emptyPara); this.$editable.on(env.inputEventName, func.debounce(() => { this.context.triggerEvent('change', this.$editable.html()); }, 100)); this.$editor.on('focusin', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('focusin', event); }).on('focusout', (event) => { this.context.triggerEvent('focusout', event); }); if (!this.options.airMode) { if (this.options.width) { this.$editor.outerWidth(this.options.width); } if (this.options.height) { this.$editable.outerHeight(this.options.height); } if (this.options.maxHeight) { this.$editable.css('max-height', this.options.maxHeight); } if (this.options.minHeight) { this.$editable.css('min-height', this.options.minHeight); } } this.history.recordUndo(); } destroy() { this.$; } handleKeyMap(event) { const keyMap = this.options.keyMap[env.isMac ? 'mac' : 'pc']; const keys = []; if (event.metaKey) { keys.push('CMD'); } if (event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { keys.push('CTRL'); } if (event.shiftKey) { keys.push('SHIFT'); } const keyName = key.nameFromCode[event.keyCode]; if (keyName) { keys.push(keyName); } const eventName = keyMap[keys.join('+')]; if (eventName) { if (this.context.invoke(eventName) !== false) { event.preventDefault(); } } else if (key.isEdit(event.keyCode)) { this.afterCommand(); } } preventDefaultEditableShortCuts(event) { // B(Bold, 66) / I(Italic, 73) / U(Underline, 85) if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && lists.contains([66, 73, 85], event.keyCode)) { event.preventDefault(); } } isLimited(pad, event) { pad = pad || 0; if (typeof event !== 'undefined') { if (key.isMove(event.keyCode) || (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) || lists.contains([key.code.BACKSPACE, key.code.DELETE], event.keyCode)) { return false; } } if (this.options.maxTextLength > 0) { if ((this.$editable.text().length + pad) >= this.options.maxTextLength) { return true; } } return false; } /** * create range * @return {WrappedRange} */ createRange() { this.focus(); return range.create(this.editable); } /** * saveRange * * save current range * * @param {Boolean} [thenCollapse=false] */ saveRange(thenCollapse) { this.lastRange = this.createRange(); if (thenCollapse) { this.lastRange.collapse().select(); } } /** * restoreRange * * restore lately range */ restoreRange() { if (this.lastRange) {; this.focus(); } } saveTarget(node) { this.$'target', node); } clearTarget() { this.$editable.removeData('target'); } restoreTarget() { return this.$'target'); } /** * currentStyle * * current style * @return {Object|Boolean} unfocus */ currentStyle() { let rng = range.create(); if (rng) { rng = rng.normalize(); } return rng ? :$editable); } /** * style from node * * @param {jQuery} $node * @return {Object} */ styleFromNode($node) { return$node); } /** * undo */ undo() { this.context.triggerEvent('before.command', this.$editable.html()); this.history.undo(); this.context.triggerEvent('change', this.$editable.html()); } /** * redo */ redo() { this.context.triggerEvent('before.command', this.$editable.html()); this.history.redo(); this.context.triggerEvent('change', this.$editable.html()); } /** * before command */ beforeCommand() { this.context.triggerEvent('before.command', this.$editable.html()); // keep focus on editable before command execution this.focus(); } /** * after command * @param {Boolean} isPreventTrigger */ afterCommand(isPreventTrigger) { this.normalizeContent(); this.history.recordUndo(); if (!isPreventTrigger) { this.context.triggerEvent('change', this.$editable.html()); } } /** * handle tab key */ tab() { const rng = this.createRange(); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) {; } else { if (this.options.tabSize === 0) { return false; } if (!this.isLimited(this.options.tabSize)) { this.beforeCommand(); this.typing.insertTab(rng, this.options.tabSize); this.afterCommand(); } } } /** * handle shift+tab key */ untab() { const rng = this.createRange(); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) {, true); } else { if (this.options.tabSize === 0) { return false; } } } /** * run given function between beforeCommand and afterCommand */ wrapCommand(fn) { return () => { this.beforeCommand(); fn.apply(this, arguments); this.afterCommand(); }; } /** * insert image * * @param {String} src * @param {String|Function} param * @return {Promise} */ insertImage(src, param) { return createImage(src, param).then(($image) => { this.beforeCommand(); if (typeof param === 'function') { param($image); } else { if (typeof param === 'string') { $image.attr('data-filename', param); } $image.css('width', Math.min(this.$editable.width(), $image.width())); } $; range.create(this.editable).insertNode($image[0]); range.createFromNodeAfter($image[0]).select(); this.afterCommand(); }).fail((e) => { this.context.triggerEvent('image.upload.error', e); }); } /** * insertImages * @param {File[]} files */ insertImages(files) { $.each(files, (idx, file) => { const filename =; if (this.options.maximumImageFileSize && this.options.maximumImageFileSize < file.size) { this.context.triggerEvent('image.upload.error', this.lang.image.maximumFileSizeError); } else { readFileAsDataURL(file).then((dataURL) => { return this.insertImage(dataURL, filename); }).fail(() => { this.context.triggerEvent('image.upload.error'); }); } }); } /** * insertImagesOrCallback * @param {File[]} files */ insertImagesOrCallback(files) { const callbacks = this.options.callbacks; // If onImageUpload this.options setted if (callbacks.onImageUpload) { this.context.triggerEvent('image.upload', files); // else insert Image as dataURL } else { this.insertImages(files); } } /** * return selected plain text * @return {String} text */ getSelectedText() { let rng = this.createRange(); // if range on anchor, expand range with anchor if (rng.isOnAnchor()) { rng = range.createFromNode(dom.ancestor(, dom.isAnchor)); } return rng.toString(); } onFormatBlock(tagName, $target) { // [workaround] for MSIE, IE need `<` tagName = env.isMSIE ? '<' + tagName + '>' : tagName; document.execCommand('FormatBlock', false, tagName); // support custom class if ($target && $target.length) { const className = $target[0].className || ''; if (className) { const currentRange = this.createRange(); const $parent = $([,]).closest(tagName); $parent.addClass(className); } } } formatPara() { this.formatBlock('P'); } fontStyling(target, value) { const rng = this.createRange(); if (rng) { const spans =; $(spans).css(target, value); // [workaround] added styled bogus span for style // - also bogus character needed for cursor position if (rng.isCollapsed()) { const firstSpan = lists.head(spans); if (firstSpan && !dom.nodeLength(firstSpan)) { firstSpan.innerHTML = dom.ZERO_WIDTH_NBSP_CHAR; range.createFromNodeAfter(firstSpan.firstChild).select(); this.$, firstSpan); } } } } /** * unlink * * @type command */ unlink() { let rng = this.createRange(); if (rng.isOnAnchor()) { const anchor = dom.ancestor(, dom.isAnchor); rng = range.createFromNode(anchor);; this.beforeCommand(); document.execCommand('unlink'); this.afterCommand(); } } /** * returns link info * * @return {Object} * @return {WrappedRange} return.range * @return {String} return.text * @return {Boolean} [return.isNewWindow=true] * @return {String} [return.url=""] */ getLinkInfo() { const rng = this.createRange().expand(dom.isAnchor); // Get the first anchor on range(for edit). const $anchor = $(lists.head(rng.nodes(dom.isAnchor))); const linkInfo = { range: rng, text: rng.toString(), url: $anchor.length ? $anchor.attr('href') : '' }; // Define isNewWindow when anchor exists. if ($anchor.length) { linkInfo.isNewWindow = $anchor.attr('target') === '_blank'; } return linkInfo; } addRow(position) { const rng = this.createRange(this.$editable); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) { this.beforeCommand(); this.table.addRow(rng, position); this.afterCommand(); } } addCol(position) { const rng = this.createRange(this.$editable); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) { this.beforeCommand(); this.table.addCol(rng, position); this.afterCommand(); } } deleteRow() { const rng = this.createRange(this.$editable); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) { this.beforeCommand(); this.table.deleteRow(rng); this.afterCommand(); } } deleteCol() { const rng = this.createRange(this.$editable); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) { this.beforeCommand(); this.table.deleteCol(rng); this.afterCommand(); } } deleteTable() { const rng = this.createRange(this.$editable); if (rng.isCollapsed() && rng.isOnCell()) { this.beforeCommand(); this.table.deleteTable(rng); this.afterCommand(); } } /** * @param {Position} pos * @param {jQuery} $target - target element * @param {Boolean} [bKeepRatio] - keep ratio */ resizeTo(pos, $target, bKeepRatio) { let imageSize; if (bKeepRatio) { const newRatio = pos.y / pos.x; const ratio = $'ratio'); imageSize = { width: ratio > newRatio ? pos.x : pos.y / ratio, height: ratio > newRatio ? pos.x * ratio : pos.y }; } else { imageSize = { width: pos.x, height: pos.y }; } $target.css(imageSize); } /** * returns whether editable area has focus or not. */ hasFocus() { return this.$':focus'); } /** * set focus */ focus() { // [workaround] Screen will move when page is scolled in IE. // - do focus when not focused if (!this.hasFocus()) { this.$editable.focus(); } } /** * returns whether contents is empty or not. * @return {Boolean} */ isEmpty() { return dom.isEmpty(this.$editable[0]) || dom.emptyPara === this.$editable.html(); } /** * Removes all contents and restores the editable instance to an _emptyPara_. */ empty() { this.context.invoke('code', dom.emptyPara); } /** * normalize content */ normalizeContent() { this.$editable[0].normalize(); } }