/*! CSS rel=preload polyfill. Depends on loadCSS function. [c]2016 @scottjehl, Filament Group, Inc. Licensed MIT */ (function( w ){ // rel=preload support test if( !w.loadCSS ){ return; } var rp = loadCSS.relpreload = {}; rp.support = function(){ try { return w.document.createElement( "link" ).relList.supports( "preload" ); } catch (e) { return false; } }; // loop preload links and fetch using loadCSS rp.poly = function(){ var links = w.document.getElementsByTagName( "link" ); for( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ){ var link = links[ i ]; if( link.rel === "preload" && link.getAttribute( "as" ) === "style" ){ w.loadCSS( link.href, link ); link.rel = null; } } }; // if link[rel=preload] is not supported, we must fetch the CSS manually using loadCSS if( !rp.support() ){ rp.poly(); var run = w.setInterval( rp.poly, 300 ); if( w.addEventListener ){ w.addEventListener( "load", function(){ w.clearInterval( run ); } ); } if( w.attachEvent ){ w.attachEvent( "onload", function(){ w.clearInterval( run ); } ) } } }( this ));