$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("../lib", File.dirname(__FILE__)) FAKE_RAILS_ROOT = './tmp/pspecs/fixtures' require 'tempfile' require 'parallel_tests' require 'parallel_tests/test/runner' require 'parallel_tests/test/runtime_logger' require 'parallel_tests/rspec/runner' require 'parallel_tests/rspec/runtime_logger' require 'parallel_tests/rspec/summary_logger' require 'parallel_tests/cucumber/runner' OutputLogger = Struct.new(:output) do attr_reader :flock, :flush def puts(s=nil) self.output << s.to_s end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.after do ENV.delete("TEST_ENV_NUMBER") end end def mocked_process open('|cat /dev/null') end def size_of(group) group.inject(0) { |sum, test| sum += File.stat(test).size } end # Uses /tmp/parallel_tests/application as the cwd so we can create and remove # files as we want to. After execution it changes cwd back to the original one. def use_temporary_directory_for require 'fileutils' dir = File.join("/tmp", "parallel_tests") new_dir = File.join(dir, "application") begin # just in case the temporary dir already exists FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) if File.exists?(dir) # create the temporary directory FileUtils.mkdir_p(new_dir) # chdir changes cwd back to the original one after it is done Dir.chdir(new_dir) do yield end ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) if File.exists?(dir) end end def test_tests_in_groups(klass, folder, suffix) test_root = "#{FAKE_RAILS_ROOT}/#{folder}" describe :tests_in_groups do before :all do system "rm -rf #{FAKE_RAILS_ROOT}; mkdir -p #{test_root}/temp" @files = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7].map do |i| size = 99 file = "#{test_root}/temp/x#{i}#{suffix}" File.open(file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'x' * size } file end @log = klass.runtime_log `mkdir -p #{File.dirname(@log)}` `rm -f #{@log}` end after :all do `rm -f #{klass.runtime_log}` end def setup_runtime_log File.open(@log,'w') do |f| @files[1..-1].each{|file| f.puts "#{file}:#{@files.index(file)}"} f.puts "#{@files[0]}:10" end end it "groups when given an array of files" do list_of_files = Dir["#{test_root}/**/*#{suffix}"] found = klass.with_runtime_info(list_of_files) found.should =~ list_of_files.map{ |file| [file, File.stat(file).size]} end it "finds all tests" do found = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 1) all = [ Dir["#{test_root}/**/*#{suffix}"] ] (found.flatten - all.flatten).should == [] end it "partitions them into groups by equal size" do groups = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 2) groups.map{|g| size_of(g)}.should == [400, 400] end it 'should partition correctly with a group size of 4' do groups = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 4) groups.map{|g| size_of(g)}.should == [200, 200, 200, 200] end it 'should partition correctly with an uneven group size' do groups = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 3) groups.map{|g| size_of(g)}.should =~ [300, 300, 200] end it "partitions by runtime when runtime-data is available" do klass.stub!(:puts) setup_runtime_log groups = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 2) groups.size.should == 2 # 10 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 19 groups[0].should == [@files[0],@files[1],@files[3],@files[5]] # 2 + 4 + 6 + 7 = 19 groups[1].should == [@files[2],@files[4],@files[6],@files[7]] end it "alpha-sorts partitions when runtime-data is available" do klass.stub!(:puts) setup_runtime_log groups = klass.tests_in_groups([test_root], 2) groups.size.should == 2 groups[0].should == groups[0].sort groups[1].should == groups[1].sort end it "partitions by round-robin when not sorting" do files = ["file1.rb", "file2.rb", "file3.rb", "file4.rb"] klass.should_receive(:find_tests).and_return(files) groups = klass.tests_in_groups(files, 2, :group_by => :found).sort groups[0].should == ["file1.rb", "file3.rb"] groups[1].should == ["file2.rb", "file4.rb"] end it "alpha-sorts partitions when not sorting by runtime" do files = %w[q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m] klass.should_receive(:find_tests).and_return(files) groups = klass.tests_in_groups(files, 2, :group_by => :found).sort groups[0].should == groups[0].sort groups[1].should == groups[1].sort end end end